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A New Record and a New Locality for the Genus Chlorophyllum Massee in Turkey

Year 2022, , 144 - 149, 28.02.2022


This paper was carried out on two secotioid macrofungi taxa within the order Agarigales. One of them, Chlorophyllum lusitanicum G. Moreno, Muñ.-Moh., Manjón, Carlavilla & Altés is reported as new record for Turkish and Asian mycobiota. A new locality was given for the second one, Chlorophyllum agaricoides (Czern.) Vellinga, which is also a rare taxon in Turkey. Chlorophyllum lusitanicum was described briefly, and the localities, voucher numbers are provided together with macro and micro photographs of fruit bodies and basidiospores of both taxa. A synoptic key for Turkish Chlorophyllum was also prepared.


The authors would like to thank Ömer UZUN for his kind help during field study.


  • Akata I, Uzun Y, Kaya A. 2014. Macromycetes determined in Yomra (Trabzon) district. Turkish Journal of Botany 38(5): 999-1012.
  • Alves MH, Cruz MO, Nascimento CC. 2019. First record of Chlorophyllum molybdites (G. Mey.) Massee (Basidiomycota, Agaricaceae) from Piauí state, Brazil. Check List, 15(4): 695-699.
  • Aşkun T, Işıloğlu M. 1997. Macrofungi of Balya (Balıkesir) county. Turkish Journal of Botany, 21(5): 279-284.
  • Carlavilla JR, Moreno G, Mohedano JM. 2018. Chlorophyllum lusitanicum a rare species from the Iberian Peninsula. Boletín de la Sociedad Micológica de Madrid, 42: 99-105.
  • Crous PW, Wingfield MJ, Le Roux JJ, Richardson DM, Strasberg D, Shivas RG, ......................... Wood AR, Zamora JC, Groenewald JZ. 2015. Fungal Planet description sheets: 371-399. Persoonia, 35: 264-327.
  • Çağli G, Öztürk A. 2020. Macromycetes determined in Muradiye (Van) district. Anatolian Journal of Botany, 4(1): 57-64.
  • Demirel GN, Allı H. 2019. Macrofungi Determined in Köyceğiz (Muğla) District. The Journal of Fungus, 10(2): 133-142.
  • Demirel K, Koçak MZ. 2016. Zilan Vadisi’nin (Erciş-VAN) Makrofungal Çeşitliliği. Mantar Dergisi, 7(2): 122-134.
  • Demirel K, Uzun Y, Akçay ME, Keleş A, Acar İ, Efe V. 2015. Van Yöresi Makromantarlarına Katkılar. Mantar Dergisi, 6(2): 13-23.
  • Demirel K, Uzun, Y. 1997. Two new and poisonous fungi for the mycoflora of Turkey. Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences, 16B(2): 103-104.
  • Dizkırıcı A, Kalmer A, Acar İ. 2019. Morphologic and Molecular Diagnosis of Some Leucoagaricus Species and Revealing a New Record from Turkey. The Journal of Fungus, 10(2): 143-150.
  • Dörfelt H, Gube M. 2007. Secotioid Agaricales (Basidiomycetes) from Mongolia. Feddes Repertorium, 118(3-4): 103-112.
  • Ge ZW, Jacobs A, Vellinga EC, Sysouphanthong P, Wald R, Lavorato C An YF, Yang ZL. 2018. A multi-gene phylogeny of Chlorophyllum (Agaricaceae, Basidiomycota): new species, new combination and infrageneric classification. MycoKeys, 32: 65-90.
  • Ge ZW, Yang ZL. 2006. The genus Chlorophyllum (Basidiomycetes) in China. Mycotaxon, 96: 181-191.
  • Index Fungorum (2020). http://www.indexfungorum. org/Names/Names.asp. Accessed 15 August 2020.
  • Işık H. 2020. New Agaricus, Steccherinum, and Typhula species for Turkey. Mycotaxon, 135(1): 213-222.
  • Işıloğlu M. 1994. A new record for the fungus flora of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany 18: 451-452.
  • Kaya A, Uzun Y. 2020. Bryoperdon, A New Gasteromycete Genus Record for Turkey. KSÜ Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi, 23(3): 596-599.
  • Keleş, A. 2019. Three new records for Turkish mycobiota. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 17(1): 983-988.
  • Kirk PM, Cannon PF, Minter DW, Stalpers JA. 2008. Dictionary of the Fungi, 10th ed., Wallingford: CAB International.
  • Loizides M, Alvarado P, Polemis E, Dimoud DM, Zervakis GI, Thines M, Telle S, Konstantinou G, Gube M. 2020. Multiple evolutionary origins of sequestrate species in the agaricoid genus Chlorophyllum. Mycologia, 112(2): 400-422.
  • Moreno G, Mohedano JM, Manjón JL, Carlavilla JR, Alté A. 2015. Chlorophyllum lusitanicum G. Moreno, Mohedano, Manjón, Carlavilla & Altés, sp. nov. Persoonia 35: 296-297.
  • Sesli E, Denchev CM. 2014. Checklists of the myxomycetes, larger ascomycetes, and larger basidiomycetes in Turkey. 6th ed. Mycotaxon, Checklists Online. 136 p. (http://www.mycotaxon. com/resources/checklists/sesli-v106-checklist.pdf).
  • Sesli E, Asan A, Selçuk F (edits.), Abacı Günyar Ö, Akata I, Akgül H, Aktaş S, Alkan S, Allı H, Aydoğdu H, Berikten D,
  • Demirel K, Demirel R, Doğan HH, Erdoğdu M, Ergül CC, Eroğlu G, Giray G, Haliki Uztan A, Kabaktepe Ş, Kadaifçiler D, Kalyoncu F, Karaltı İ, Kaşık G, Kaya A, Keleş A, Kırbağ S, Kıvanç M, Ocak İ, Ökten S, Özkale E, Öztürk C, Sevindik M, Şen B, Şen İ, Türkekul İ, Ulukapı M, Uzun Ya, Uzun Yu, Yoltaş A 2020. Türkiye mantar listesi (The Checklist of Fungi of Turkey). Ali Nihat Gökyiğit Vakfı Yayını. İstanbul.
  • Sesli E. 2020. Presence of Cortinarius atroalbus M.M.Moser and C. duracinobtusus Rob. Henry (Basidiomycota, Cortinariaceae) in Turkey. Anatolian Journal of Botany 4(2): 92-95.
  • Solak MH, Işıloğlu M, Kalmış E, Allı H. 2015. Macrofungi of Turkey, Checklist, Vol. 2. Turkey: Üniversiteliler Ofset, İzmir, 280p.
  • Uzun Y, Acar İ, Akçay ME, Kaya A. 2017. Contributions to the macrofungi of Bingöl, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany, 41(5): 516-534.
  • Vlaev K. 1915. Contribution to the higher fungus flora of Turkish Thrace. Travaux de la Société Bulgare des Sciences Naturelles, 8: 199-207.

Türkiye’deki Chlorophyllum Massee Cinsi İçin Yeni Bir Kayıt ve Yeni Bir Lokalite

Year 2022, , 144 - 149, 28.02.2022


Bu makale Agaricales takımına ait iki sekotioid makromantar taksonu üzerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bunlardan birisi, Chlorophyllum lusitanicum G. Moreno, Muñ.-Moh., Manjón, Carlavilla & Altés, Türkiye ve Asya mikobiyotası için yeni kayıt olarak rapor edilmiştir. Türkide’de nadir yayılış gösteren ikinci takson, Chlorophyllum agaricoides (Czern.) Vellinga, için ise Trabzon’dan yeni bir lokalite verilmiştir. Chlorophyllum lusitanicum kısaca betimlenerek her iki taksona ait lokaliteler, toplayıcı numaraları, fruktifikasyon organları ve bazidiyosporlara ilişkin makro ve mikro fotoğraflar ile birlikte verilmiştir. Türkiye’deki Chlorophyllum cinsine ait sinoptik anahtar da hazırlanmıştır.


  • Akata I, Uzun Y, Kaya A. 2014. Macromycetes determined in Yomra (Trabzon) district. Turkish Journal of Botany 38(5): 999-1012.
  • Alves MH, Cruz MO, Nascimento CC. 2019. First record of Chlorophyllum molybdites (G. Mey.) Massee (Basidiomycota, Agaricaceae) from Piauí state, Brazil. Check List, 15(4): 695-699.
  • Aşkun T, Işıloğlu M. 1997. Macrofungi of Balya (Balıkesir) county. Turkish Journal of Botany, 21(5): 279-284.
  • Carlavilla JR, Moreno G, Mohedano JM. 2018. Chlorophyllum lusitanicum a rare species from the Iberian Peninsula. Boletín de la Sociedad Micológica de Madrid, 42: 99-105.
  • Crous PW, Wingfield MJ, Le Roux JJ, Richardson DM, Strasberg D, Shivas RG, ......................... Wood AR, Zamora JC, Groenewald JZ. 2015. Fungal Planet description sheets: 371-399. Persoonia, 35: 264-327.
  • Çağli G, Öztürk A. 2020. Macromycetes determined in Muradiye (Van) district. Anatolian Journal of Botany, 4(1): 57-64.
  • Demirel GN, Allı H. 2019. Macrofungi Determined in Köyceğiz (Muğla) District. The Journal of Fungus, 10(2): 133-142.
  • Demirel K, Koçak MZ. 2016. Zilan Vadisi’nin (Erciş-VAN) Makrofungal Çeşitliliği. Mantar Dergisi, 7(2): 122-134.
  • Demirel K, Uzun Y, Akçay ME, Keleş A, Acar İ, Efe V. 2015. Van Yöresi Makromantarlarına Katkılar. Mantar Dergisi, 6(2): 13-23.
  • Demirel K, Uzun, Y. 1997. Two new and poisonous fungi for the mycoflora of Turkey. Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences, 16B(2): 103-104.
  • Dizkırıcı A, Kalmer A, Acar İ. 2019. Morphologic and Molecular Diagnosis of Some Leucoagaricus Species and Revealing a New Record from Turkey. The Journal of Fungus, 10(2): 143-150.
  • Dörfelt H, Gube M. 2007. Secotioid Agaricales (Basidiomycetes) from Mongolia. Feddes Repertorium, 118(3-4): 103-112.
  • Ge ZW, Jacobs A, Vellinga EC, Sysouphanthong P, Wald R, Lavorato C An YF, Yang ZL. 2018. A multi-gene phylogeny of Chlorophyllum (Agaricaceae, Basidiomycota): new species, new combination and infrageneric classification. MycoKeys, 32: 65-90.
  • Ge ZW, Yang ZL. 2006. The genus Chlorophyllum (Basidiomycetes) in China. Mycotaxon, 96: 181-191.
  • Index Fungorum (2020). http://www.indexfungorum. org/Names/Names.asp. Accessed 15 August 2020.
  • Işık H. 2020. New Agaricus, Steccherinum, and Typhula species for Turkey. Mycotaxon, 135(1): 213-222.
  • Işıloğlu M. 1994. A new record for the fungus flora of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany 18: 451-452.
  • Kaya A, Uzun Y. 2020. Bryoperdon, A New Gasteromycete Genus Record for Turkey. KSÜ Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi, 23(3): 596-599.
  • Keleş, A. 2019. Three new records for Turkish mycobiota. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 17(1): 983-988.
  • Kirk PM, Cannon PF, Minter DW, Stalpers JA. 2008. Dictionary of the Fungi, 10th ed., Wallingford: CAB International.
  • Loizides M, Alvarado P, Polemis E, Dimoud DM, Zervakis GI, Thines M, Telle S, Konstantinou G, Gube M. 2020. Multiple evolutionary origins of sequestrate species in the agaricoid genus Chlorophyllum. Mycologia, 112(2): 400-422.
  • Moreno G, Mohedano JM, Manjón JL, Carlavilla JR, Alté A. 2015. Chlorophyllum lusitanicum G. Moreno, Mohedano, Manjón, Carlavilla & Altés, sp. nov. Persoonia 35: 296-297.
  • Sesli E, Denchev CM. 2014. Checklists of the myxomycetes, larger ascomycetes, and larger basidiomycetes in Turkey. 6th ed. Mycotaxon, Checklists Online. 136 p. (http://www.mycotaxon. com/resources/checklists/sesli-v106-checklist.pdf).
  • Sesli E, Asan A, Selçuk F (edits.), Abacı Günyar Ö, Akata I, Akgül H, Aktaş S, Alkan S, Allı H, Aydoğdu H, Berikten D,
  • Demirel K, Demirel R, Doğan HH, Erdoğdu M, Ergül CC, Eroğlu G, Giray G, Haliki Uztan A, Kabaktepe Ş, Kadaifçiler D, Kalyoncu F, Karaltı İ, Kaşık G, Kaya A, Keleş A, Kırbağ S, Kıvanç M, Ocak İ, Ökten S, Özkale E, Öztürk C, Sevindik M, Şen B, Şen İ, Türkekul İ, Ulukapı M, Uzun Ya, Uzun Yu, Yoltaş A 2020. Türkiye mantar listesi (The Checklist of Fungi of Turkey). Ali Nihat Gökyiğit Vakfı Yayını. İstanbul.
  • Sesli E. 2020. Presence of Cortinarius atroalbus M.M.Moser and C. duracinobtusus Rob. Henry (Basidiomycota, Cortinariaceae) in Turkey. Anatolian Journal of Botany 4(2): 92-95.
  • Solak MH, Işıloğlu M, Kalmış E, Allı H. 2015. Macrofungi of Turkey, Checklist, Vol. 2. Turkey: Üniversiteliler Ofset, İzmir, 280p.
  • Uzun Y, Acar İ, Akçay ME, Kaya A. 2017. Contributions to the macrofungi of Bingöl, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany, 41(5): 516-534.
  • Vlaev K. 1915. Contribution to the higher fungus flora of Turkish Thrace. Travaux de la Société Bulgare des Sciences Naturelles, 8: 199-207.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Structural Biology

Yasin Uzun 0000-0002-6423-6085

Abdullah Kaya 0000-0002-4654-1406

Publication Date February 28, 2022
Submission Date March 5, 2021
Acceptance Date April 29, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Uzun, Y., & Kaya, A. (2022). A New Record and a New Locality for the Genus Chlorophyllum Massee in Turkey. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım Ve Doğa Dergisi, 25(1), 144-149.


2022-JIF = 0.500

2022-JCI = 0.170

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Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi
e-ISSN: 2619-9149