Aim and scope

The aim of this journal is to publish works prepared in the field of horticulture, plant protection, plant and animal production, biology, bio-system engineering, environmental engineering, electrical and electronic engineering, physics, food engineering, civil engineering, chemistry, mechanical engineering, mathematics, molecular biology and genetics, forest engineering, landscape architecture, aquaculture, agricultural economics, agricultural mechanization, agricultural structures and irrigation, field crops, soil science and plant nutrition and zoo-technics. Igdir University Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology is a quarterly journal which accepts original research and review studies in the field of Engineering and Science.


Open Access Policy

The articles published in Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology are available with open access in full text. We believe that this will be good contribution to science.


Privacy Statement

Confidential information about the articles published on the web page of Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology and the articles at about the evaluation stage will be used only for the explained purposes of the journal and shall not be open for any other purpose or for use by other people.


Publication Fee

Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology does not require any transaction and publication fees for the articles submitted to the journal.



All the manuscripts as full text, the contents of the journal, the cover page and the complete files of each issue of Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology are archived on Dergipark system and are available to all users.


Advertising and Sponsorship

Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology does not accept any advertising or sponsorship and does not include them on the publication page.


Plagiarism policy

Articles submitted to Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology are controlled via a plagiarism software except for the references. The similarity rate must be below 20% for each article.


Copyright Transfer Agreement


All authors must be accepted and declared that

1. All kinds of publication rights belong to Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology.

2. The manuscript complies with the rules of publication specified by the journal,

3. The article is original and is not previously published or not under the evaluation process for publication,

4. Scientific and ethical responsibility belongs to authors and in case that other authors cannot be reached; all authors are aware of the work and that the responsibilities of other authors are taken over by the first author of the article.


The authors of all articles submitted to Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology should sign the Copyright Transfer Agreement stated above. This contract text should be downloaded on article submission page and uploaded to the system after signed by all authors.


Article Submission

The articles are submitted to Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology on


Article Evaluation Process and Blind Refereeing

In all of the evaluation stages of the articles submitted to Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, the author and reviewer identities are concealed by double blinding. The articles submitted to Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology go through an evaluation process in the following 3 (three) stages:



The preliminary control of articles sent to Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology is done by the vice editors according to the publication principles, spelling rules and ethics guidelines of Journal. Articles that do not comply with any of these rules are sent back to the authors for corrections. The article can be rejected if the author does not send the revisions according to the publication principles, spelling and ethical rules of the Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology in 15 days.



Articles that pass the pre-control are directed to the evaluation stage by the vice editors. The editorial boards are checked the article in terms of its scientific content and appropriateness for the publication principles and ethical rules of Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology. The articles that do not comply with the scientific content criteria and appropriateness for the publication principles and ethical rules are rejected and not processed by related section editors and reviewers. If the scientific content of the manuscript and its appropriateness for the publication principles and ethical rules are approved, the article is, then, sent to the section editor by also taking the recommendations of the related advisory board. Section editor can reject directly the manuscript if the scientific content is poor and it is not written well. If the scientific content is strong and the manuscript complies with the ethical rules, it sends to at least two reviewers who are experts in the field. The referees have 15 (fifteen) days to accept for evaluation of manuscript and 20 (twenty) days to complete the evaluation. If the reviewers recommend corrections about manuscript, the section editor sends revisions to the author. When the section editor received revised manuscript from authors in 30 days, he/she sends it to the reviewers. After checking the revised manuscript by the reviewers, section editor sends his/her decision on receiving the reports of the reviewers to the editor-in-chief. The editor-in-chief accepts or rejects the paper according to reports.



If the manuscript is suitable for Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, it goes through the proofreading stage. In this stage, the manuscript is prepared for publication. Firstly, editors send the proof of the manuscript to authors for checking. Authors send back their proof via their corrections. When the editors received the correction about proof, they send the paper for print.


Withdrawal of the Articles

Articles submitted to Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology may be withdrawn at all stages before publication. The corresponding author prepares a petition signed by all authors send to the journal on Dergipark system or e-mail the form to . The editors of Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology approve the withdrawal request and inform the author about it. On the other hand, unless the request for withdrawal is approved, the authors cannot send their work for evaluation to another journal.


Taking DOI number and publishing stage

When the proofreading stages are completed, the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) number is obtained, and the article is placed on the journal webpage as either early appearance or as published.


Last Update Time: 12/11/22, 8:26:15 AM