Research Article
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Does Social Media Make Unhappy? A Research on the Effect of Social Media Platforms Usage on Happiness in Demographic Crack

Year 2023, Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 655 - 670, 21.10.2023


The new technologies brought by the digital age are changing how individuals and societies communicate, learn, work and manage. Digital tools and platforms that have developed thanks to technology have made people's lives easier while affecting their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. Thanks to digital tools, communication has become independent of time and space, and distances have become closer. People who had to be isolated due to the coronavirus epidemic have increased their use of digital technology to communicate with their loved ones, get information, work, learn, socialize, and have fun. According to the results of TÜİK's “Household Information Technologies (IT) Usage Survey, 2021”, the internet usage rate in 2021 is 82.6%, and the rate of those who use the internet regularly is 80.5%. On the other hand, according to the results of the World Happiness Report by Gallup, Turkey ranks 112th in the World Happiness Ranking. While Turkey's happiness level has shown a decreasing momentum since 2016, social media usage rates are increasing. In line with these data, the research aims to determine the effect of social media platform use on happiness. Descriptive research, one of the quantitative research types, was used in the research design with the experimental research method. Within the scope of the research, an online questionnaire was applied to 170 white-collar employees, who were reached by convenience sampling method. According to the research results, happiness is similar according to the duration of use of social media platforms.


  • ARAMPATZI, Efstratia, BURGER, Martijn J. and NOVIK, Natallia (2016), “Social Network Sites, Individual Social Capital and Happiness”, Journal of Happiness Studies, S.19(1), ss.99-122.
  • BALCI, Şükrü ve DEMIR, Yavuz (2018), “Sosyal Medya Kullanımı ile Mutluluk Düzeyi Arasındaki İlişki: Üniversite Gençliği Üzerine Bir İnceleme”, The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies, S.71, ss.339-354.
  • BRAILOVSKAIA, Julia and MARGRAF, Jürgen (2018), “What Does Media Use Reveal About Personality and Mental Health? An Exploratory Investigation among German Students”, Plos One, S.13(1), ss.1-17.
  • BRAILOVSKAIA, Julia, TRUSKAUSKAITE-KUNEVICIENE, Inga, KAZLAUSKAS, Evaldas and MARGRAF, Jürgen (2021), “The Patterns of Problematic Social Media Use (SMU) and Their Relationship with Online Flow, Life Satisfaction, Depression, Anxiety and Stress Symptoms in Lithuania and in Germany”, Current Psychology, Springer Publisher, New York (US), ss.1-12.
  • BÜYÜKÖZTÜRK, Şener (2011), Sosyal Bilimler İçin Veri Analizi El Kitabı, PEGEM Akademi Yayınları, Ankara, 14. Baskı.
  • CATAPANO, Rhia, QUOIDBACH, Jordi, MOGILNER, Cassie and AAKER, Jennifer L. (2022), “Financial Resources Impact the Relationship between Meaning and Happiness”, Emotion, American Psychological Association: Advance Online Publication, ss.1-8.
  • CEYHAN, Esra, CEYHAN, Aydoğan Aykut ve GÜRCAN, Ayşen (2007), “Problemli İnternet Kullanımı Ölçeği’nin Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışmaları”, KUYEB - Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, S.7(1), ss.387-416.
  • DAĞITMAÇ, Murat ve EKMEN, Şehadet (2019), Dijital Psikolojik Devrim, Motto Yayınları, İstanbul, 2. Baskı.
  • DATAREPORTAL (2022), “Global Social Media Stats”, Datareportal (E-Article), (Access Data: 20.12.2022).
  • DIENER, Ed (2000), “Subjective Wellbeing: The Science of Happiness and a Proposal for a National Index”, American Psychologist, S.55, ss.34-43.
  • ELLISON, Nicole B., STEINFIELD, Charles and LAMPE, Cliff (2007), “The Benefits of Facebook “Friends”: Social Capital and College Students’ Use of Online Social Network Sites”, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, S.12(4), ss.1143-1168.
  • EMMONS, Robert A. and MCCULLOUGH, Michael E. (2003), “Counting Blessings Versus Burdens: An Experimental İnvestigation of Gratitude and Subject Well-Being in Daily Life”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, S.84(2), ss.377-389.
  • GERVAIS, Michael (2020), “Stresi Nasıl Yönetebilirsiniz?”, Koronavirüs: Liderlik ve Toparlanma (Çev. Taner Gezer), Harvard Business Review Press / Optimist Yayınları, İstanbul, ss.117-129.
  • HANÇERLİOĞLU, Orhan (1973), Mutluluk Düşüncesi, Varlık Yayınevi, Ankara, 3. Baskı.
  • HEPPER, Erica G., WILDSCHUT, Tim, SEDIKIDES, Constantine, ROBERTSON, Sara and ROUTLEDGE, Clay D. (2021), “Time Capsule: Nostalgia Shields Psychological Wellbeing from Limited Time Horizons”, Emotion, S.21(3), ss.644-664.
  • HSU, Michelle S. H., ROUF, Anika and ALLMAN-FARINELLI, Margaret (2018), “Effectiveness and Behavioral Mechanisms of Social Media Interventions for Positive Nutrition Behaviors in Adolescents: A Systematic Review”, The Journal of Adolescent Health, S.63, ss.531-545.
  • KENNY, Andrew (2012), “Facebook: the Effect on Happiness and its Attraction to Users: Department of Psychology”, Final Year Project, Dublin Business School, (Access Data: 03.08.2022).
  • KÖROĞLU, Ertuğrul (2019), Mutluluk ve Esenlik, HYN Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • KRAUT, Robert, LUNDMARK, Vicki, PATTERSON, Michael, KIESLER, Sara, MUKOPADHYAY, Tridas and SCHERLIS, William (1998), “Internet Paradox: A Social Technology That Reduces Social Involvement and Psychological Well-Being”, The American Psychologist, S.53(9), ss.1017–1031.
  • LAMBERT, Louise, DRAPER, Z. A., WARREN, Meg A., JOSHANLOO, Mohsen, CHIAO, E. L., SCHWAM, A. and ARORA, Teresa (2022), “Conceptions of Happiness Matter: Relationships between Fear and Fragility of Happiness and Mental and Physical Wellbeing”, Journal of Happiness Studies, S.23(2), ss.535-560.
  • LIN, Kuan-Yu and LU, Hsi-Peng (2011), “Why People Use Social Networking Sites: An Empirical Study Integrating Network Externalities and Motivation Theory”, Computers in Human Behavior, S.27(3), ss.1152-1161.
  • MOORHEAD, S. Anne, HAZLETT, Diane E., HARRISON, Laura, CARROLL, Jennifer K., IRWİN, Anthea and HOVING, Ciska (2013), “New Dimension of Health Care: Systematic Review of the Uses, Benefits, and Limitations of Social Media for Health Communication”, Journal of Medical Internet Research, S.15(4), ss.(e85).
  • MOSS, Jennifer (2017), “Mutluluk Negatif Duyguların Olmaması Değildir”, Mutluluk (Çev. Nevra Yaraç), Harvard Business Review Press / Optimist Yayınları, İstanbul, ss.5-17.
  • PRICE, Catherine (2021), Dijital Detoks (Çev. Selin Özkan), Epsilon Yayınevi, İstanbul.
  • PRZYBYLSKI, Andrew K. and WEINSTEIN, Netta (2017), “Large-Scale Test of the Goldilocks Hypothesis”, Psychological Science, S.28(2), ss.204-215.
  • ROSEN, Aviana O., HOLMES, Ashley L., BALLUERKA, Nekane, HIDALGO, Maria Dolores, GOROSTIAGA, Arantxa, GÓMEZ-BENITO, Juana and HUEDO-MEDINA, Tania B. (2022), “Is Social Media a New Type of Social Support? Social Media Use in Spain during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Mixed Methods Study”, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, S.19(7), ss.(3952).
  • SELIGMAN, Martin E. P., STEEN, Tracy A., PARK, Nansook, and PETERSON, Christropher (2005), “Positive Psychology Progress: Empirical Validation of Intervention”, The American Psychologist, S.60(5), ss.410-421.
  • SINGH, Kamlesh and JHA, Shalini Duggai (2008), “Positive and Negative Affect, and Grit as Predictors of Happiness and Life Satisfaction”, Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology, S.34(Special Issue), ss.40-45.
  • STATİSTA (2021), “İnternette Bir Dakikada Neler Yapılıyor?”, Statista, (Erişim Tarihi: 12.12.2022).
  • STEINFIELD, Charles, ELLISON, Nicole B., and LAMPE, Cliff (2008), “Social Capital, Self-Esteem, and Use of Online Social Network Sites: A Longitudinal Analysis”, Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, S.29(6), ss.434–445.
  • VALKENBURG, Patti M., MEIER, Adrian and BEYENS, Ine (2022), “Social Media Use and its Impact on Adolescent Mental Health: An Umbrella Review of the Evidence”, Elsevier, S.44, ss.58-68.
  • VALKENBURG, Patti M., VAN DRIEL, Irene I. and BEYENS, Ine (2022), “The Associations of Active and Passive Social Media Use with Well-Being: A Critical Scoping Review”, New Media & Society, S.24(2), ss.530-549.
  • VERMA, Kalpana (2021), “Impact of Social Media Use (SMU) on Mental Health During COVID-19 Pandemic”, Asian Journal of Psychiatry, S.63, ss.(102767).
  • WARR, Peter (2020), Mutluluk Psikolojisi (Çev. Ezgi Tanıl), Nobel Yaşam Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • WE ARE SOCİAL TURKEY (2022), “Digital 2022 another Year of Bumper Growth 2”, We Are Social (E-Article), (Erişim Tarihi: 12.12.2022).
  • WENNINGER, Helena, KRASNOVA, Hanna and BUXMANN, Peter (2014), “Activity Matters: Investigating the Influence of Facebook on Life Satisfaction of Teenage Users”, Twenty Second European Conference on Information Systems, ECIS 2014 Proceedings, Tel Aviv, ss.1-18.
  • YOUNG, Lindsay, KOLUBINSKI, Daniel C. and FRINGS, Daniel (2020), “Attachment Style Moderates the Relationship between Social Media Use and User Mental Health and Wellbeing”, New Media & Society, S.24(2), ss.1-7.
  • YU, Sen-Chi (2020), “Does Using Social Network Sites Reduce Depression and Promote Happiness? An Example of Facebook-Based Positive Interventions”, International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction, S.16(3), ss.56-69.
  • YU, Sen- Chi and CHOU, Chien (2009), “Does Authentic Happiness Exist in Cyberspace? Implications for Understanding and Guiding College Students’ Internet Attitudes and Behaviors”, British Journal of Educational Technology, S.40(6), ss.1135-1138.
  • ZHOU, Xinyue, SEDIKIDES, Constantine, MO, Tiantian, Lİ, Wanyue, HONG, Emily K. and WILDSCHUT, Tim (2022), “The Restorative Power of Nostalgia: Thwarting Loneliness by Raising Happiness During the COVID-19 Pandemic”, Social Psychological and Personality Science, S.13(4), ss.803-815.

Sosyal Medya Mutsuz Ediyor Mu? Sosyal Medya Platformları Kullanım Süresinin Mutluluk Üzerindeki Etkisinin Demografik Kırılımda İncelenmesine Yönelik Bir Araştırma

Year 2023, Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 655 - 670, 21.10.2023


Teknolojinin sayesinde gelişen dijital araç ve platformlar insanların hayatlarını kolaylaştırırken duygu, düşünce ve davranışlarını da etkilemiştir. Dijital araçlar sayesinde iletişim zaman ve mekândan bağımsız hale gelerek uzaklar yakınlaştırmıştır. Dijital çağın getirdiği yeni teknolojiler bireylerin ve toplumların iletişim kurma, öğrenme, çalışma ve yönetme şeklini değiştirmektedir. Koronavirüs salgını nedeniyle izole olmak zorunda kalan insanlar sevdikleri kişilerle iletişim kurma, bilgi alma, çalışma, öğrenme, sosyalleşme ve eğlenme amacıyla dijital teknoloji kullanımını artırmışlardır. TÜİK «Hanehalkı Bilişim Teknolojileri (BT) Kullanım Araştırması, 2021» sonuçlarına göre 2021 yılı internet kullanım oranı %82,6 ve interneti düzenli kullananların oranı ise %80,5’tir. Buna karşın Gallup tarafından yapılan Dünya mutluluk raporu sonuçlarına göre ise Türkiye Dünya mutluluk sıralamasında 112. sıradadır. Türkiye’de mutluluk seviyesi 2016 yılından itibaren azalan bir ivme gösterirken sosyal medya kullanım oranları artmaktadır. Bu veriler doğrultusunda araştırmanın amacı sosyal medya platformu kullanımının mutluluk üzerindeki etkisini belirlemektir. Keşifsel araştırma yöntemiyle dizayn edilen araştırmada nicel araştırma türlerinden betimsel kullanılmıştır. Araştırma kapsamında kolayda örnekleme yöntemiyle ulaşılan 170 beyaz yakalı çalışana online olarak anket uygulanmıştır. Araştırma sonucuna göre mutluluk sosyal medya platformlarının kullanımım süresine göre anlamlı farklılık göstermemektedir.


  • ARAMPATZI, Efstratia, BURGER, Martijn J. and NOVIK, Natallia (2016), “Social Network Sites, Individual Social Capital and Happiness”, Journal of Happiness Studies, S.19(1), ss.99-122.
  • BALCI, Şükrü ve DEMIR, Yavuz (2018), “Sosyal Medya Kullanımı ile Mutluluk Düzeyi Arasındaki İlişki: Üniversite Gençliği Üzerine Bir İnceleme”, The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies, S.71, ss.339-354.
  • BRAILOVSKAIA, Julia and MARGRAF, Jürgen (2018), “What Does Media Use Reveal About Personality and Mental Health? An Exploratory Investigation among German Students”, Plos One, S.13(1), ss.1-17.
  • BRAILOVSKAIA, Julia, TRUSKAUSKAITE-KUNEVICIENE, Inga, KAZLAUSKAS, Evaldas and MARGRAF, Jürgen (2021), “The Patterns of Problematic Social Media Use (SMU) and Their Relationship with Online Flow, Life Satisfaction, Depression, Anxiety and Stress Symptoms in Lithuania and in Germany”, Current Psychology, Springer Publisher, New York (US), ss.1-12.
  • BÜYÜKÖZTÜRK, Şener (2011), Sosyal Bilimler İçin Veri Analizi El Kitabı, PEGEM Akademi Yayınları, Ankara, 14. Baskı.
  • CATAPANO, Rhia, QUOIDBACH, Jordi, MOGILNER, Cassie and AAKER, Jennifer L. (2022), “Financial Resources Impact the Relationship between Meaning and Happiness”, Emotion, American Psychological Association: Advance Online Publication, ss.1-8.
  • CEYHAN, Esra, CEYHAN, Aydoğan Aykut ve GÜRCAN, Ayşen (2007), “Problemli İnternet Kullanımı Ölçeği’nin Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışmaları”, KUYEB - Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, S.7(1), ss.387-416.
  • DAĞITMAÇ, Murat ve EKMEN, Şehadet (2019), Dijital Psikolojik Devrim, Motto Yayınları, İstanbul, 2. Baskı.
  • DATAREPORTAL (2022), “Global Social Media Stats”, Datareportal (E-Article), (Access Data: 20.12.2022).
  • DIENER, Ed (2000), “Subjective Wellbeing: The Science of Happiness and a Proposal for a National Index”, American Psychologist, S.55, ss.34-43.
  • ELLISON, Nicole B., STEINFIELD, Charles and LAMPE, Cliff (2007), “The Benefits of Facebook “Friends”: Social Capital and College Students’ Use of Online Social Network Sites”, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, S.12(4), ss.1143-1168.
  • EMMONS, Robert A. and MCCULLOUGH, Michael E. (2003), “Counting Blessings Versus Burdens: An Experimental İnvestigation of Gratitude and Subject Well-Being in Daily Life”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, S.84(2), ss.377-389.
  • GERVAIS, Michael (2020), “Stresi Nasıl Yönetebilirsiniz?”, Koronavirüs: Liderlik ve Toparlanma (Çev. Taner Gezer), Harvard Business Review Press / Optimist Yayınları, İstanbul, ss.117-129.
  • HANÇERLİOĞLU, Orhan (1973), Mutluluk Düşüncesi, Varlık Yayınevi, Ankara, 3. Baskı.
  • HEPPER, Erica G., WILDSCHUT, Tim, SEDIKIDES, Constantine, ROBERTSON, Sara and ROUTLEDGE, Clay D. (2021), “Time Capsule: Nostalgia Shields Psychological Wellbeing from Limited Time Horizons”, Emotion, S.21(3), ss.644-664.
  • HSU, Michelle S. H., ROUF, Anika and ALLMAN-FARINELLI, Margaret (2018), “Effectiveness and Behavioral Mechanisms of Social Media Interventions for Positive Nutrition Behaviors in Adolescents: A Systematic Review”, The Journal of Adolescent Health, S.63, ss.531-545.
  • KENNY, Andrew (2012), “Facebook: the Effect on Happiness and its Attraction to Users: Department of Psychology”, Final Year Project, Dublin Business School, (Access Data: 03.08.2022).
  • KÖROĞLU, Ertuğrul (2019), Mutluluk ve Esenlik, HYN Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • KRAUT, Robert, LUNDMARK, Vicki, PATTERSON, Michael, KIESLER, Sara, MUKOPADHYAY, Tridas and SCHERLIS, William (1998), “Internet Paradox: A Social Technology That Reduces Social Involvement and Psychological Well-Being”, The American Psychologist, S.53(9), ss.1017–1031.
  • LAMBERT, Louise, DRAPER, Z. A., WARREN, Meg A., JOSHANLOO, Mohsen, CHIAO, E. L., SCHWAM, A. and ARORA, Teresa (2022), “Conceptions of Happiness Matter: Relationships between Fear and Fragility of Happiness and Mental and Physical Wellbeing”, Journal of Happiness Studies, S.23(2), ss.535-560.
  • LIN, Kuan-Yu and LU, Hsi-Peng (2011), “Why People Use Social Networking Sites: An Empirical Study Integrating Network Externalities and Motivation Theory”, Computers in Human Behavior, S.27(3), ss.1152-1161.
  • MOORHEAD, S. Anne, HAZLETT, Diane E., HARRISON, Laura, CARROLL, Jennifer K., IRWİN, Anthea and HOVING, Ciska (2013), “New Dimension of Health Care: Systematic Review of the Uses, Benefits, and Limitations of Social Media for Health Communication”, Journal of Medical Internet Research, S.15(4), ss.(e85).
  • MOSS, Jennifer (2017), “Mutluluk Negatif Duyguların Olmaması Değildir”, Mutluluk (Çev. Nevra Yaraç), Harvard Business Review Press / Optimist Yayınları, İstanbul, ss.5-17.
  • PRICE, Catherine (2021), Dijital Detoks (Çev. Selin Özkan), Epsilon Yayınevi, İstanbul.
  • PRZYBYLSKI, Andrew K. and WEINSTEIN, Netta (2017), “Large-Scale Test of the Goldilocks Hypothesis”, Psychological Science, S.28(2), ss.204-215.
  • ROSEN, Aviana O., HOLMES, Ashley L., BALLUERKA, Nekane, HIDALGO, Maria Dolores, GOROSTIAGA, Arantxa, GÓMEZ-BENITO, Juana and HUEDO-MEDINA, Tania B. (2022), “Is Social Media a New Type of Social Support? Social Media Use in Spain during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Mixed Methods Study”, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, S.19(7), ss.(3952).
  • SELIGMAN, Martin E. P., STEEN, Tracy A., PARK, Nansook, and PETERSON, Christropher (2005), “Positive Psychology Progress: Empirical Validation of Intervention”, The American Psychologist, S.60(5), ss.410-421.
  • SINGH, Kamlesh and JHA, Shalini Duggai (2008), “Positive and Negative Affect, and Grit as Predictors of Happiness and Life Satisfaction”, Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology, S.34(Special Issue), ss.40-45.
  • STATİSTA (2021), “İnternette Bir Dakikada Neler Yapılıyor?”, Statista, (Erişim Tarihi: 12.12.2022).
  • STEINFIELD, Charles, ELLISON, Nicole B., and LAMPE, Cliff (2008), “Social Capital, Self-Esteem, and Use of Online Social Network Sites: A Longitudinal Analysis”, Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, S.29(6), ss.434–445.
  • VALKENBURG, Patti M., MEIER, Adrian and BEYENS, Ine (2022), “Social Media Use and its Impact on Adolescent Mental Health: An Umbrella Review of the Evidence”, Elsevier, S.44, ss.58-68.
  • VALKENBURG, Patti M., VAN DRIEL, Irene I. and BEYENS, Ine (2022), “The Associations of Active and Passive Social Media Use with Well-Being: A Critical Scoping Review”, New Media & Society, S.24(2), ss.530-549.
  • VERMA, Kalpana (2021), “Impact of Social Media Use (SMU) on Mental Health During COVID-19 Pandemic”, Asian Journal of Psychiatry, S.63, ss.(102767).
  • WARR, Peter (2020), Mutluluk Psikolojisi (Çev. Ezgi Tanıl), Nobel Yaşam Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • WE ARE SOCİAL TURKEY (2022), “Digital 2022 another Year of Bumper Growth 2”, We Are Social (E-Article), (Erişim Tarihi: 12.12.2022).
  • WENNINGER, Helena, KRASNOVA, Hanna and BUXMANN, Peter (2014), “Activity Matters: Investigating the Influence of Facebook on Life Satisfaction of Teenage Users”, Twenty Second European Conference on Information Systems, ECIS 2014 Proceedings, Tel Aviv, ss.1-18.
  • YOUNG, Lindsay, KOLUBINSKI, Daniel C. and FRINGS, Daniel (2020), “Attachment Style Moderates the Relationship between Social Media Use and User Mental Health and Wellbeing”, New Media & Society, S.24(2), ss.1-7.
  • YU, Sen-Chi (2020), “Does Using Social Network Sites Reduce Depression and Promote Happiness? An Example of Facebook-Based Positive Interventions”, International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction, S.16(3), ss.56-69.
  • YU, Sen- Chi and CHOU, Chien (2009), “Does Authentic Happiness Exist in Cyberspace? Implications for Understanding and Guiding College Students’ Internet Attitudes and Behaviors”, British Journal of Educational Technology, S.40(6), ss.1135-1138.
  • ZHOU, Xinyue, SEDIKIDES, Constantine, MO, Tiantian, Lİ, Wanyue, HONG, Emily K. and WILDSCHUT, Tim (2022), “The Restorative Power of Nostalgia: Thwarting Loneliness by Raising Happiness During the COVID-19 Pandemic”, Social Psychological and Personality Science, S.13(4), ss.803-815.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Communications and Media Policy, Corporate Governance
Journal Section Articles

Recep Baki Deniz 0000-0002-4972-6369

Gülbeniz Akduman 0000-0002-3256-982X

Publication Date October 21, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 6 Issue: 3


APA Deniz, R. B., & Akduman, G. (2023). Does Social Media Make Unhappy? A Research on the Effect of Social Media Platforms Usage on Happiness in Demographic Crack. Uluslararası Yönetim Akademisi Dergisi, 6(3), 655-670.

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This work (journal) is lisenced under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative 4.0 International License.