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Meme Kanserinin Etiyopatogenezinde Bazı Selenoproteinlerin Rolü

Year 2022, , 381 - 390, 29.08.2022


Amaç: Meme kanseri, kadınlarda kanser kaynaklı ölümlerde akciğer kanserinden sonra ikinci sırada yer alır. Çeşitli çalışmalarda, selenoproteinlerin kanserogenezin bazı evrelerini baskıladığı ve kanser hücrelerinin çoğalma hızını azalttığı gösterilmiştir. Ancak bu mekanizmalar tam olarak açıklanamamıştır. Kanser tedavisinde radyoterapi, kemoterapiyle birlikte en çok tercih edilen tedavi yöntemlerindendir. Çalışmanın amacı, radyoterapi alan meme kanserli hastaların tedavi öncesi ve sonrası selenoprotein düzeylerindeki değişiklikleri değerlendirerek hastalığın etiyopatogenezine olası etkilerini incelemektir.
Yöntem: Çalışmamıza meme kanseri teşhisi konmuş, radyoterapi öncesi ve radyoterapi sonrası örnekleri alınan 35 kadın hasta ile herhangi bir ilaç tedavisi almayan 25 sağlıklı kadın gönüllü dahil edildi. Hasta ve sağlıklı kontrol gruplarını oluşturan bireylerden kan örnekleri alındı. Serum örneklerinde selenoprotein K (Sel-K), selenoprotein W1 (Sel-W1) ve selenoprotein P (Sel-P) düzeyleri ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) yöntemi ile ölçüldü. İstatistiksel analiz, Wilcoxon ve Mann-Whitney U testleri kullanılarak yapıldı. Hesaplamalar için Statistical Package for the Social Sciences – SPSS 21.0 for Windows (SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL, ABD) kullanıldı. p<0.05, istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir farkı belirtmek için kabul edildi.
Bulgular: Serum Sel-K düzeyleri tedavi öncesi ve kontrol grubu karşılaştırıldığında, tedavi öncesi grupta anlamlı olarak düşük bulundu. Sel- P düzeyleri hem tedavi öncesi hem de tedavi sonrasında kontrol grubu ile karşılaştırıldığında her iki grupta da kontrol grubuna göre düşük bulundu. Sel-W1 düzeylerinde gruplar arasında herhangi bir anlamlılık bulunmadı.
Sonuç: Meme kanserinde bazı selenoproteinlerin hastalığın etiyopatogenezinde önemli bir rolü olmakla birlikte daha fazla örneklem grubu ve ileri çalışmalar ile hastalığın progresyonu ve selenoprotein düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkinin araştırılmasına ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır.

Supporting Institution

İstanbul Üniversitesi Bilimsel Projeler Birimi ve Sağlık Bilimleri Üniversitesi Bakırköy Sadi Konuk Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Araştırma Fonu tarafından desteklenmiştir.

Project Number



Bu çalışma kısmen İstanbul Üniversitesi Bilimsel Projeler Birimi (Proje No: TDK-2022-38056)ve Sağlık Bilimleri Üniversitesi Bakırköy Sadi Konuk Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Araştırma Fonu tarafından desteklenmiştir.


  • Harris JR, Lippman ME, Veronesi U, Willett W. Medical progress: Breast cancer. The New England Journal of Medicine. 1992;327(6):390-398. doi:10.1056/NEJM199208063270606.
  • Greenlee RT, Hill‐Harmon MB, Murray T, Thun M. Cancer statistics. CA: A Cancer. Journal for Clinicians. 2001;51(1):15-36. doi:10.3322/canjclin.51.1.15.
  • Mahata J, Basu A, Ghoshal S, Sarkar JN, Roy AK, Poddar G, et al. Chromosomal aberrations and sister chromatid exchanges in individuals exposed to arsenic through drinking water in West Bengal. India. Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis. 2003;534(1-2):133-143. doi:10.1016/S1383-5718(02)00255-3.
  • Waks AG, Winer EP. Breast cancer treatment: A review. Jama. 2019;321(3):288-300. doi:10.1001/jama.2018.19323.
  • Aung KL, Siu LL. Genomically personalized therapy in head and neck cancer. Cancers of the Head & Neck. 2016;1(1):1-10. doi:10.1186/s41199-016-0004-y.
  • Maxwell KN, Nathanson KL. Common breast cancer risk variants in the post-COGS era: A comprehensive review. Breast Cancer Research. 2013;15(6): 1-17. doi:210.1186/bcr3591.
  • Brown KM, Arthur JR. Selenium, selenoproteins and human health: A review. Public health nutrition. 2001;4(2b):593-599. doi:10.1079/PHN2001143.
  • Riaz M, Mehmood KT. Selenium in human health and disease: A review. Journal of Postgraduate Medical Institute. 2012;26(2):120-134.
  • Mehdi Y, Hornick JL, Istasse L, Dufrasne I. Selenium in the environment, metabolism and involvement in body functions. Molecules. 2013;18(3):3292-3311. doi:10.3390/molecules 18033292.
  • Rayman MP. Selenoproteins and human health: Insights from epidemiological data. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-General Subjects. 2009;1790(11):1533-1540. doi:10.1016/j.bbagen.2009.03.014.
  • Hill KE, Wu S, Motley AK, Stevenson TD, Winfrey VP, Capecchi MR, et al. Production of selenoprotein P (Sepp1) by hepatocytes is central to selenium homeostasis. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2012;287(48):40414-40424. doi:10.1074/jbc.M112.421404.
  • Steinbrecher A, Méplan C, Hesketh J, Schomburg L, Endermann T, Jansen E, et al. Effects of selenium status and polymorphisms in selenoprotein genes on prostate cancer risk in a Prospective Study of European MenSelenium, SNPs, and Prostate Cancer. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. 2010;19(11):2958-2968. doi:10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-10-0364.
  • Strauss E, Tomczak J, Staniszewski R, Oszkinis G. Associations and interactions between variants in selenoprotein genes, selenoprotein levels and the development of abdominal aortic aneurysm, peripheral arterial disease, and heart failure. PloS One. 2018;13(9). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0203350.
  • Tan L, Mai D, Zhang B, et al. PIWI-interacting RNA-36712 restrains breast cancer progression and chemoresistance by interaction with SEPW1 pseudogene SEPW1P RNA. Molecular Cancer. 2019;18(1):1-15. doi:10.1186/s12943-019-0940-3.
  • Ogut S, Bahtiyar N, Mordeniz C, et al. Effect of breast cancer and breast cancer treatment on the blood serum concentrations of trace elements and selenoproteins. J Elem. 2022; 27(2): 289 - 302. doi: 10.5601/jelem.2022.27.1.2216.
  • Feng JF, Lu L, Zeng P, et al. Serum total oxidant/antioxidant status and trace element levels in breast cancer patients. International Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2012;17(6):575-583. doi:10.1007/s10147-011-0327-y.
  • Gan X, Chen B, Shen Z, et al. High GPX1 expression promotes esophageal squamous cell carcinoma invasion, migration, proliferation and cisplatin-resistance but can be reduced by vitamin D. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine. 2014;7(9):2530–2540.
  • Yang WS, SriRamaratnam R, Welsch ME, et al. Regulation of ferroptotic cancer cell death by GPX4. Cell. 2014;156(1-2):317-331. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2013.12.010).
  • Cox AG, Tsomides A, Kim AJ, et al. Selenoprotein H is an essential regulator of redox homeostasis that cooperates with p53 in development and tumorigenesis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2016;113(38):5562-5571. doi:10.1073/pnas.1600204113.
  • El-Deeb MMK, El-Sheredy HG, Mohammed AF. The role of serum trace elements and oxidative stress in egyptian breast cancer patients. Advances in Breast Cancer Research. 2016;5(1):37-47. doi:10.4236/abcr.2016.51004.
  • Valdiglesias V, Pásaro E, Méndez J, Laffon B. In vitro evaluation of selenium genotoxic, cytotoxic, and protective effects: A review. Archives of Toxicology. 2010;84(5):337-351. doi:10. 007/s00204-009-0505-0.
  • Reeves MA, Hoffmann PR. The human selenoproteome: Recent insights into functions and regulation. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. 2009;66(15):2457-2478. doi:10.1007 /s00018-009-0032-4.
  • Marciel MP, Hoffmann PR. Molecular mechanisms by which selenoprotein K regulates immunity and cancer. Biological Trace Element Research. 2019;192(1):60-68. doi:10.1007 /s12011-019-01774-8.
  • Calvo A, Xiao N, Kang J, et al. Alterations in gene expression profiles during prostate cancer progression: functional correlations to tumorigenicity and down-regulation of selenoprotein-P in mouse and human tumors. Cancer Research. 2002;62(18):5325-5335.
  • Cui C, Merritt R, Fu L, Pan Z. Targeting calcium signaling in cancer therapy. Acta Pharm Sin B. 2017;7(1):3–17. doi:10.1016/j.apsb.2016.11.001.
  • Whanger PD. Selenium and its relationship to cancer: An update. British Journal of nutrition. 2004;91(1):11-28. doi:10.1079/BJN20031015.
  • Kipp AP, Frombach J, Deubel S, Brigelius-Flohé R. Selenoprotein W as biomarker for the efficacy of selenium compounds to act as source for selenoprotein biosynthesis. In Methods in Enzymology. 2013; 527:87-112. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-405882-8.00005-2.

The Role of Some Selenoproteins in the Etiopathogenesis of Breast Cancer

Year 2022, , 381 - 390, 29.08.2022


Aim: Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in women, after lung cancer. In various studies, it has been shown that selenoproteins suppress some stages of carcinogenesis and decrease the proliferation rate of cancer cells. However, these mechanisms have not been fully elucidated. Radiotherapy is one of the most preferred treatment methods along with chemotherapy in cancer treatment. This study aims to evaluate the changes in the pre- and post-treatment selenoprotein levels of breast cancer patients who received radiotherapy and to examine the effects on the etiopathogenesis of the disease.
Method: A total of 35 woman breast cancer patients and 25 healthy subjects were included in the study. Blood samples were collected from the patient group on the day prior to treatment, and on the day treatment was completed. Selenoprotein K (Sel-K), selenoprotein W1 (Sel-W1) and selenoprotein P (Sel-P) levels were measured in serum samples by ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) method. Statistical analysis was performed using Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney U tests. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences – SPSS 21.0 for Windows (SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL, USA) was used for calculations. P<0.05 was accepted to indicate a statistically significant difference.
Results: Serum Sel-K levels were significantly lower in the pre-treatment group compared to the control group. When Sel-P levels in both pre- and post-treatment were compared with the control group, it was found lower Sel-P levels in both treatment groups compared to the control group. There was no significant difference between groups in Sel-W1 levels between studied groups.
Conclusions: Although some selenoproteins have an important role in the etiopathogenesis of breast cancer, more sample groups and further studies are needed to investigate the relationship between disease progression and selenoprotein levels.

Project Number



  • Harris JR, Lippman ME, Veronesi U, Willett W. Medical progress: Breast cancer. The New England Journal of Medicine. 1992;327(6):390-398. doi:10.1056/NEJM199208063270606.
  • Greenlee RT, Hill‐Harmon MB, Murray T, Thun M. Cancer statistics. CA: A Cancer. Journal for Clinicians. 2001;51(1):15-36. doi:10.3322/canjclin.51.1.15.
  • Mahata J, Basu A, Ghoshal S, Sarkar JN, Roy AK, Poddar G, et al. Chromosomal aberrations and sister chromatid exchanges in individuals exposed to arsenic through drinking water in West Bengal. India. Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis. 2003;534(1-2):133-143. doi:10.1016/S1383-5718(02)00255-3.
  • Waks AG, Winer EP. Breast cancer treatment: A review. Jama. 2019;321(3):288-300. doi:10.1001/jama.2018.19323.
  • Aung KL, Siu LL. Genomically personalized therapy in head and neck cancer. Cancers of the Head & Neck. 2016;1(1):1-10. doi:10.1186/s41199-016-0004-y.
  • Maxwell KN, Nathanson KL. Common breast cancer risk variants in the post-COGS era: A comprehensive review. Breast Cancer Research. 2013;15(6): 1-17. doi:210.1186/bcr3591.
  • Brown KM, Arthur JR. Selenium, selenoproteins and human health: A review. Public health nutrition. 2001;4(2b):593-599. doi:10.1079/PHN2001143.
  • Riaz M, Mehmood KT. Selenium in human health and disease: A review. Journal of Postgraduate Medical Institute. 2012;26(2):120-134.
  • Mehdi Y, Hornick JL, Istasse L, Dufrasne I. Selenium in the environment, metabolism and involvement in body functions. Molecules. 2013;18(3):3292-3311. doi:10.3390/molecules 18033292.
  • Rayman MP. Selenoproteins and human health: Insights from epidemiological data. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-General Subjects. 2009;1790(11):1533-1540. doi:10.1016/j.bbagen.2009.03.014.
  • Hill KE, Wu S, Motley AK, Stevenson TD, Winfrey VP, Capecchi MR, et al. Production of selenoprotein P (Sepp1) by hepatocytes is central to selenium homeostasis. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2012;287(48):40414-40424. doi:10.1074/jbc.M112.421404.
  • Steinbrecher A, Méplan C, Hesketh J, Schomburg L, Endermann T, Jansen E, et al. Effects of selenium status and polymorphisms in selenoprotein genes on prostate cancer risk in a Prospective Study of European MenSelenium, SNPs, and Prostate Cancer. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. 2010;19(11):2958-2968. doi:10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-10-0364.
  • Strauss E, Tomczak J, Staniszewski R, Oszkinis G. Associations and interactions between variants in selenoprotein genes, selenoprotein levels and the development of abdominal aortic aneurysm, peripheral arterial disease, and heart failure. PloS One. 2018;13(9). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0203350.
  • Tan L, Mai D, Zhang B, et al. PIWI-interacting RNA-36712 restrains breast cancer progression and chemoresistance by interaction with SEPW1 pseudogene SEPW1P RNA. Molecular Cancer. 2019;18(1):1-15. doi:10.1186/s12943-019-0940-3.
  • Ogut S, Bahtiyar N, Mordeniz C, et al. Effect of breast cancer and breast cancer treatment on the blood serum concentrations of trace elements and selenoproteins. J Elem. 2022; 27(2): 289 - 302. doi: 10.5601/jelem.2022.27.1.2216.
  • Feng JF, Lu L, Zeng P, et al. Serum total oxidant/antioxidant status and trace element levels in breast cancer patients. International Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2012;17(6):575-583. doi:10.1007/s10147-011-0327-y.
  • Gan X, Chen B, Shen Z, et al. High GPX1 expression promotes esophageal squamous cell carcinoma invasion, migration, proliferation and cisplatin-resistance but can be reduced by vitamin D. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine. 2014;7(9):2530–2540.
  • Yang WS, SriRamaratnam R, Welsch ME, et al. Regulation of ferroptotic cancer cell death by GPX4. Cell. 2014;156(1-2):317-331. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2013.12.010).
  • Cox AG, Tsomides A, Kim AJ, et al. Selenoprotein H is an essential regulator of redox homeostasis that cooperates with p53 in development and tumorigenesis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2016;113(38):5562-5571. doi:10.1073/pnas.1600204113.
  • El-Deeb MMK, El-Sheredy HG, Mohammed AF. The role of serum trace elements and oxidative stress in egyptian breast cancer patients. Advances in Breast Cancer Research. 2016;5(1):37-47. doi:10.4236/abcr.2016.51004.
  • Valdiglesias V, Pásaro E, Méndez J, Laffon B. In vitro evaluation of selenium genotoxic, cytotoxic, and protective effects: A review. Archives of Toxicology. 2010;84(5):337-351. doi:10. 007/s00204-009-0505-0.
  • Reeves MA, Hoffmann PR. The human selenoproteome: Recent insights into functions and regulation. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. 2009;66(15):2457-2478. doi:10.1007 /s00018-009-0032-4.
  • Marciel MP, Hoffmann PR. Molecular mechanisms by which selenoprotein K regulates immunity and cancer. Biological Trace Element Research. 2019;192(1):60-68. doi:10.1007 /s12011-019-01774-8.
  • Calvo A, Xiao N, Kang J, et al. Alterations in gene expression profiles during prostate cancer progression: functional correlations to tumorigenicity and down-regulation of selenoprotein-P in mouse and human tumors. Cancer Research. 2002;62(18):5325-5335.
  • Cui C, Merritt R, Fu L, Pan Z. Targeting calcium signaling in cancer therapy. Acta Pharm Sin B. 2017;7(1):3–17. doi:10.1016/j.apsb.2016.11.001.
  • Whanger PD. Selenium and its relationship to cancer: An update. British Journal of nutrition. 2004;91(1):11-28. doi:10.1079/BJN20031015.
  • Kipp AP, Frombach J, Deubel S, Brigelius-Flohé R. Selenoprotein W as biomarker for the efficacy of selenium compounds to act as source for selenoprotein biosynthesis. In Methods in Enzymology. 2013; 527:87-112. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-405882-8.00005-2.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Clinical Sciences
Journal Section Articles

Selim Öğüt 0000-0001-9126-6477

Sevgin Değirmencioğlu

Nurten Bahtiyar

Fatma Behice Cinemre

Birsen Aydemir

Didem Karaçetin

Ebru Hacıosmanoğlu This is me

Alev Kural

Mehmet Emin Güneş This is me

Muhammet Bektaş This is me

Project Number TDK-2022-38056
Publication Date August 29, 2022
Acceptance Date August 9, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


JAMA Öğüt S, Değirmencioğlu S, Bahtiyar N, Cinemre FB, Aydemir B, Karaçetin D, Hacıosmanoğlu E, Kural A, Güneş ME, Bektaş M. Meme Kanserinin Etiyopatogenezinde Bazı Selenoproteinlerin Rolü. IGUSABDER. 2022;:381–390.

 Alıntı-Gayriticari-Türetilemez 4.0 Uluslararası (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)