Writing Rules

Articles submitted to Akdeniz İİBF Journal are accepted only through the Dergipark system. If the following rules are not respected, article submissions will be rejected without proceeding to the refereeing process. An author may not publish more than one work in the same issue or in two consecutive issues, even if the work is multi-authored.

1. The study must comply with the rules of grammar and spelling; the latest TDK Spelling Guide should be taken as basis in the use of punctuation marks and the spelling of words and abbreviations.

2. All authors must have ORCID information according to the TR Index rules.

3. The submitted article must be original, not previously published elsewhere, and not submitted for evaluation to be published elsewhere and/or in another language.

4. The Turnitin report of the study should be checked before submission (the study should not be saved in the Turnitin repository while checking). Submissions with a similarity rate of more than 15% will be rejected without evaluation, even if they are produced from graduate theses.

5. Submission fee will not be refunded for manuscripts withdrawn by the authors at any time.

6. The files that need to be uploaded to the system for the submission are as follows:

  • Title Page: Author names in order, ORCID numbers, e-mail addresses and institutional information of the authors should be given. Corresponding author should be indicated and telephone number of the corresponding author should be included. All kinds of information that will affect the refereeing process such as acknowledgements, if any, funding received for the research and whether the study was produced from the thesis, etc. should also be included in this section.
  • Copyright transfer form: Each author must fill in and sign separately. Copyright Transfer Form
  • Ethical declaration form: Each author must fill in and sign separately. Please upload with the additional file option. Ethical Declaration Form
  • Ethics Committee Approval: For studies that require Ethics Committee approval, "Ethics Committee Approval" should also be uploaded to the system with the additional file option.
  • Full text file: There should not be any information such as name, surname, institution, contact information, etc. that would reveal the identity of the authors.
  • Bank receipt: The submission fee, the dollar equivalent of 750 TL, should be deposited into İş Bank "İİBF Dergisi" IBAN: TR390006400000162020432141 and the bank receipt should be uploaded to the system with the additional file option. The application fee for rejected articles will not be refunded. The application fee must be paid again for the reapplications of the rejected articles to be accepted.

 7. First page of the study: On the first page of the manuscript, the title of the manuscript, keywords and the abstract (not to exceed 200 words) should be written in both Turkish and English. The main title of the article should be written in Times New Roman 13 font size, all bold, with capitalized initial letters. Abstracts should be written in Times New Roman 9 font size; keywords should be written in Times New Roman 9 font size, italicized.

8. Extended Summary: Extended Summary should be written in a minimum of 750 and maximum 1500 words immediately after the abstract and before the 'Introduction' section of the article. English language errors may cause the editorial board or referees to reject the manuscript. Extended summary should include the following information in proportion to the relevance of the study. The author(s) may use different headings if deemed necessary. Titles should not be numbered.

  • Research problem/research questions: After a brief introduction, the purpose of the study should be stated in detail. The main research questions, hypotheses (if any), contribution and originality of the study should be explained.
  • Literature review: Following the literature review, the place of the study in the literature should be explained.
  • Method: The method used in the study should be explained in all its stages.
  • Results and Conclusions: The findings of the study should be stated and the results should be discussed in a way to reveal the contribution to the relevant fields.

9. Main text: The manuscript should be written in MS Word in A4 format, single-spaced and page numbered. Margins should be set as top 2, bottom 1, left 1.5 and right 1.5. Times New Roman 10-point font should be used in the text; 6 spaces should be left between paragraphs from top and bottom, and all paragraphs should be justified. Footnotes should be written in Times New Roman 8 font size. All pages should be used vertically and the text should be in single column format. The article, including all sections, should not exceed 30 pages.

10. Headings and numbering: All headings except the main title of the article should be written in Times New Roman 10 font size, all in bold, with capitalized initial letters. Numbering, including 'Introduction' and 'Conclusion' sections, should be 1., 1.1.1., 1.1.a. ... 2.

11. Citations: In-text citation system should be used, footnotes should not be used for citation purposes. APA rules should be used for citation. https://apastyle.apa.org/

12. Bibliography: The bibliography should start on a new page and include only the sources cited in the text. The most current version of the American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines should be used for citing references and preparing bibliographies. Akdeniz İİBF Journal recommends that the DOI information of the cited articles be included in the bibliography.

13. Tables and figures: Tables should be prepared as editable text, not as pictures. The title should be placed just above the table, tables should be numbered consecutively, and explanations and citations, if any, should be placed below the table. Table size should be adjusted according to the page size. Tables can be placed vertically or horizontally, but the page should be in portrait format. Each figure should have a title. The title should be given separately and should not be attached around or inside the figure. Figures should be numbered consecutively; explanations and citation, if any, should be placed below the figure. If color is important in tables and figures, the editor should be notified.

14. Appendices: If there is more than one appendix, it should be identified as A, B, etc. For formula and equation appendices in the text, numbering should be given as an appendix in the next separate section: Equation (A.1), Equation (A.2), etc.; Equation (B.1), etc. Similarly for tables and figures: Table A.1; Figure A.1, etc. Please submit math equations as editable text (using the equation editor of a word processor), not as images. Number equations that should be shown consecutively, separately from the text (if explicitly stated in the text).

15. Images: Images must be in one of the following formats (TIFF or JPEG), (EPS or PDF) or (MS Office files) and in appropriate resolution.

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