Writing Rules

Authors are encouraged to follow the following principles before submitting their article:

  • The articles must be written in English.
  • The author(s) guarantee(s) that the manuscript itself or any substantially similar content of the manuscript has not been published or is being considered for publication elsewhere.
  • The manuscript is to be written in the WORD format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references must be provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 10-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end. All figures, graphics, photographs and tables are to be given in the main text where they are mentioned and transferred to the electronic medium.
  • The figures, photographs, graphics should be presented in the JPG, or TIFF format.
  • The title of the article should be suitable to the contents of the article and be understandable. All headings should be highlighted in boldface.
  • All acknowledgements (including those concerning research grants and funding provided by individual(s) or institution(s)) should be placed in a separate section at the end of the article.
  • The sections of the manuscripts (other than the abstract, acknowledgement and the references), should be given numbers. These sections should be organized in the following order: Abstracts, Manuscripts, Acknowledgements (if necessary) and the References.
  • The mathematical expressions should be written by using an "equation editor". The equations must be numbered within parenthesis.
  • The main text should be formed in the following order:

a) Abstract: The maximum length of the abstract must be 250 words. There should be 1 (one) line space left between the abstract and the key words which should not be less than 3 (three) in number and should be written in italics. Mathematical expressions must not be included in the abstract.

b) Manuscript: The article should start with an introduction written in scientific language, putting thoughts together from diverse disciplines combining evidence-based knowledge and logical arguments, conveying views about the aim and purpose of the article. It must address all readers in general. The technical terms, symbols, abbreviations must be defined at the first time when they are used in the article. The manuscript should be formed in the following order:

  • Introduction,
  • Material and Method,
  • Findings,
  • Discussion and Conclusion.

All these sections should be numbered. The text can also have sub-headings and sub-titles (2.1, 2.2, ...etc.).

c) References: All references must be numbered in square brackets as shown at the end of this sentence [1]. The end of the document should include a list of references containing information similar to the following examples:

Note: It is mandatory to use IEEE system as citation reference style. The author can generate an appropriate IEEE citation reference format for each of articles by using following URL address’
https://www.refme.com/citation-generator/ieee/ or

i. Article [1] A. Z. Bir, H.T. Kuloglu, Y. Baykal and Y. Cai, "Beam wander characteristics of cos and cosh-Gaussian beams,", Appl. Phys. B, vol. 95, no 4, pp. 763-771, May 2009.

ii. Book [1] A. Lister, Fundamentals of Operating Systems, New York: Springer-Verlag, 1984.

iii. Thesis [1] Gergün Seçil, "Representations of functions harmonic in the upper half-plane and their applications", Ph. D. thesis, Bilkent University Institute of Engineering and Science, Ankara, 2003.

iv. Presentations at Meetings and Conferences
[1] B. Küçükali, and L. Kandiller, "Deniz Harbinde Filo Konuşlandırma Problemi ve Akaryakıt Tüketim Simülasyonu", Savunma Teknolojileri Kongresi SAVTEK 2002, Odtü, Ankara, 263-271, (2002).
[2] D. Baleanu, "Variational formulation of the Schrödinger field", in Proceedings of XII International Colloquium on Quantum Groups and Integrable Systems, (June 12-14, Prague, Czech Republic, 2003), Czech. J. Phys. 53 (11) 971-976, (2003).

v. Report [1] A. S. Camtepe, S. Albayrak, and B. Yener, "Optimally Increasing Secure Connectivity in Multihop Wireless Adhoc Networks" Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Department of Computer Science Technical Report TR-09-01, (2009).

vi. Articles in the Magazines and Newspapers
[1] H. M. Şahin, and T. Altunok , "The Renewable Nuclear Energy Sources ", Eco Energy (Monthly Economic and Political Magazine), Volume 37, February 2015.

vii. URL references (e-encyclopeadias, e-books and e-journals)
[1] Wikipedia, URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E-mail_address_harvesting (Visited on Feb. 8, 2010).

Checklist for Submitted Articles
Articles must be complete. They must include the following:

  • Cover Letter
  • Title Page
  • Article sections
  • English title
  • Abstract (250 words)
  • Keywords (minimum 3)
  • Article divided into appropriate sections
  • Complete and accurate references and citations
  • List of references styled according to “journal requirements”
  • All figures (with legends) and tables (with titles) cited.
  • Copyright Form signed by all authors.

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