1. Karaelmas Occupational Health and Safety Journal is an academic and refereed journal published three times a year, in April, August and December. In the journal, original scientific studies in the field of occupational health and safety are published.
  2. Articles submitted to the journal for publication can be written in Turkish or English. The responsibility of the articles published in the journal in terms of science and language belongs to the authors.
  3. Author(s) retains the copyright on the submitted article in accordance with the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution International Public License ("Public License") and in this context, grants the first publication right of the work to Karaelmas Journal of Occupational Health and Safety.
  4. All articles should be sent electronically via the website ( Author (s) must prepare their articles in accordance with the journal publication rules and ethical rules. Articles that are not submitted in accordance with the rules will not be evaluated. Submission of a article means that the submitted work has not been published elsewhere or has not been submitted for publication.
  5. Articles submitted to the journal are sent to at least two referees. The editor may increase the number of referees if he deems necessary. The referees can accept or reject the manuscript or ask the authors to make corrections for the format and / or content. After the corrections requested by the referees are corrected by the author (s) within 30 days and sent electronically via the website (, the article is taken into re-evaluation process. Articles sent to the journal are published after receiving positive opinions from at least two different referees.
  6. The articles to be published in the journal must comply with the spelling and grammar rules. If the editor deems necessary, he has the right to request changes from the owner of the work in terms of content and form. Corresponding author is deemed to have accepted that all publishing rights of the article belong to Karaelmas Journal of Occupational Health and Safety indefinitely by filling out the "Journal Publishing Agreement" showing the author's order.
  7. During the layout work, the author (s) must respond to the submissions made for control and correction within the specified periods. The articles of the author (s) who do not respond within the specified periods are postponed to be evaluated in the next issue.
  8. The requests of the author (s) to bring forward the publication process of their articles for whatever reason are not accepted. Articles are not accepted for a certain issue in Karaelmas Journal of Occupational Health and Safety. The author (s) can submit their article at any time. Articles whose evaluation process is completed are published by taking into account the date of arrival. Two articles of the same author (s) are not published in a single issue. 

Last Update Time: 4/19/21, 2:52:46 PM