Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Publication Ethics

The Scientific Mining Journal is committed to complying with COPE's (Committee on Publication Ethics) Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines ( editors are responsible for following the COPE’s guidelines for editors, and our reviewers must comply with COPE's ethical guidelines for peer reviewers.

Below the responsibilities and roles of the Editors, Reviewers, Authors and Publisher are given. Scientific Mining Journal aims to publish peer-reviewed original research and review articles in English.  All the article has to be submitted with an English abstract. 

Responsibilities and roles of the Editors

Primary role of an editor is to management of the journal.
Editors have final decision right on the submitted articles. Successful submission and reviewing process does not guaranty an article to be published. The articles are selected for publication if the majority of the editor votes are positive for the article.

Editors have right and responsibility to communicate from the manuscript submission system also editors can communicate directly in force majeure events.

Preparations of the documents related with preparation and submission of the guidelines for authors.

Editors are responsible to treat authors with proper dignity, courtesy, fair behavior irrespective from the content of the article. Also, editors have responsibility to behave indifferent to all authors from the different country, race, culture.

Editors have responsibility to the dictate the process of submission of an article.

Editors are responsible from the timely publishing of the accepted articles.

For any submitted article corresponding editor is responsible for the selecting at least two reviewer considering the expertise of the reviewers related the article content.

Responsibilities and roles of the Authors

It is author’s responsibility to ensure that the manuscript presents a technically as well as grammatically correct copy.

Manuscripts have to be prepared according to according to the following the rules provided in “Guidelines for Authors”.

All manuscript has to be submitted by the online system provided by the Scientific Mining Journal.

Corresponding author is responsible for the intellectual property of the work submitted. In case of plagiarism and other non-ethical act, corresponding author is responsible.

Responsibilities and Roles of the Reviewers

The manuscript should not be discussed to, disclosed to, shown to third parties. Where third parties are defined as: anyone except editors and corresponding author.

To judge the manuscript objectively, free from the any bias including racial, national and cultural biases.

The reviewer has to warn the editors in any case of conflict of interest.

To write unbiased feedback in timely manner.


Articles submitted by the authors are published free from the charge.

Sharing Article

Authors can share only their articles by clear stating that the corresponding work published in the Scientific Mining Journal.

Article withdrawal

Only corresponding author can withdraw the work prior to the hard copy publication. After the publication it is impossible to withdraw the work.

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