Writing Rules

For Writers;
The articles submitted to the journal should be works with the following features.

• Research studies with original scientific findings,
• Studies that transfer the application examples with a scientific approach,
• It should be in the form of review studies that thoroughly evaluate important developments on a particular subject.

Uploading the Article to the System;

Articles should be uploaded to the system electronically at https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/journal/3293/submission/start

These articles cannot be published anywhere else and cannot be presented as a paper without the permission of the editorial board. All or part of the article cannot be used anywhere without citing the source. The authors in the article have to give a common opinion on the order of names.
Writing rules;
While writing your article, you can use the sample file written in accordance with the spelling rules. For the sample article, please click on the file below.
Sample Article (docx)

Files expected to be sent with the article;
1) Plagiarism Report (The articles are taken into consideration together with the plagiarism (IThenticate, Turnitin, etc.) report as per the decision taken as of 2017.) If the plagiarism report is not added, the editorial board has the right to reject the article by checking whether it is plagiarism in iThenticate software

2)Copyright transfer form (doc)
3) Referee Suggestion Form(doc)

For Communicate;
Doç.Dr. Erdinç AVAROĞLU