Application Process

1.      The manuscripts submitted to ATA Journal of Planning and Design should be original works that have never been published in any media before. Manuscripts should not be included in the evaluation process of another publication during the application.

2.      Authors who wish to send manuscripts for publication should submit their manuscripts to the journal by electronic application on Dergipark. Submission of any manuscript to electronic application page of Dergipark is accepted as an application for publication and evaluation process starts.

3.      All the transactions from the date of application to publication of manuscript are performed in electronic area via Dergipark. Authors should follow the publication process through Dergipark.

4.      Since the name and contact information used in the correspondence will be added to the responsible author part of the works which are worth to be published, the authors should use the names used in the academic activities during the correspondence.

Last Update Time: 11/28/20, 1:37:33 AM