Research Article
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Phoma tracheiphila’ya Karşı Bazı Fungisitlerin Etkinliğinin Araştırılması

Year 2022, , 1086 - 1097, 31.10.2022


Bu çalışmada bir ruhsatlı olmak üzere 11 farklı fungisitin 14 farklı konsantrasyonunun in vitro koşullarda Phoma tracehiphila’nın en virulent izolatlatının (Pt-E10) miselyal gelişimi üzerine etkileri araştırılmıştır. In vitro koşullarda patojenin miselyal gelişimini engellemede cyprodinil (375 g kg-1)+ fludioxonil (250 g kg-1) kombinasyonunun 5 ppm≥ , fluxapyroxad (75 g l-1) + difenoconazole (50 g l-1) fungisit kombinasyonunun 100 ppm≥ uygulama dozları %100 etki ederek en etkili fungisitler olmuştur. cyprodinil (375 g kg-1)+ fludioxonil (250 g kg-1) ve fluxapyroxad (75 g L-1) + difenoconazole (50 g L-1) Bu fungisit kombinasyonlarının EC50 değerleri sırasıyla 0.12 ve 1.23 ppm olarak P. tracehiphila (Pt-E10) için hesaplanmıştır. Azoxystrobin, dithianon ve pyraclostrobin gibi etkili maddeli fungisitler P. tracheiphila’nın miselyal gelişimini engellemede kayda değer bir etki göstermemiştir. Sera denemelerinde ise cyprodinil (375 g kg-1) + fludioxonil (250 g kg-1) ve fluxapyroxad (75 g L-1) + difenoconazole (50 g L-1) fungisit kombinasyonlarının normal dozları hastalık şiddetini engellemede çok etkili değilken, uygulama dozunun iki katı kullanıldığında hastalık sırasıyla %62.6 ile %45.3 düzeyinde engellenmiş, ruhsatlı bakırhidroksit ise hastalığı sadece % 9.8 oranında engellemiştir.

Supporting Institution

Çukurova Üniversitesi, Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Birimi

Project Number



  • Abbott WS 1987. A method of computing the effectiveness of an insecticide. Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association, (3)2: 302-303
  • Anonim 2011. 934/Yasaklanan Bitki Koruma Urunleri Aktif Madde Listesi
  • Anonim 2020. Türkiye Limon Üretimi, 2020. (Alınma tarihi: 29.05.2021)
  • Anonim 2014. Scientific opinion on pest categorisation of Plenodomus tracheiphilus (petri) Gruyter, Avskamp & Verkley [syn. Phoma tracheiphila (Petri) L.A. Kantschaveli &Gikashvili]. EFSA Panel on Plant Health (PLH). European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), Parma, Italy, 34 pages
  • Anonim 2019. Dünya Turunçgil Üretimi, 2019. (Alınma Tarihi: 29.05.2021)
  • Coco V, Grimaldi V, Licciardello G, Cirvilleri G, Grasso S, Catara A 2004. Inhibition of Phoma tracheiphila bu Pseudomonas in citrus seedling. Proceedings of the 8th. International Citrus Congress, Agadir, Morocco: 729-732
  • de Gruyter J, Woudenberg JHC, Aveskamp MM, Verkley GJM, Groenewald JZ, Crous PW 2013. Redisposition of Phoma-like anamorphs in Pleosporales. Studies in Mycology, 75:1-36
  • Dinç N, Turan K, Salih H 1981. Akdeniz bölgesi limonlarında görülen Uçkurutan hastalığı [Deuterophoma tracheiphila (Petri) Kane. et Ghik.]’nın savaş yöntemleri üzerinde araştırmalar. Bitki Koruma Bülteni, 21(2): 89-99
  • Elia 1969. Brevi note preliminari su tentativi di lotta endoterapica del mal secco degli Agrumi. Informatore Fitopatologico 19(8): 403-404
  • Gimenez-Verdu I, Luisi N 1978. Saggio di attivita di due fungicidi sistemici verso il “mal secco” degli Agrumi, Atti Giornate Fitopatologiche 1978. Catania-acireale Italy: 407-415
  • Kalai-Grami L, Saidi S, Bachkouel S, Slimene IB, Mnari-Hattab M, Hajlaoui MR, Limam F 2014. Isolation and characterization of putative endophytic bacteria antagonistic to Phoma tracheiphila and Verticillium albo-atrum. Appl. Biochem Biotechnol,174: 365-375.
  • Kantschaveli LA, Gikashvili KG 1948. Materials for the study of “mal secco” or dying up of lemon trees in SSR. Trudy Nauchno-Issledovatel’s kogo. Instituta Zashchity Rastenii Gruzinskoi SSR, 5:1-43
  • Klotz LJ 1954. Mal Secco disease of Citrus.; Citrus leaves, January 1954
  • Migheli Q, Cacciola SO, Balmas V, Pane A, Ezra D, Magnano di San Lio G 2009. Mal secco disease caused by Phoma tracheiphila: a potantial threat to lemon production worldwide. Plant Disease, 93: 852-867
  • Navarro N, Pina JA, Juarez J, Ballester-Olmos JF, Duran-Villa N, Guerri J, Moreno P, Ortega C, Navarro A, Arregui JM, Cambra M, Zaragoza S 2002. The Spanish varietal certification system. Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias, Valencia, Spain
  • Nigro F, Ippolito A, Salerno MG 2011. Mal secco disease of citrus: a journey through a century of research. Journal of Plant Pathology, 93(3): 523-560
  • Özdemir KS 2019. Limon ağaçlarında uçkurutan hastalığı’na (Phoma tracheiphila kanc. & ghik.) karşı mikorizal funguslar ve dayanıklılık teşvik edicilerin etkinliğinin belirlenmesi Çukurova Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Doktora tezi, 90 sy
  • Petri L 1929. Sulla posizione sistematica del fungo parassita delle piante di limone affette da “mal secco” (in Italian). Bolletino della Stazione di Patologia Vegetale, 9: 393-396
  • Ploetz RC, Perez-Martinez JM, Evans EA, Inch SA 2011. Towards fungicidal management of laurel wilt of avocado. Plant Disease, 95 (8): 977-982
  • Salerno M, Cutili G 1981. The management of fungal and bacterial diseases of citrus in Italy. Proceeding of the 4th International Citrus Congress, Nowember 1981 Tokyo, Japan. The ınternaional Society of Citriculture, Vol I, Ed. Matsumoto K 1: 360-362
  • Salerno M, Somma V 1971. Observatione on the systemic nature of benomyl in sour orange seedlings and results of trials against citrus Mal secco. Phytopth. Mediterranea, 10 (1): 99-106 (Rev. App. Pathology 50 (12): 674
  • Solel Z, Pinkas Y, Shabi E 1977. Internal therapy of mal secco of lemon by pressure infection of fungicides. Netherland J. Plant Pathology, 83 (1): 383-391
  • Solel Z, Spiegel-Roy P 1978. Methodology of selection of lemon clones for tolerans to mal secco (Phoma tracheiphila) Phytoparasitica, (6)3: 129-134
  • Somma V, Cutuli G, Li Destri Nicosia O, Solerno M 1978. Accumulation e persistenza del benomyl e del metil-tiofanate in organi vegetativi e frutti di piante di limone trattate alla chioma. Atti Giornate Fitopatologiche 1978, Catania Acireale, Italy:51-57
  • Tusa N, Bosco SF, Nigro F, Ippolito A 2000. Response of cybrids and somatic hybrid of lemon to Phoma tracheiphila infections. HortScience, (35)1: 125-127
  • Townsend GR. Heuberger JW 1943. Methods for estimating losses caused by diseases in fungicide experiments. The Plant Disease Reporter, 27: 340–343
  • Twizeyimana T, McDonald V, Mayarquin JS, Wang DH, Na F, Akgül DS, Eskalen A 2013. Effect of fungicide application on the management of avocado branch canker (formerly Dothiorella canker) in Califonia. Plant Disease, 97 (7): 897-902.

Investigation of the Effectiveness of Some Fungicides Against Phoma tracheiphila

Year 2022, , 1086 - 1097, 31.10.2022


In this study, the effects of 14 different concentrations of 11 different fungicides, including one licensed, on the mycelial growth of Phoma tracehiphila's most virulent isolates (Pt-E10) were investigated in in vitro conditions. The 5.0 ppm ≥ of cyprodinil (375 g kg-1) + fludioxonil (250 g kg-1) combination and 100 ppm ≥ of fluxapyroxad (75 g L-1) + difenoconazole (50 g L-1) combination were the most effective fungicides with 100 % effect on radial growth inhibition. The EC50 values of these fungicide combinations were calculated for P. tracehiphila (Pt-E10) as 0.12 and 1.23 ppm, respectively. Fungicides with active substances such as azoxystrobin, dithianon and pyraclostrobin did not show any significant effect in preventing mycelial development of P. tracheiphila. In greenhouse trials, the normal doses of cyprodinil (375 g kg-1) + fludioxonil (250 g kg-1) and fluxapyroxad (75 g L-1) + difenoconazole (50 g L-1) fungicide have not been very effective in preventing disease severity. However, when using two fold application doses of fungicides the disease severity was prevented at 62.6% and 45.3%, respectively, and the licensed copper hydroxide prevented the disease only at the rate of 9.8%.

Project Number



  • Abbott WS 1987. A method of computing the effectiveness of an insecticide. Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association, (3)2: 302-303
  • Anonim 2011. 934/Yasaklanan Bitki Koruma Urunleri Aktif Madde Listesi
  • Anonim 2020. Türkiye Limon Üretimi, 2020. (Alınma tarihi: 29.05.2021)
  • Anonim 2014. Scientific opinion on pest categorisation of Plenodomus tracheiphilus (petri) Gruyter, Avskamp & Verkley [syn. Phoma tracheiphila (Petri) L.A. Kantschaveli &Gikashvili]. EFSA Panel on Plant Health (PLH). European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), Parma, Italy, 34 pages
  • Anonim 2019. Dünya Turunçgil Üretimi, 2019. (Alınma Tarihi: 29.05.2021)
  • Coco V, Grimaldi V, Licciardello G, Cirvilleri G, Grasso S, Catara A 2004. Inhibition of Phoma tracheiphila bu Pseudomonas in citrus seedling. Proceedings of the 8th. International Citrus Congress, Agadir, Morocco: 729-732
  • de Gruyter J, Woudenberg JHC, Aveskamp MM, Verkley GJM, Groenewald JZ, Crous PW 2013. Redisposition of Phoma-like anamorphs in Pleosporales. Studies in Mycology, 75:1-36
  • Dinç N, Turan K, Salih H 1981. Akdeniz bölgesi limonlarında görülen Uçkurutan hastalığı [Deuterophoma tracheiphila (Petri) Kane. et Ghik.]’nın savaş yöntemleri üzerinde araştırmalar. Bitki Koruma Bülteni, 21(2): 89-99
  • Elia 1969. Brevi note preliminari su tentativi di lotta endoterapica del mal secco degli Agrumi. Informatore Fitopatologico 19(8): 403-404
  • Gimenez-Verdu I, Luisi N 1978. Saggio di attivita di due fungicidi sistemici verso il “mal secco” degli Agrumi, Atti Giornate Fitopatologiche 1978. Catania-acireale Italy: 407-415
  • Kalai-Grami L, Saidi S, Bachkouel S, Slimene IB, Mnari-Hattab M, Hajlaoui MR, Limam F 2014. Isolation and characterization of putative endophytic bacteria antagonistic to Phoma tracheiphila and Verticillium albo-atrum. Appl. Biochem Biotechnol,174: 365-375.
  • Kantschaveli LA, Gikashvili KG 1948. Materials for the study of “mal secco” or dying up of lemon trees in SSR. Trudy Nauchno-Issledovatel’s kogo. Instituta Zashchity Rastenii Gruzinskoi SSR, 5:1-43
  • Klotz LJ 1954. Mal Secco disease of Citrus.; Citrus leaves, January 1954
  • Migheli Q, Cacciola SO, Balmas V, Pane A, Ezra D, Magnano di San Lio G 2009. Mal secco disease caused by Phoma tracheiphila: a potantial threat to lemon production worldwide. Plant Disease, 93: 852-867
  • Navarro N, Pina JA, Juarez J, Ballester-Olmos JF, Duran-Villa N, Guerri J, Moreno P, Ortega C, Navarro A, Arregui JM, Cambra M, Zaragoza S 2002. The Spanish varietal certification system. Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias, Valencia, Spain
  • Nigro F, Ippolito A, Salerno MG 2011. Mal secco disease of citrus: a journey through a century of research. Journal of Plant Pathology, 93(3): 523-560
  • Özdemir KS 2019. Limon ağaçlarında uçkurutan hastalığı’na (Phoma tracheiphila kanc. & ghik.) karşı mikorizal funguslar ve dayanıklılık teşvik edicilerin etkinliğinin belirlenmesi Çukurova Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Doktora tezi, 90 sy
  • Petri L 1929. Sulla posizione sistematica del fungo parassita delle piante di limone affette da “mal secco” (in Italian). Bolletino della Stazione di Patologia Vegetale, 9: 393-396
  • Ploetz RC, Perez-Martinez JM, Evans EA, Inch SA 2011. Towards fungicidal management of laurel wilt of avocado. Plant Disease, 95 (8): 977-982
  • Salerno M, Cutili G 1981. The management of fungal and bacterial diseases of citrus in Italy. Proceeding of the 4th International Citrus Congress, Nowember 1981 Tokyo, Japan. The ınternaional Society of Citriculture, Vol I, Ed. Matsumoto K 1: 360-362
  • Salerno M, Somma V 1971. Observatione on the systemic nature of benomyl in sour orange seedlings and results of trials against citrus Mal secco. Phytopth. Mediterranea, 10 (1): 99-106 (Rev. App. Pathology 50 (12): 674
  • Solel Z, Pinkas Y, Shabi E 1977. Internal therapy of mal secco of lemon by pressure infection of fungicides. Netherland J. Plant Pathology, 83 (1): 383-391
  • Solel Z, Spiegel-Roy P 1978. Methodology of selection of lemon clones for tolerans to mal secco (Phoma tracheiphila) Phytoparasitica, (6)3: 129-134
  • Somma V, Cutuli G, Li Destri Nicosia O, Solerno M 1978. Accumulation e persistenza del benomyl e del metil-tiofanate in organi vegetativi e frutti di piante di limone trattate alla chioma. Atti Giornate Fitopatologiche 1978, Catania Acireale, Italy:51-57
  • Tusa N, Bosco SF, Nigro F, Ippolito A 2000. Response of cybrids and somatic hybrid of lemon to Phoma tracheiphila infections. HortScience, (35)1: 125-127
  • Townsend GR. Heuberger JW 1943. Methods for estimating losses caused by diseases in fungicide experiments. The Plant Disease Reporter, 27: 340–343
  • Twizeyimana T, McDonald V, Mayarquin JS, Wang DH, Na F, Akgül DS, Eskalen A 2013. Effect of fungicide application on the management of avocado branch canker (formerly Dothiorella canker) in Califonia. Plant Disease, 97 (7): 897-902.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Agricultural, Veterinary and Food Sciences

Mukaddes Kayım 0000-0003-0309-0390

Merve Yeşil 0000-0003-4983-2871

Ali Endes 0000-0003-4815-5864

Project Number FYL2018/10390
Publication Date October 31, 2022
Submission Date June 5, 2021
Acceptance Date October 11, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Kayım, M., Yeşil, M., & Endes, A. (2022). Phoma tracheiphila’ya Karşı Bazı Fungisitlerin Etkinliğinin Araştırılması. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım Ve Doğa Dergisi, 25(5), 1086-1097.


2022-JIF = 0.500

2022-JCI = 0.170

Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi (International Peer Reviewed Journal)

       Dergimiz, herhangi bir başvuru veya yayımlama ücreti almamaktadır. (Free submission and publication)

      Yılda 6 sayı yayınlanır. (Published 6 times a year)


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Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi
e-ISSN: 2619-9149