Research Article
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Toxic - Hazardous Substances Found in Plants in a Natural Pasture Protected from Grazing and Their Effects on Animals

Year 2018, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 97 - 103, 31.01.2018


The study was conducted to determine plants possibly toxic-hazardous to
animals in the floristic composition of a natural pasture protected from
grazing for long years. The study area was a 30 hectares area located in the
military garrison of the Tokat province, on which studies were carried out
between the years 1993-2012. In the floristic composition of the study area,
211 plant species belonging to 37 families and 132 genera were identified. 53
species, which make up 25.1% of the species identified and which belong to 19
families and 36 genera were recognized as possibly toxic-hazardous to animal
health and products due to the chemicals they contain. The weight of
toxic-hazardous plants in the total dry herbage yield (12.025
kg ha-1)
of the study area was 12% in total (approximately 1.440
kg ha-1), of which 10% came from 13 plants
belonging to the legumes family and 2% came from 40 plant species belonging to
18 other families.


  • [1] Baytop T, Treatment with plants in Turkey (Then and Now), Nobel Medicine Publishing Ltd. Co., 2. Pres, Istanbul, 480 p., (1999). [2] Genckan M.S, Rehabilitation of Meadow-Range Culture Management, Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture Pub. No: 483, 2nd Edition, Bornova-Izmir, 655 p., (1992). [3] Tukel T, and Hatipoglu R, Toxic plants in grassland and the effects on animals, Journal of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, May-June, Volume: 139: 40-43, (2001). [4] Tongel O.M, and Ayan I, The Effects on Some Harmful Plants and Animals Growing in Samsun Province Meadow Range Areas, Ondokuzmayis University, Journal of Faculty of Agricultural, 20 (1): 84-93, (2005). [5] Balabanli C, Albayrak S, Turk M, and Yuksel O, Some harmful plants found in Turkey meadow marsh and effects on animals, Suleyman Demirel University, Journal of Faculty of Forestry, S: A, Volume: 2. p. 89-96, ISSN: 1302-7085, (2006). [6] Davis P.H, Flora of Turkey and East Aegean Islands, Vol: 1-10, Edinburg Univ., (1965). [7] Tanker M, and Tanker N, Farmakognozi (Volume I), Ozısık Printer, Istanbul, (1973). [8] Boudjikanian H.A, Abdel-Gawad M.M, and Raynaud J, The sulfur-glycosides of Fibigia eriocarpa, Planta Med. 26(6):144-149, (1974). [9] Cooper M.R, and Johnson A.W, Poisonous plants in Britain and their effects on animals and man, Ministry of Agr. Fishery and Food, Reference Book 161, 305 p., (1984). [10] Aynehchi Y, Sormaghi S.M.H, Amin G.H, Khoshkhow M, and Shabani A, Survey of Iranian Plants For Saponins, Alkoloids, Flavonoids And Tannins, III. Int. J. Crude Drug Res. 23, No. 1, pp: 33-41, (1985). [11] Tosun F, and Altin M, Cultures of Meadow-Pasture Plate and Usage Methods, Ondokuzmayis Univ. Agriculture of Faculty Publishing, No: 9, Samsun, (1986). [12] Itokura Y, Habermehl G, and Mebs D, Tannins Occuring in the Toxie Brazilian Plants, Herbology Abstract Volume: 58, No: 12, (1988). [13] Manga I, and Acar Z, General Principles of Feed Culture (Lecture notes), Ondokuzmayis University Publishing, No: 37, Samsun, (1988). [14] Mckenzie R.A, Dunstar P.J, and Burchills J.C, Smartweeds Polygonum spp. and Photosensitisation of Cattle, Herb. Abst. Vol: 59, No: 5, (1989). [15] Demir E, and Iptas S, Nutritional Disorders and Poisoning Emerging from Ruminants, Turkey 3. Pastures-Meadow and Forage Congress, 17-19 June, Erzurum, (1996). [16] Celik N, and Bulur V, Meadow Poisoning and Nutrition Disorders in Meadow-Pasture and Forage Pots, Turkey 3. Meadow and Forage Congress, 17-19 June, Erzurum, (1996). [17] Bedir E, Calis I, Aquino R, Piacente S, and Pizza C, Cycloartane Triterpene Glycosides from the Roots of Astragalus brachypterus and Astragalus microcephalus, J. Nat. Prod. 61. 1469-1472, (1998). [18] Gokkus A, Foreign Plant War in Meadow and Pastures, Meadow-pasture management and rehabilitation, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, General Directorate of Agricultural Production and Development Matsa Press, Ankara, (1999). [19] Acikgöz E, Forages, Uludag University Publishing: 633. 2, Bursa, 408 p, (2001). [20] Ergun A, Colpan I, Yildiz G, Kucukersan M.K, and Sehu A, Feeds, Feed Hygiene and Technology, Ankara University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Nutrition and Nutrition Diseases, S:12-55, 318-344. Ankara, (2002). [21] Pistelli L, Giachi I, Lepori E, and Bertoli A, Further Saponins and Flavonoids from Astragalus verrucosus Moris. Pharma., Biology. Vol: 41, No: 8, pp: 568-572, (2003). [22] Rabson S, Nitrate and nitrite poisoning in livestock, New DpiPrimefacts,415,1-4, (2007). [23] Allison CD, Nitrate poisoning of livestock, Harding Co, Extension Ser, 6 (1):2-3, (2008). [24] Gapparov A.M, Razzakov N.A, Abdullabekov S.M, and Aripova S.F, Alkoloids from Convolvulus lineatus and C. olgae growing in Uzbekistan, Chemistry of Natural Compounds, Vol.44, No.2, pp:270-271, (2008). [25] Ozturk M, Uysal I, Gucel S, Mert T, Akcicek E, and Celik S, Ethnoecology of Poisonous Plants of Turkey and Northern Cyperus, Pak. J. Bot., 40 (4):1359-1386, (2008). [26] Nizamlioglu N.M, Nas S, The Phenolic Compounds in Vegetables and Fruit; Structures and Their Importance, Electronic Journal of Food Technologies Vol: 5, No: 1, 2010 (20-35), (2010). [27] [28] Brohi A.R, and Aydeniz A, Fertilizers and Fertilization, Cumhuriyet University, Faculty of Agriculture Publications: 10, Course Book: 3, Tokat, 880 p., (1991). [29], (2012a). [30], (2012b). [31], (2012c). [32], (2012d). [33], (2012e). [34] http://en., (2012f). [35], (2012g). [36], (2012h).

Otlatmadan Korunan Doğal Bir Meradaki Bitkilerde Bulunan Zehirli - Zararlı Maddeler ve Hayvanlar Üzerindeki Etkileri

Year 2018, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 97 - 103, 31.01.2018


uzun yıllardır otlatmadan korunan doğal bir meranın floristik kompozisyonunda,
hayvanlar için zehirli-zararlı olabilecek bitkilerin belirlenmesi amacıyla
yürütülmüştür. Araştırma alanı Tokat ili askeri garnizonunda bulunan ve
üzerinde 1993-2012 yılları arasında çalışmalar yapılan 30 hektarlık bir
alandır. Araştırma alanının floristik kompozisyonunda
familya ve 132 cinse ait 211
bitki türü tespit edilmiştir. Bunların sayısal olarak
%25.1’ini oluşturan 19 familyaya ve 36 cinse ait 53 türün içerdikleri
kimyasallardan dolayı hayvanların sağlığına ve ürünlerine zehirli-zararlı
olabileceği belirlenmiştir. Araştırma alanındaki toplam kuru ot verimi (12.025
kg/ha) içindeki zehirli-zararlı bitkilerin ağırlığının %10’unu
(yaklaşık 1.440 kg/ha) baklagil familyasının 13, %2’sini ise diğer 18 familyaya
ait 40 bitki türü olmak üzere toplam %12’sini oluşturduğu hesaplanmıştır.


  • [1] Baytop T, Treatment with plants in Turkey (Then and Now), Nobel Medicine Publishing Ltd. Co., 2. Pres, Istanbul, 480 p., (1999). [2] Genckan M.S, Rehabilitation of Meadow-Range Culture Management, Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture Pub. No: 483, 2nd Edition, Bornova-Izmir, 655 p., (1992). [3] Tukel T, and Hatipoglu R, Toxic plants in grassland and the effects on animals, Journal of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, May-June, Volume: 139: 40-43, (2001). [4] Tongel O.M, and Ayan I, The Effects on Some Harmful Plants and Animals Growing in Samsun Province Meadow Range Areas, Ondokuzmayis University, Journal of Faculty of Agricultural, 20 (1): 84-93, (2005). [5] Balabanli C, Albayrak S, Turk M, and Yuksel O, Some harmful plants found in Turkey meadow marsh and effects on animals, Suleyman Demirel University, Journal of Faculty of Forestry, S: A, Volume: 2. p. 89-96, ISSN: 1302-7085, (2006). [6] Davis P.H, Flora of Turkey and East Aegean Islands, Vol: 1-10, Edinburg Univ., (1965). [7] Tanker M, and Tanker N, Farmakognozi (Volume I), Ozısık Printer, Istanbul, (1973). [8] Boudjikanian H.A, Abdel-Gawad M.M, and Raynaud J, The sulfur-glycosides of Fibigia eriocarpa, Planta Med. 26(6):144-149, (1974). [9] Cooper M.R, and Johnson A.W, Poisonous plants in Britain and their effects on animals and man, Ministry of Agr. Fishery and Food, Reference Book 161, 305 p., (1984). [10] Aynehchi Y, Sormaghi S.M.H, Amin G.H, Khoshkhow M, and Shabani A, Survey of Iranian Plants For Saponins, Alkoloids, Flavonoids And Tannins, III. Int. J. Crude Drug Res. 23, No. 1, pp: 33-41, (1985). [11] Tosun F, and Altin M, Cultures of Meadow-Pasture Plate and Usage Methods, Ondokuzmayis Univ. Agriculture of Faculty Publishing, No: 9, Samsun, (1986). [12] Itokura Y, Habermehl G, and Mebs D, Tannins Occuring in the Toxie Brazilian Plants, Herbology Abstract Volume: 58, No: 12, (1988). [13] Manga I, and Acar Z, General Principles of Feed Culture (Lecture notes), Ondokuzmayis University Publishing, No: 37, Samsun, (1988). [14] Mckenzie R.A, Dunstar P.J, and Burchills J.C, Smartweeds Polygonum spp. and Photosensitisation of Cattle, Herb. Abst. Vol: 59, No: 5, (1989). [15] Demir E, and Iptas S, Nutritional Disorders and Poisoning Emerging from Ruminants, Turkey 3. Pastures-Meadow and Forage Congress, 17-19 June, Erzurum, (1996). [16] Celik N, and Bulur V, Meadow Poisoning and Nutrition Disorders in Meadow-Pasture and Forage Pots, Turkey 3. Meadow and Forage Congress, 17-19 June, Erzurum, (1996). [17] Bedir E, Calis I, Aquino R, Piacente S, and Pizza C, Cycloartane Triterpene Glycosides from the Roots of Astragalus brachypterus and Astragalus microcephalus, J. Nat. Prod. 61. 1469-1472, (1998). [18] Gokkus A, Foreign Plant War in Meadow and Pastures, Meadow-pasture management and rehabilitation, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, General Directorate of Agricultural Production and Development Matsa Press, Ankara, (1999). [19] Acikgöz E, Forages, Uludag University Publishing: 633. 2, Bursa, 408 p, (2001). [20] Ergun A, Colpan I, Yildiz G, Kucukersan M.K, and Sehu A, Feeds, Feed Hygiene and Technology, Ankara University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Nutrition and Nutrition Diseases, S:12-55, 318-344. Ankara, (2002). [21] Pistelli L, Giachi I, Lepori E, and Bertoli A, Further Saponins and Flavonoids from Astragalus verrucosus Moris. Pharma., Biology. Vol: 41, No: 8, pp: 568-572, (2003). [22] Rabson S, Nitrate and nitrite poisoning in livestock, New DpiPrimefacts,415,1-4, (2007). [23] Allison CD, Nitrate poisoning of livestock, Harding Co, Extension Ser, 6 (1):2-3, (2008). [24] Gapparov A.M, Razzakov N.A, Abdullabekov S.M, and Aripova S.F, Alkoloids from Convolvulus lineatus and C. olgae growing in Uzbekistan, Chemistry of Natural Compounds, Vol.44, No.2, pp:270-271, (2008). [25] Ozturk M, Uysal I, Gucel S, Mert T, Akcicek E, and Celik S, Ethnoecology of Poisonous Plants of Turkey and Northern Cyperus, Pak. J. Bot., 40 (4):1359-1386, (2008). [26] Nizamlioglu N.M, Nas S, The Phenolic Compounds in Vegetables and Fruit; Structures and Their Importance, Electronic Journal of Food Technologies Vol: 5, No: 1, 2010 (20-35), (2010). [27] [28] Brohi A.R, and Aydeniz A, Fertilizers and Fertilization, Cumhuriyet University, Faculty of Agriculture Publications: 10, Course Book: 3, Tokat, 880 p., (1991). [29], (2012a). [30], (2012b). [31], (2012c). [32], (2012d). [33], (2012e). [34] http://en., (2012f). [35], (2012g). [36], (2012h).
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Mustafa Yılmaz

Publication Date January 31, 2018
Submission Date June 28, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 6 Issue: 1


IEEE M. Yılmaz, “Otlatmadan Korunan Doğal Bir Meradaki Bitkilerde Bulunan Zehirli - Zararlı Maddeler ve Hayvanlar Üzerindeki Etkileri”, APJES, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 97–103, 2018, doi: 10.21541/apjes.323941.