Research Article
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The Effect of Cuscuta babylonica Aucher on Chemical Compounds of Lice Tomato

Year 2020, , 1483 - 1488, 31.12.2020


Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) is one of the most widely used products in nutrition. But this plant suffers significant loss of yield due to parasitic plant infection. Dodder (Cuscutaspss.), a flowering plant belonging to the Convolvulaceae family, is one of the most harmful parasites for tomatoes. Although some tomato varieties have developed resistance to this, Cuscuta is the most important disease that has a negative impact on tomato yield. In this study, it was investigated that how Lice tomato is affected by Cuscuta babylonica Aucher infection and whether it develops resistance to it. For this purpose, following Cuscuta infection, the amount of fatty acids, calcium (Ca2+) and some phenolic compounds in the leaves of the tomatoes were investigated. The results of the study showed that the Cuscuta infection increased the amount of 16: 1, 18: 0 and 18: 1 fatty acids, Ca2+ and some phenolics such as chlorogenic acid, rutin, quercetin and salicylic acid which are effective in defense against pathogens.

Supporting Institution

Dicle Üniversitesi

Project Number



The authors would like to thank Dicle University research fund (DUBAP, project no: FEN.17.033) for financial supports.


  • Akdeniz M 2018.Türkiyenin Çeşitli Bölgelerinde Yetişen Hypericum Türlerine Özgü Bileşikler Açısından Kimyasal İçeriğinin LC-MS/MS ile Miktar Tayini ve Metot Validasyonu; Biyolojik Aktivitelerinin Araştırılması ve Kemometrik Değerlendirilmesi,Dicle Universty Science Institute Chemistry Department, Phd thesis.341pg.
  • Albert M 2005. Studien Zur Interaktion Des Pflanzlichen Parasiten Cuscuta Reflexa Mit Dem Inkompatiblen Wirt Lycopersicon Esculentum. Technische Universität Department of Biology,phD Thesis,105 pg.
  • Albert M, Kaiser B, Van Der Krol S, Kaldenhoff R 2010. Calcium Signaling During The Plant-Plant Interaction Of Parasitic Cuscuta Reflexa With Its Hosts. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 5(9): 1144-1146.
  • Albert M, Werner M, Proksch P, Fry S C, Kaldenhoff R 2004. The Cell Wall-Modifying Xyloglucan Endotransglycosylase/Hydrolase Lexth1 Is Expressed During The Defence Reaction of Tomato Against The Plant Parasite Cuscuta Reflexa. Plant Biology 6(04): 402-407.
  • Aldon D, Mbengue M, Mazars C, Galaud JP 2018. Calcium Signalling In Plant Biotic Interactions. International Journal Of Molecular Sciences, 19(3): 665.Amini M, Nabiabad HS, Deljou A 2017. Host-Synthesized Cysteine Protease-Specific Inhibitor Disrupts Cuscuta Campestris Parasitism In Tomato. Plant Biotechnology Reports, 11(5): 289-298.
  • Barros L, Dueñas M, Pinela J, Carvalho A M, Buelga C S, Ferreira I C 2012. Characterization and Quantification Of Phenolic Compounds in Four Tomato (Lycopersicon Esculentum L.) Farmers Varieties In Northeastern Portugal Homegardens. Plant Foods For Human Nutrition, 67(3): 229-234.
  • Beimen A, Bermpohl A, Meletzus D, Eichenlaub R, Barz W 1992. Accumulation of phenolic compounds in leaves of tomato plants after infection with Clavibacter michiganense subsp. michiganense strains differing in virulence. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C 47(11-12): 898-909.
  • Bergougnoux V 2014. The history of tomato: from domestication to biopharming. Biotechnology advances, 32(1): 170-189.
  • Dūma M, Alsiņa I, Dubova L, Erdberga I 2018. Bioactive Compounds in Tomatoes at Different Stages of Maturity. In Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Section B. Natural, Exact, and Applied Sciences ,72 (2): 85-90.
  • Ertas A, Boga M, Yılmaz MA, Yesil Y, Hasimi N, Kaya MS, Temel H, Kolak U. 2014. Chemical Compositions by Using LC-MS/MS and GC-MS and Biological Activities of Sedum sediforme (Jacq.) Pau. Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry, 62: 4601–4609.
  • Esra KOÇ, Üstün AS 2008. Patojenlere Karşı Bitkilerde Savunma ve Antioksidanlar. Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 24(1): 82-100.Furuhashi T, Kojima M, Sakakibara H, Fukushima A, Hirai M Y, Furuhashi K 2014. Morphological And Plant Hormonal Changes During Parasitization By Cuscuta Japonica On Momordica Charantia. Journal Of Plant Interactions, 9(1): 220-232.
  • Goldwasser Y, Lanini WT, Wrobel RL 2001. Tolerance Of Tomato Varieties To Lespedeza Dodder. Weed Science, 49(4): 520-523.Jones JD, Dangl JL 2006. The plant immune system. Nature, 444(7117): 323.
  • Kachroo P, Venugopal S C, Navarre D A, Lapchyk L, Kachroo A 2005. Role Of Salicylic Acid And Fatty Acid Desaturation Pathways In Ssi2-Mediated Signaling. Plant Physiology, 139(4): 1717-1735.
  • Kaiser B, Vogg G ,Fürst UB, Albert M 2015. Parasitic Plants Of The Genus Cuscuta And Their Interaction With Susceptible and Resistant Host Plants. Frontiers In Plant Science, 6, 45.
  • Kolomiets JV, Grygoryuk IP, Butsenko LM 2016. A Comparative Analysis Of Fatty Acid Composition of Tomato Callus Lipids Under Bacterial Stress. 1000 Kopii., 26.Lattanzio V, Lattanzio VM, Cardinali A 2006. Role Of Phenolics In The Resistance Mechanisms Of Plants Against Fungal Pathogens and Insects. Phytochemistry: Advances In Research, 661(2): 23-67.
  • Lecourieux D, Ranjeva R, Pugin A 2006. Calcium In Plant Defence‐Signalling Pathways. New Phytologist, 171(2): 249-269.Li L,Zou Y 2017. Induction Of Disease Resistance By Salicylic Acid And Calcium Ion Against Botrytis Cinerea In Tomato (Lycopersicon Esculentum). Emirates Journal of Food And Agriculture, 78-82.
  • Marambe B, Wijesundara S, Tennakoon K, Pindeniya D, Jayasinghe C 2002. Growth and development of Cuscuta chinensis Lam. and its impact on selected crops. Weed Biology and Management, 2(2): 79-83.
  • Marvier MA 1996. Parasitic plant‐host interactions: plant performance and indirect effects on parasite‐feeding herbivores. Ecology, 77(5): 1398-1409.
  • Özaslan C, Kendal E 2014. Lice Domatesi Üretim Alanlarındaki Yabancı Otların Belirlenmesi. Iğdır Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 4(3): 29-34.
  • Palmer IA, Shang Z, Fu ZQ 2017. Salicylic acid-mediated plant defense: Recent developments, missing links, and future outlook. Frontiers in biology, 12(4): 258-270.
  • Pena-Cortés H, Albrecht T, Prat S, Weiler EW, Willmitzer L 1993. Aspirin Prevents Wound-İnduced Gene Expression In Tomato Leaves By Blocking Jasmonic Acid Biosynthesis. Planta, 191(1): 123-128.
  • Runyon JB, Mescher MC,De Moraes, C M 2010. Plant Defenses Against Parasitic Plants Show Similarities To Those Induced By Herbivores And Pathogens. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 5(8): 929-931.
  • Sahm A, Pfanz H, Grünsfelder M, Czygan FC, Proksch P 1995. Anatomy And Phenylpropanoid Metabolism In The Incompatible İnteraction of Lycopersicon Esculentum and Cuscuta Reflexa. Botanica Acta, 108(4): 358-364.
  • Seybold H, Trempel F, Ranf S, Scheel D, Romeis T, Lee J 2014. Ca2+ Signalling In Plant Immune Response: From Pattern Recognition Receptors To Ca2+ Decoding Mechanisms. New Phytologist, 204(4): 782-790.
  • Stewart AJ, Bozonnet S, Mullen W, Jenkins GI, Lean ME, Crozier A 2000. Occurrence of Flavonols In Tomatoes and Tomato-Based Products. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 48(7): 2663-2669.
  • Thaler JS, Karban R, Ullman DE, Boege K, Bostock R M 2002. Cross-Talk Between Jasmonate And Salicylate Plant Defense Pathways: Effects On Several Plant Parasites. Oecologia, 131(2): 227-235.
  • Upchurch RG 2008. Fatty Acid Unsaturation, Mobilization, And Regulation In The Response of Plants To Stress. Biotechnology Letters, 30(6): 967-977.
  • Walley JW, Kliebenstein DJ, Bostock RM, Dehesh K 2013. Fatty Acids And Early Detection Of Pathogens. Current Opinion In Plant Biology, 16(4): 520-526.
  • Wojciechowska E, Weinert CH, Egert B, Trierweiler B, Schmidt-Heydt M, Horneburg B, Geisen R 2014. Chlorogenic Acid, A Metabolite Identified By Untargeted Metabolome Analysis In Resistant Tomatoes, Inhibits The Colonization By Alternaria Alternata By Inhibiting Alternariol Biosynthesis. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 139(4): 735-747.

Cuscuta babylonica Aucher'in Lice Domates Genotipinin Kimyasal Bileşiklerine Etkisi

Year 2020, , 1483 - 1488, 31.12.2020


Domates (Lycopersiconesculentum L.) beslenmede en çok kullanılan ürünlerden biridir. Fakat, parazit bitki saldırısına bağlı olarak önemli verim kaybına uğramaktadır. Convolvulaceae familyasına ait çiçekli bir bitki olan küsküt (Cuscuta), domates için en zararlı parazitlerden biridir. Her ne kadar bazı domates çeşitleri buna karşı direnç geliştirmiş olsalar da küsküt, domates verimi üzerinde olumsuz etkisi olan en önemli zararlıdır. Bu çalışmada, Lice domates genotipinin Cuscuta babylonica Aucher enfeksiyonundan nasıl etkilendiği ve buna karşı bir direnç geliştirip geliştirmediği araştırılmıştır. Bunun için enfeksiyondan sonra bitkinin yapraklarında bulunan yağ asitleri, kalsiyum (Ca2+) ve bazı fenolik bileşiklerin miktarları araştırılmıştır. Çalışmanın sonuçları, küsküt enfeksiyonun patojenlere karşı savunmada etkili olan; 16: 1, 18: 0 ve 18: 1 yağ asitleri, kalsiyum (Ca2+) ve klorojenik asit, rutin, kuersetin ve salisilik asit gibi fenolik bileşiklerin miktarının arttığını göstermiştir.

Project Number



  • Akdeniz M 2018.Türkiyenin Çeşitli Bölgelerinde Yetişen Hypericum Türlerine Özgü Bileşikler Açısından Kimyasal İçeriğinin LC-MS/MS ile Miktar Tayini ve Metot Validasyonu; Biyolojik Aktivitelerinin Araştırılması ve Kemometrik Değerlendirilmesi,Dicle Universty Science Institute Chemistry Department, Phd thesis.341pg.
  • Albert M 2005. Studien Zur Interaktion Des Pflanzlichen Parasiten Cuscuta Reflexa Mit Dem Inkompatiblen Wirt Lycopersicon Esculentum. Technische Universität Department of Biology,phD Thesis,105 pg.
  • Albert M, Kaiser B, Van Der Krol S, Kaldenhoff R 2010. Calcium Signaling During The Plant-Plant Interaction Of Parasitic Cuscuta Reflexa With Its Hosts. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 5(9): 1144-1146.
  • Albert M, Werner M, Proksch P, Fry S C, Kaldenhoff R 2004. The Cell Wall-Modifying Xyloglucan Endotransglycosylase/Hydrolase Lexth1 Is Expressed During The Defence Reaction of Tomato Against The Plant Parasite Cuscuta Reflexa. Plant Biology 6(04): 402-407.
  • Aldon D, Mbengue M, Mazars C, Galaud JP 2018. Calcium Signalling In Plant Biotic Interactions. International Journal Of Molecular Sciences, 19(3): 665.Amini M, Nabiabad HS, Deljou A 2017. Host-Synthesized Cysteine Protease-Specific Inhibitor Disrupts Cuscuta Campestris Parasitism In Tomato. Plant Biotechnology Reports, 11(5): 289-298.
  • Barros L, Dueñas M, Pinela J, Carvalho A M, Buelga C S, Ferreira I C 2012. Characterization and Quantification Of Phenolic Compounds in Four Tomato (Lycopersicon Esculentum L.) Farmers Varieties In Northeastern Portugal Homegardens. Plant Foods For Human Nutrition, 67(3): 229-234.
  • Beimen A, Bermpohl A, Meletzus D, Eichenlaub R, Barz W 1992. Accumulation of phenolic compounds in leaves of tomato plants after infection with Clavibacter michiganense subsp. michiganense strains differing in virulence. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C 47(11-12): 898-909.
  • Bergougnoux V 2014. The history of tomato: from domestication to biopharming. Biotechnology advances, 32(1): 170-189.
  • Dūma M, Alsiņa I, Dubova L, Erdberga I 2018. Bioactive Compounds in Tomatoes at Different Stages of Maturity. In Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Section B. Natural, Exact, and Applied Sciences ,72 (2): 85-90.
  • Ertas A, Boga M, Yılmaz MA, Yesil Y, Hasimi N, Kaya MS, Temel H, Kolak U. 2014. Chemical Compositions by Using LC-MS/MS and GC-MS and Biological Activities of Sedum sediforme (Jacq.) Pau. Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry, 62: 4601–4609.
  • Esra KOÇ, Üstün AS 2008. Patojenlere Karşı Bitkilerde Savunma ve Antioksidanlar. Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 24(1): 82-100.Furuhashi T, Kojima M, Sakakibara H, Fukushima A, Hirai M Y, Furuhashi K 2014. Morphological And Plant Hormonal Changes During Parasitization By Cuscuta Japonica On Momordica Charantia. Journal Of Plant Interactions, 9(1): 220-232.
  • Goldwasser Y, Lanini WT, Wrobel RL 2001. Tolerance Of Tomato Varieties To Lespedeza Dodder. Weed Science, 49(4): 520-523.Jones JD, Dangl JL 2006. The plant immune system. Nature, 444(7117): 323.
  • Kachroo P, Venugopal S C, Navarre D A, Lapchyk L, Kachroo A 2005. Role Of Salicylic Acid And Fatty Acid Desaturation Pathways In Ssi2-Mediated Signaling. Plant Physiology, 139(4): 1717-1735.
  • Kaiser B, Vogg G ,Fürst UB, Albert M 2015. Parasitic Plants Of The Genus Cuscuta And Their Interaction With Susceptible and Resistant Host Plants. Frontiers In Plant Science, 6, 45.
  • Kolomiets JV, Grygoryuk IP, Butsenko LM 2016. A Comparative Analysis Of Fatty Acid Composition of Tomato Callus Lipids Under Bacterial Stress. 1000 Kopii., 26.Lattanzio V, Lattanzio VM, Cardinali A 2006. Role Of Phenolics In The Resistance Mechanisms Of Plants Against Fungal Pathogens and Insects. Phytochemistry: Advances In Research, 661(2): 23-67.
  • Lecourieux D, Ranjeva R, Pugin A 2006. Calcium In Plant Defence‐Signalling Pathways. New Phytologist, 171(2): 249-269.Li L,Zou Y 2017. Induction Of Disease Resistance By Salicylic Acid And Calcium Ion Against Botrytis Cinerea In Tomato (Lycopersicon Esculentum). Emirates Journal of Food And Agriculture, 78-82.
  • Marambe B, Wijesundara S, Tennakoon K, Pindeniya D, Jayasinghe C 2002. Growth and development of Cuscuta chinensis Lam. and its impact on selected crops. Weed Biology and Management, 2(2): 79-83.
  • Marvier MA 1996. Parasitic plant‐host interactions: plant performance and indirect effects on parasite‐feeding herbivores. Ecology, 77(5): 1398-1409.
  • Özaslan C, Kendal E 2014. Lice Domatesi Üretim Alanlarındaki Yabancı Otların Belirlenmesi. Iğdır Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 4(3): 29-34.
  • Palmer IA, Shang Z, Fu ZQ 2017. Salicylic acid-mediated plant defense: Recent developments, missing links, and future outlook. Frontiers in biology, 12(4): 258-270.
  • Pena-Cortés H, Albrecht T, Prat S, Weiler EW, Willmitzer L 1993. Aspirin Prevents Wound-İnduced Gene Expression In Tomato Leaves By Blocking Jasmonic Acid Biosynthesis. Planta, 191(1): 123-128.
  • Runyon JB, Mescher MC,De Moraes, C M 2010. Plant Defenses Against Parasitic Plants Show Similarities To Those Induced By Herbivores And Pathogens. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 5(8): 929-931.
  • Sahm A, Pfanz H, Grünsfelder M, Czygan FC, Proksch P 1995. Anatomy And Phenylpropanoid Metabolism In The Incompatible İnteraction of Lycopersicon Esculentum and Cuscuta Reflexa. Botanica Acta, 108(4): 358-364.
  • Seybold H, Trempel F, Ranf S, Scheel D, Romeis T, Lee J 2014. Ca2+ Signalling In Plant Immune Response: From Pattern Recognition Receptors To Ca2+ Decoding Mechanisms. New Phytologist, 204(4): 782-790.
  • Stewart AJ, Bozonnet S, Mullen W, Jenkins GI, Lean ME, Crozier A 2000. Occurrence of Flavonols In Tomatoes and Tomato-Based Products. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 48(7): 2663-2669.
  • Thaler JS, Karban R, Ullman DE, Boege K, Bostock R M 2002. Cross-Talk Between Jasmonate And Salicylate Plant Defense Pathways: Effects On Several Plant Parasites. Oecologia, 131(2): 227-235.
  • Upchurch RG 2008. Fatty Acid Unsaturation, Mobilization, And Regulation In The Response of Plants To Stress. Biotechnology Letters, 30(6): 967-977.
  • Walley JW, Kliebenstein DJ, Bostock RM, Dehesh K 2013. Fatty Acids And Early Detection Of Pathogens. Current Opinion In Plant Biology, 16(4): 520-526.
  • Wojciechowska E, Weinert CH, Egert B, Trierweiler B, Schmidt-Heydt M, Horneburg B, Geisen R 2014. Chlorogenic Acid, A Metabolite Identified By Untargeted Metabolome Analysis In Resistant Tomatoes, Inhibits The Colonization By Alternaria Alternata By Inhibiting Alternariol Biosynthesis. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 139(4): 735-747.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Structural Biology

Hasan Çetin Özen 0000-0001-6670-6469

Servan Savaşçı 0000-0002-8139-0260

Hilal Surmuş Asan 0000-0001-5336-974X

Veysi Kızmaz 0000-0002-7864-5912

Project Number FEN.17.033
Publication Date December 31, 2020
Submission Date November 2, 2019
Acceptance Date January 17, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Özen, H. Ç., Savaşçı, S., Surmuş Asan, H., Kızmaz, V. (2020). The Effect of Cuscuta babylonica Aucher on Chemical Compounds of Lice Tomato. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım Ve Doğa Dergisi, 23(6), 1483-1488.


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