Research Article
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Epidemiological Researches on Rice Blast Disease Caused by Pyricularia oryzae

Year 2021, , 1221 - 1229, 31.12.2021


In this study, the effects of temperature and the duration of leaf wetness on the development of rice blast disease caused by Pyricularia oryzae and the reactions of Edirne and Osmancık-97 rice cultivars against the disease were investigated under controlled environmental conditions. Rice cultivars Edirne and Osmancık-97 were inoculated with a conidial suspension (5x105 conidia ml-1) of P. oryzae and exposed to combinations of five different leaf wetness durations (from 6 to 30 h) and four different temperatures (20 to 32°C) over the course of infection period. Disease severity on cvs. Edirne and Osmancık-97 increased with increasing temperatures and hours of wetness duration. The highest disease severity was detected on plants exposed to a 30 h the leaf wetness duration at 28°C, While the lowest disease severity values were observed 6 h leaf wetness duration at 20°C temperature. Increased leaf wetness durations significantly increased disease severity at optimal temperature. But, it was observed that the all disease severity values on cultivar of Osmancık-97 lower than cv. Edirne at same temperatures and leaf wetness durations. In addition, a new and simple technique was developed to increase the sporulation capacity of the P. oryzae to provide enough inoculum quantity in the experiments by this study.

Supporting Institution

T.C. Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı, Tarımsal Araştırmalar ve Politikalar Genel Müdürlüğü ve Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Fen Bilimler Enstitüsü

Project Number

TAGEM-BS-10/07-04/02-11 / 1101D0102


The project was supported by the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies (Project no. TAGEM-BS-10 / 07-04 / 02-11) and Hatay Mustafa Kemal University Scientific Research Projects Unit (Project no. 1101 D 0102). We are thankful them.


  • Abe T 1930. The relation of temperature and time to the invasion of rice blast fungus. Annals of the Phytopathological Society of Japan 2, 277-278.
  • Anderson AL, Henry BW, Tullis EC 1947. Factors affecting infectivity, spread and persistenec of Pyricularia oryzae Cav. Ibid,37, 94-110.
  • Anonymous 1996. Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı Zirai Mücadele Standart İlaç Deneme Metotları CiltII:1821.
  • Anonymous 2018a. FAO Rice Market Monitor (RMM), Volume XXI, Issue No. 11/38. (accession date: 09.03.2020).
  • Anonymous 2018b. TUİK. (accession date:09.03.2020).
  • Anonymous 2020. Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı. Bitki Koruma Ürünleri Veritabanı. (accession date: 20.12.2020).
  • Aravindan S, Yadav MK, Sharma P 2016. Biological control of rice blast disease with Trichoderma spp. under upland rice system. Int J Ric. 53(2): 167-173.
  • Asibi AE, Qiang Chai QC, Coulter JA 2019. Rice Blast: A Disease with Implications for Global Food Security. Agronomy 9: 451.
  • Bonman JM, Vergel De Dios TI, Bandong JM, Lee EJ 1992. Breeding rice for resistance to pests. Annu. Rev. Phytopathol., 30: 507-528.
  • Castroagudín VL, Moreira SI, Pereira DAS, Moreira SS, Brunner PC, Maciel JLN, Crous PW, McDonald BA, Ceresini PC 2016. Pyricularia graminis-tritici, a new Pyricularia species causing wheat blast. Persoonia – Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi 37: 199–216.
  • Chen WC, Chiou TY, Delgado AL, Liao C-S 2019. The Control of Rice Blast Disease by the Novel Biofungicide Formulations. Sustainability 11: 3449.
  • Diéguez-Uribeondo J, Förster H, Adaskaveg JE 2011. Effect of wetness duration and temperature on the development of anthracnose on selected almond tissues and comparison of cultivar susceptibility. Phytopathology, 101, 1013–1020.
  • FAO 2009. FAO's director-general on how to feed the world in 2050. Insights from an Expert Meeting at FAO.2009; 1: 1±35.
  • FAO 2020. (accession date: 22.02.2020)
  • Godfray HCJ, Beddington JR, Crute IR, Haddad L, Lawrence D, Muir JF, Pretty J, Robinson S, Thomas SM, Toulmin C 2010. Food security: The challenge of feeding 9 billion people. Science 2010, 327, 812–818.
  • Gohel HL, Chauhan HL, 2015. Integrated management of leaf and neck blast disease of rice caused by Pyricularia oryzae. Afr. J. Agric. Res. 10, 2038–2040.
  • Groth DE 2006. Azoxystrobin rate and timing effects on rice head blast incidence and rice grain and milling yields. PlantDis. 90:1055-1058.
  • Kato H 1974. Epidemiology of rice blast disease. Rev. Plant Prot. Res. 7:1-20.
  • Kato, H 1976. Some topics in disease cycle of rice blast and climatic factors pp.417-425. In climate and rice. International rice research institute, Manila, Philippines.
  • Khush GS, Jena KK 2009. Current Status and Future Prospects for Research on Blast Resistance in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) In: Wang GL, Valent B, editors. Advances in genetics, genomics and control of rice blast disease. Springer Netherlands; 2009. pp. 1–10.
  • Kongcharoen N, Nipon Kaewsalong, N, Dethoup, T 2020. Efficacy of fungicides in controlling rice blast and dirty panicle diseases in Thailand. Scientific Reports 10:16233.
  • Konishi S 1933. On the physiologic specialization in the rice blast fungus. Piricularia oryzae Cav. Forschungenausdem Gebiet der Pflanzenkrankheiten 2: 55-57.
  • Liu XH, Jian Ping L, Lei Z, Bo D, Hang M, Lin, F 2007. Involvement of a Magnaporthe grisea serine/threoninekinase gene, MgATG1, in appressorium turgor and pathogenesis. Eukaryotic Cell, 6: 997–1005.
  • MacHardy WE, Gadoury DM 1989. A revision of Mill’s criteria for predicting apple scab infection periods. Phytopathology 79:304-310.
  • Miah G, Rafii MY, Ismail MR, Sahebi M, Hashemi FSG, Yusuff O, Usman MG 2017. Blast disease intimidation towards rice cultivation: A Review of Pathogen and Strategies to Control. The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 27(4): 1058-1066.
  • Nalley L, Tsiboe F, Durand Morat A, Shew A, Thoma G 2016. Economic and environmental impact of rice blast pathogen (Magnaporthe oryzae) alleviation in the United States. Plos one 11(12): e0167295. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0167295. Nisikado Y 1927. Studies on rice blast disease. Japanese Journal of Botany 3, 239-244.
  • Oran YK 1975. Güneydoğu Anadolu'da çeltik yanıklığı fungusu (Pyricularia oryzae)' nin taksonomisi, bioekolojisi, zararı ve çeltik çeşitlerinin dayanıklılığı üzerine araştırmalar. Bitki Koruma Bülteni 6(1): 1-46.
  • Ou SH, 1985. Blast. In: Ou, SH. (ed) Rice Diseases. 2nd edn. Wallingford, UK, CAB International, pp. 109-201.
  • Rajput LS, Sharma T, Madhusudhan P, Sinha P 2017. Effect of Temperature on Rice Blast Infection Process with Emphasis on Appressoria Formation by Magnaporthe oryzae. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 6(4): 1931-1939.
  • Rowlandson T, Gleason M, Sentelhas P, Gillespie T, Thomas C, Hornbuckle B 2015. Reconsidering Leaf Wetness Duration Determination for Plant Disease Management. Plant Disease Vol. 99 No. 3-310-315.
  • Sawada K 1927. Lecture on the rice blast disease. Bulletin of the Goverment Research Institute, Department of Agriculture Formosa, 45:88.
  • Singh HS, Kaushik SS, Chauhan MS, Negi RS 2019. Efficacy of Different Fungicides against Rice Blast caused by Pyricularia oryzae (Cav.) under Field Condition in Satna District of Madhya Pradesh. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. 8(6): 63-69.
  • Sirithunya P, Sreewongchai T, Sriprakhon S, Toojinda T, Pimpisithavorn S, Kosawang C, Smitamana P 2007. Assessment of Genetic Diversity in Thai Isolates of Pyricularia grisea by Random Amplification of Polymorphic DNA. J. Phytopathol. 156: 196-204.
  • Skamnioti P, Gurr SJ 2009. Against the grain: safeguarding rice from rice blast disease. Trends in Biotechnology 27:141-150.
  • Suematsu N 1916. On the artificial culture of rice blast fungus (Dactylaria parasitans Cav.). Botanical Magazine, Tokyo 30:97-99.
  • Suzuki H 1975. Meteorological factors in the epidemiology of rice blast. Annual Reeview of Phytopathology 13, 239-56.
  • Talbot NJ 2003. On thetrail of a cereal killer: exploring the biology of Magnaporthe grisea. Annual Review of Microbiology 57:177-202.
  • Teng PS 1994. The epidemiological basis for blast management. In: Rice Blast Disease. R. S. Zeigler and S. A. Leong, eds. CAB International, Wallingford, U.K.
  • Trapero-Casas A, Kaiser WJ 1992. Development of Didymella rabiei the teleomorph of Ascochyta rabiei, on chickpea straw. Phytopathology 82(11):1261-1266.
  • Tseng TC, Yuan CS, Wu LC 1965. Temperature response of Piricularia oryzae Cav. isolated in different sesasons in Taiwan. Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica 6, 93-100.
  • Tochinai Y, Shimamuru M 1932. Studies on the physiologic specialization in Piricularia oryzae Br. et Cav. Annals of the Phytopathological Society of Japan 2, 414-441.
  • Uysal A, Kurt Ş 2017. Influence of inoculum density, temperature, wetness duration and leaf age on infection and development of spinach anthracnose caused by the fungal pathogen Colletotrichum spinaciae. Eur J Plant Pathol. DOI 10.1007/s10658-017-1249.
  • Yoshii H 1936. Pathological studies of rice blast caused by Piricularia oryzae. I.Some studies on thephysiology of thepathojen. II. Themode of infection of thepathogen. Annals of the Phytopathological Society of Japan 6, 199-218.
  • Webb DH, Nutter FW 1997. Effects of Leaf Wetness Duration and Temperature on Infection Efficiency, Latent Period, and Rate of Pustule Appearance of Rust in Alfalfa. Phytopathology 87: 946-950.
  • Zhou E, Jia Y, Singh P, Correll J, Lee F 2007. Instability of the Magnaporthe oryzae avirulence gene AVRPita alters virulence. Fungal Genet. Biol. 44: 1024-1034. doi: 10.1016/j.fgb.2007.02.003 PMID:17387027.

Pyricularia oryzae'nın Neden Olduğu Çeltik Yanıklık Hastalığı Üzerine Epidemiyolojik Araştırmalar

Year 2021, , 1221 - 1229, 31.12.2021


Bu çalışmada, Pyricularia oryzae'nin neden olduğu çeltik yanıklık hastalığının gelişiminde sıcaklık ve yaprak ıslaklık süresinin etkileri ile Edirne ve Osmancık-97 çeltik çeşitlerinin hastalığa karşı tepkileri kontrollü çevre koşulları altında incelenmiştir. Edirne ve Osmancık-97 çeltik çeşitleri P. oryzae'nın (5x105 conidia ml-1) konidial süspansiyonu ile inokule edilmiş ve enfeksiyon dönemi buyunca dört farklı sıcaklık (20-32°C) ve beş farklı yaprak ıslaklık süresi (6 ila 30 saat) kombinasyonuna maruz burakılmıştır. Edirne ve Osmancık-97 çeşitlerinde, hastalık şiddeti artan sıcaklıklar ve yaprak ıslaklık süreleri ile yükselmiştir. En yüksek hastalık şiddeti 28°C sıcaklıkta 30 saat yaprak ıslaklık süresine maruz kalan bitkilerde tespit edilirken, en düşük hastalık şiddeti değerleri 20°C sıcaklıkta 6 saat yaprak ıslaklık süresinde saptanmıştır. Yükselen yaprak ıslaklık süreleri, optimum sıcaklıkta hastalık şiddetini önemli ölçüde artırmıştır. Ancak Osmancık-97 çeşidindeki tüm hastalık şiddeti değerlerinin aynı sıcaklık ve yaprak ıslaklık sürelerinde Edirne çeşidinden daha düşük olduğu görülmüştür. Ayrıca, bu çalışma ile denemelerde yeterli inokulum miktarını sağlamak için P. oryzae'nin sporlama kapasitesini artıracak yeni ve basit bir teknik geliştirilmiştir.

Project Number

TAGEM-BS-10/07-04/02-11 / 1101D0102


  • Abe T 1930. The relation of temperature and time to the invasion of rice blast fungus. Annals of the Phytopathological Society of Japan 2, 277-278.
  • Anderson AL, Henry BW, Tullis EC 1947. Factors affecting infectivity, spread and persistenec of Pyricularia oryzae Cav. Ibid,37, 94-110.
  • Anonymous 1996. Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı Zirai Mücadele Standart İlaç Deneme Metotları CiltII:1821.
  • Anonymous 2018a. FAO Rice Market Monitor (RMM), Volume XXI, Issue No. 11/38. (accession date: 09.03.2020).
  • Anonymous 2018b. TUİK. (accession date:09.03.2020).
  • Anonymous 2020. Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı. Bitki Koruma Ürünleri Veritabanı. (accession date: 20.12.2020).
  • Aravindan S, Yadav MK, Sharma P 2016. Biological control of rice blast disease with Trichoderma spp. under upland rice system. Int J Ric. 53(2): 167-173.
  • Asibi AE, Qiang Chai QC, Coulter JA 2019. Rice Blast: A Disease with Implications for Global Food Security. Agronomy 9: 451.
  • Bonman JM, Vergel De Dios TI, Bandong JM, Lee EJ 1992. Breeding rice for resistance to pests. Annu. Rev. Phytopathol., 30: 507-528.
  • Castroagudín VL, Moreira SI, Pereira DAS, Moreira SS, Brunner PC, Maciel JLN, Crous PW, McDonald BA, Ceresini PC 2016. Pyricularia graminis-tritici, a new Pyricularia species causing wheat blast. Persoonia – Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi 37: 199–216.
  • Chen WC, Chiou TY, Delgado AL, Liao C-S 2019. The Control of Rice Blast Disease by the Novel Biofungicide Formulations. Sustainability 11: 3449.
  • Diéguez-Uribeondo J, Förster H, Adaskaveg JE 2011. Effect of wetness duration and temperature on the development of anthracnose on selected almond tissues and comparison of cultivar susceptibility. Phytopathology, 101, 1013–1020.
  • FAO 2009. FAO's director-general on how to feed the world in 2050. Insights from an Expert Meeting at FAO.2009; 1: 1±35.
  • FAO 2020. (accession date: 22.02.2020)
  • Godfray HCJ, Beddington JR, Crute IR, Haddad L, Lawrence D, Muir JF, Pretty J, Robinson S, Thomas SM, Toulmin C 2010. Food security: The challenge of feeding 9 billion people. Science 2010, 327, 812–818.
  • Gohel HL, Chauhan HL, 2015. Integrated management of leaf and neck blast disease of rice caused by Pyricularia oryzae. Afr. J. Agric. Res. 10, 2038–2040.
  • Groth DE 2006. Azoxystrobin rate and timing effects on rice head blast incidence and rice grain and milling yields. PlantDis. 90:1055-1058.
  • Kato H 1974. Epidemiology of rice blast disease. Rev. Plant Prot. Res. 7:1-20.
  • Kato, H 1976. Some topics in disease cycle of rice blast and climatic factors pp.417-425. In climate and rice. International rice research institute, Manila, Philippines.
  • Khush GS, Jena KK 2009. Current Status and Future Prospects for Research on Blast Resistance in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) In: Wang GL, Valent B, editors. Advances in genetics, genomics and control of rice blast disease. Springer Netherlands; 2009. pp. 1–10.
  • Kongcharoen N, Nipon Kaewsalong, N, Dethoup, T 2020. Efficacy of fungicides in controlling rice blast and dirty panicle diseases in Thailand. Scientific Reports 10:16233.
  • Konishi S 1933. On the physiologic specialization in the rice blast fungus. Piricularia oryzae Cav. Forschungenausdem Gebiet der Pflanzenkrankheiten 2: 55-57.
  • Liu XH, Jian Ping L, Lei Z, Bo D, Hang M, Lin, F 2007. Involvement of a Magnaporthe grisea serine/threoninekinase gene, MgATG1, in appressorium turgor and pathogenesis. Eukaryotic Cell, 6: 997–1005.
  • MacHardy WE, Gadoury DM 1989. A revision of Mill’s criteria for predicting apple scab infection periods. Phytopathology 79:304-310.
  • Miah G, Rafii MY, Ismail MR, Sahebi M, Hashemi FSG, Yusuff O, Usman MG 2017. Blast disease intimidation towards rice cultivation: A Review of Pathogen and Strategies to Control. The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 27(4): 1058-1066.
  • Nalley L, Tsiboe F, Durand Morat A, Shew A, Thoma G 2016. Economic and environmental impact of rice blast pathogen (Magnaporthe oryzae) alleviation in the United States. Plos one 11(12): e0167295. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0167295. Nisikado Y 1927. Studies on rice blast disease. Japanese Journal of Botany 3, 239-244.
  • Oran YK 1975. Güneydoğu Anadolu'da çeltik yanıklığı fungusu (Pyricularia oryzae)' nin taksonomisi, bioekolojisi, zararı ve çeltik çeşitlerinin dayanıklılığı üzerine araştırmalar. Bitki Koruma Bülteni 6(1): 1-46.
  • Ou SH, 1985. Blast. In: Ou, SH. (ed) Rice Diseases. 2nd edn. Wallingford, UK, CAB International, pp. 109-201.
  • Rajput LS, Sharma T, Madhusudhan P, Sinha P 2017. Effect of Temperature on Rice Blast Infection Process with Emphasis on Appressoria Formation by Magnaporthe oryzae. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 6(4): 1931-1939.
  • Rowlandson T, Gleason M, Sentelhas P, Gillespie T, Thomas C, Hornbuckle B 2015. Reconsidering Leaf Wetness Duration Determination for Plant Disease Management. Plant Disease Vol. 99 No. 3-310-315.
  • Sawada K 1927. Lecture on the rice blast disease. Bulletin of the Goverment Research Institute, Department of Agriculture Formosa, 45:88.
  • Singh HS, Kaushik SS, Chauhan MS, Negi RS 2019. Efficacy of Different Fungicides against Rice Blast caused by Pyricularia oryzae (Cav.) under Field Condition in Satna District of Madhya Pradesh. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. 8(6): 63-69.
  • Sirithunya P, Sreewongchai T, Sriprakhon S, Toojinda T, Pimpisithavorn S, Kosawang C, Smitamana P 2007. Assessment of Genetic Diversity in Thai Isolates of Pyricularia grisea by Random Amplification of Polymorphic DNA. J. Phytopathol. 156: 196-204.
  • Skamnioti P, Gurr SJ 2009. Against the grain: safeguarding rice from rice blast disease. Trends in Biotechnology 27:141-150.
  • Suematsu N 1916. On the artificial culture of rice blast fungus (Dactylaria parasitans Cav.). Botanical Magazine, Tokyo 30:97-99.
  • Suzuki H 1975. Meteorological factors in the epidemiology of rice blast. Annual Reeview of Phytopathology 13, 239-56.
  • Talbot NJ 2003. On thetrail of a cereal killer: exploring the biology of Magnaporthe grisea. Annual Review of Microbiology 57:177-202.
  • Teng PS 1994. The epidemiological basis for blast management. In: Rice Blast Disease. R. S. Zeigler and S. A. Leong, eds. CAB International, Wallingford, U.K.
  • Trapero-Casas A, Kaiser WJ 1992. Development of Didymella rabiei the teleomorph of Ascochyta rabiei, on chickpea straw. Phytopathology 82(11):1261-1266.
  • Tseng TC, Yuan CS, Wu LC 1965. Temperature response of Piricularia oryzae Cav. isolated in different sesasons in Taiwan. Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica 6, 93-100.
  • Tochinai Y, Shimamuru M 1932. Studies on the physiologic specialization in Piricularia oryzae Br. et Cav. Annals of the Phytopathological Society of Japan 2, 414-441.
  • Uysal A, Kurt Ş 2017. Influence of inoculum density, temperature, wetness duration and leaf age on infection and development of spinach anthracnose caused by the fungal pathogen Colletotrichum spinaciae. Eur J Plant Pathol. DOI 10.1007/s10658-017-1249.
  • Yoshii H 1936. Pathological studies of rice blast caused by Piricularia oryzae. I.Some studies on thephysiology of thepathojen. II. Themode of infection of thepathogen. Annals of the Phytopathological Society of Japan 6, 199-218.
  • Webb DH, Nutter FW 1997. Effects of Leaf Wetness Duration and Temperature on Infection Efficiency, Latent Period, and Rate of Pustule Appearance of Rust in Alfalfa. Phytopathology 87: 946-950.
  • Zhou E, Jia Y, Singh P, Correll J, Lee F 2007. Instability of the Magnaporthe oryzae avirulence gene AVRPita alters virulence. Fungal Genet. Biol. 44: 1024-1034. doi: 10.1016/j.fgb.2007.02.003 PMID:17387027.
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural, Veterinary and Food Sciences

Efkan Akçalı 0000-0002-5486-7502

Şener Kurt 0000-0003-4545-5968

Project Number TAGEM-BS-10/07-04/02-11 / 1101D0102
Publication Date December 31, 2021
Submission Date December 31, 2020
Acceptance Date March 2, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Akçalı, E., & Kurt, Ş. (2021). Epidemiological Researches on Rice Blast Disease Caused by Pyricularia oryzae. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım Ve Doğa Dergisi, 24(6), 1221-1229.


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