Research Article
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Year 2020, Volume: 18 Issue: 4, 203 - 212, 30.12.2020


Bu çalışmanın amacı; futbola yeni başlamış erkek çocuklarda yılın ilk aylarında doğan çocuklar ile son aylarda doğan çocukların bazı atletik özelliklerini karşılaştırmaktır. Çalışmaya 2004-2012 doğumlu 10 farklı futbol okulundan toplam 620 (12,35± 4,51 minimum: 7,1- maksimum: 15,5) erkek çocuk katılmıştır. Çalışma kapsamında çocuklardan yaş, boy vücut ağırlığı gibi tanımlayıcı özelliklere ek olarak esneklik, el kavrama ve sırt kuvveti, sürat, çabukluk, reaksiyon, top sürme ve pas atma becerileri test edilmiştir. Diğer yandan, yıl ocak ayından itibaren 3’er ay ara ile 4 çeyrek döneme bölünmüştür. Çocukların doğum aylarına göre gruplama yapılmıştır. Sporcuların doğdukları aylara göre dağılımları ve atletik özellikleri karşılaştırılmıştır. İstatistik SPSS programında değerlendirilmiştir. Doğum tarihlerine göre frekans dağılımları ki kare test, gruplar arası farkı bulmak için ANOVA tek yönlü varyans analizi ve ilk 6 ay doğanlar ile son 6 ay doğanlar atletik farklılıkları bağımsız örneklem t test ile değerlendirilmiştir. Anlamlılık p<0,05 kabul edilmiştir. İlk 6 ay doğanlar ile son 6 ay doğanların frekans dağılımları incelendiğinde anlamlı fark bulunmamıştır. Gene çeyrek dilimlerde ki doğum frekansları arasında da fark bulunmamıştır (p>0,05). İlk 6 ay doğanlar doğanların el kavrama kuvveti, sırt bacak kuvveti, 20 m sürat, çabukluk, dikey sıçrama, pas ve top sürme testleri son 6 ayda doğanlardan daha iyi bulunmuştur (p<0,05). Diğer yandan esneklik ve reaksiyon testlerinde ilk 6 ay doğanlar ile son 6 ay doğanlar arasında anlamlı fark bulunmamıştır (p>0,05). Sonuç olarak futbola yeni başlamış çocuklarda müsabakalar ve yetenek seçimleri yıllık olarak değil 6 aylık sürelerde kategorize etmenin daha etkili olabileceği ortaya çıkmıştır.utbola yeni başlamış çocuklarda müsabakalar ve yetenek seçimleri yıllık olarak değil 6 aylık sürelerde kategorize etmenin daha etkili olabileceği ortaya çıkmıştır.


  • Baikoğlu, S. (2016). Elit Sporcularda Bağıl Yaş Etkisi. Sport Sciences, 11(3), 39-45.
  • Bedard, K., Dhuey, E. (2006). The persistence of early childhood maturity: International evidence of long-run age effects. Q J Econ, 121(4), 1,437-1,472
  • Birch, S., Cummings, L., Oxford, S. W., Duncan, M. J. (2016). Examining relative age effects in fundamental skill proficiency in British children aged 6–11 years. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 30(10), 2809-2815.
  • Carling, C., le Gall, F., Reilly, T., Williams, A. M. (2009). Do anthropometric and fitness characteristics vary according to birth date distribution in elite youth academy soccer players? Scandinavian Journal of Medicine Science in Sports, 19, 3-9.
  • Connor, J. D., Renshaw, I., Doma, K. (2019). Moderating factors influence the relative age effect in Australian cricket. PeerJ, 7, e6867.
  • Del Campo, D. G. D., Vicedo, J. C. P., Villora, S. G., Jordan, O. R. C. (2010). The relative age effect in youth soccer players from Spain. Journal of sports science medicine, 9(2), 190.
  • Delorme, N., Raspaud, M. (2009). The relative age effect in young French basketball players: A study on the whole population. Scand J Med Sci Spor, 19, 235-242
  • Deprez, D., Vaeyens, R., Coutts, A. J., Lenoir, E., Phillippaerts, R. (2012). Relative age Effect And Yo-Yo Ir1 in Youth Soccer. İnternational Journal of sports Medicine, 33(12), 987-93. doi:10.1055/s-0032-1311654
  • Erdoğan, Y., Pekel, H. A. (2019). 11-12 Yaşındaki Erkek Çocukların Bazı Fiziksel ve Motorik Özelliklerinin Bağıl Yaş Etkisi Açısından İncelenmesi. Yayınlanmış Yüksek Lisans tezi. Gazi Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Anabilim Dalı, Ankara.
  • Silva, M. C., Figueiredo, A. J., Simoes, F., Seabra, A., Natal, A., Vaeyens, R., Malina, R. M. (2010). Discrimination of U-14 soccer players by level and position. International journal of sports medicine, 31(11), 790-796.
  • Figueiredo, A. J., Coelho-e-Silva, M. J., Cumming, S. P., Malina, R. M. (2019). Relative age effect: Characteristics of youth soccer players by birth quarter and subsequent playing status. Journal of sports sciences, 37(6), 677-684.
  • Gil, S.M., Badiola, A., Bidaurrazaga-Letona, I., Zabala-Lili, J., Gravina, L., Santos-Concejero, J., Lekue, J.A., Granados, C. (2014). Relationship between the relative age effect and anthropometry, maturity and performance in young soccer players. J Sport Sci, 32(5), 479-486
  • González-Víllora, S., Pastor-Vicedo, J. C., Cordente, D. (2015). Relative age effect in UEFA championship soccer players. Journal of human kinetics, 47(1), 237-248.
  • Helsen, W. F., Van Winckel, J., Williams, A. M. (2005). The relative age effect in youth soccer across Europe. Journal of sports sciences, 23(6), 629-636.
  • La Rochebrochard, E. (2000). Age at puberty of girls and boys in France: Measurements from a survey on adolescent sexuality. Popul: An English Select, 12, 51-79
  • Lovell, R., Towlson, C. I., Parkin, G., Portas, M., Cobley, S. (2015). Soccer Player Characteristics in English Lower-League Development Programmes: The Relationships between Relative Age, Maturation, Anthtopometry and Physical Fitness. Plos ONE. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0137238
  • Malina, R.M., Eisenmann, J.C., Cumming S.P., Ribeiro, B., Aroso, J. (2004). Maturity associated variation in the growth and functional capacities of elite youth football (soccer) players 13–15 years. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 91, 555– 562.
  • Medic, N., Young, B. W., Starkes, J. L., Weir, P. L., Grove, J. R. (2009). Gender, age, and sport differences in relative age effects among US Masters swimming and track and field athletes. Journal of sports sciences, 27(14), 1535-1544.
  • Meredith, M.D., Welk, G.J. (Eds). (2010). Fitnessgram/Activitygram Test Administration Manual. 4th edition. The Cooper Institute, Dallas, Texas.
  • Musch, J., Grondin, S. (2001). Unequal competition as an impediment to personal development: A review of the relative age effect in sport. Developmental Review, 21, 147-167.
  • Penna, E. M., de Mello, M. T., Ferreira, R. M., Moraes, L. C. C. D. A., Costa, V. T. D. (2015). Relative age effect on the reaction time of soccer players under 13 years old. Motriz: Revista De Educação Física, 21(2), 194-199.
  • Reiman, R. P., Manske, R. C. (2009). Functional Testing in Human Performance. Human Kınetıcs.
  • Sargent, D.A. (1921). The Physical Test of a Man. American Physical Education Review, 26, 188-194. Stracciolini, A., Friedman, H. L., Casciano, R., Howell, D., Sugimoto, D., Micheli, L. J. (2016). The relative age effect on youth sports injuries. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 48(6), 1068-1074.
  • Şahin, M., Pınar, D. S. (2017). Türkiye’deki 7-14 Yaş Futbol Oynayan Çocukların Fiziksel Performans ve Beden Kompozisyonu Norm Çalışması. Yayınlanmış Doktora tezi, Marmara Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimler Enstitüsü, Hareket Antrenman Anabilim Dalı, İstanbul.
  • Şahin, L., Okan, İ. (2017). Futbol Milli Takım Seçmelerinde Bağıl Yaş Etkisi ve Fiziksel Performans. Yayınlanmış Doktora tezi, Gazi Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Anabilim Dalı, Ankara.
  • Unnithana, V., Whitea, J., Georgioua, A., Igab, J., Drustb, B. (2012). Talent identification in youth soccer. J Sport Sci, 30(15), 1, 719-1,726
  • Vaeyens, R., Philippaerts, R. M., Malina, R. M. (2005). The relative age effect in soccer: A match-related perspective. Journal of sports sciences, 23(7), 747-756.
  • Vestberg, T., Gustafson, R., Maurex, L., Ingvar, M., Petrovic, P. (2012). Executive Functions Predict the Success of Top-Soccer Players. PLoS ONE, 7, e34731.
  • Ward, P., Williams, A.M. (2003). Perceptual and cognitive skill development in soccer: The multidimensional nature of expert performance. J Sport Exercise Psy, 25, 93-111
  • Wong, P. L., Chamari, K., Dellal, A., Wisløff, U. (2009). Relationship between anthropometric and physiological characteristics in youth soccer players. The Journal of Strength Conditioning Research, 23(4), 1204-1210.
  • Yagüe, J. M., de la Rubia, A., Sánchez-Molina, J., Maroto-Izquierdo, S., Molinero, O. (2018). The Relative Age Effect in the 10 Best Leagues of Male Professional Football of the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA). Journal of sports science medicine, 17(3), 409.
  • Zorba, E., Saygın, Ö. (2009). Fiziksel aktivite ve fiziksel uygunluk. İstanbul.


Year 2020, Volume: 18 Issue: 4, 203 - 212, 30.12.2020


The aim of our study is to compare certain athletic features of the boys at the incipient stage of their soccer careers who are born in the first months of the year and the in the last months of the year. A total number of 620 boys born in 2004-2012 and attending to 10 different soccer schools (12.35± 4.51 min: 7.1- max: 15.5) participated the study. As part of the study, hand, foot and back strength, speed, promptness, reaction, dribbling and pass abilities were tested. Additionally, to discriptive features such as age, height, weight, flexibility were determined. On the other hand, one year was divided into four quarter periods starting from January and grouping 3 months together. The boys were grouped in one of these quarters according to their birth months. The distribution of the players in terms of their birth months and their athletic characteristics were compared. The statistics were evaluated on SPSS software. The frequency distribution according to their dates of birth was evaluated by chi-square test, one-way variance analysis ANOVA was used in order to find the difference between the groups and the athletic performance differences between the boys born within the first 6 months of the year and the last 6 months were evaluated by unpaired t-test. Significance was accepted as p<0.05. No significant difference was observed when the frequency distributions of the boys born within the first 6 months of the year and the last 6 months were examined. Also, no differences were found between the birth frequencies between the quarterly periods (p>0.05). The hand and foot strength, back and leg strength, 20 m speed, promptness, reaction, vertical jump, pass and dribbling tests of the boys born within the first 6 months were found to be better than the ones born in the last six months (p<0.05). On the other hand, no significant difference was found between the boys who were born within the first 6 months and the ones born within the last 6 months (p>0.05). As a result, competitions or aptitude tests for children who just started playing soccer can be organized in 6-month periods rather than annually.


  • Baikoğlu, S. (2016). Elit Sporcularda Bağıl Yaş Etkisi. Sport Sciences, 11(3), 39-45.
  • Bedard, K., Dhuey, E. (2006). The persistence of early childhood maturity: International evidence of long-run age effects. Q J Econ, 121(4), 1,437-1,472
  • Birch, S., Cummings, L., Oxford, S. W., Duncan, M. J. (2016). Examining relative age effects in fundamental skill proficiency in British children aged 6–11 years. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 30(10), 2809-2815.
  • Carling, C., le Gall, F., Reilly, T., Williams, A. M. (2009). Do anthropometric and fitness characteristics vary according to birth date distribution in elite youth academy soccer players? Scandinavian Journal of Medicine Science in Sports, 19, 3-9.
  • Connor, J. D., Renshaw, I., Doma, K. (2019). Moderating factors influence the relative age effect in Australian cricket. PeerJ, 7, e6867.
  • Del Campo, D. G. D., Vicedo, J. C. P., Villora, S. G., Jordan, O. R. C. (2010). The relative age effect in youth soccer players from Spain. Journal of sports science medicine, 9(2), 190.
  • Delorme, N., Raspaud, M. (2009). The relative age effect in young French basketball players: A study on the whole population. Scand J Med Sci Spor, 19, 235-242
  • Deprez, D., Vaeyens, R., Coutts, A. J., Lenoir, E., Phillippaerts, R. (2012). Relative age Effect And Yo-Yo Ir1 in Youth Soccer. İnternational Journal of sports Medicine, 33(12), 987-93. doi:10.1055/s-0032-1311654
  • Erdoğan, Y., Pekel, H. A. (2019). 11-12 Yaşındaki Erkek Çocukların Bazı Fiziksel ve Motorik Özelliklerinin Bağıl Yaş Etkisi Açısından İncelenmesi. Yayınlanmış Yüksek Lisans tezi. Gazi Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Anabilim Dalı, Ankara.
  • Silva, M. C., Figueiredo, A. J., Simoes, F., Seabra, A., Natal, A., Vaeyens, R., Malina, R. M. (2010). Discrimination of U-14 soccer players by level and position. International journal of sports medicine, 31(11), 790-796.
  • Figueiredo, A. J., Coelho-e-Silva, M. J., Cumming, S. P., Malina, R. M. (2019). Relative age effect: Characteristics of youth soccer players by birth quarter and subsequent playing status. Journal of sports sciences, 37(6), 677-684.
  • Gil, S.M., Badiola, A., Bidaurrazaga-Letona, I., Zabala-Lili, J., Gravina, L., Santos-Concejero, J., Lekue, J.A., Granados, C. (2014). Relationship between the relative age effect and anthropometry, maturity and performance in young soccer players. J Sport Sci, 32(5), 479-486
  • González-Víllora, S., Pastor-Vicedo, J. C., Cordente, D. (2015). Relative age effect in UEFA championship soccer players. Journal of human kinetics, 47(1), 237-248.
  • Helsen, W. F., Van Winckel, J., Williams, A. M. (2005). The relative age effect in youth soccer across Europe. Journal of sports sciences, 23(6), 629-636.
  • La Rochebrochard, E. (2000). Age at puberty of girls and boys in France: Measurements from a survey on adolescent sexuality. Popul: An English Select, 12, 51-79
  • Lovell, R., Towlson, C. I., Parkin, G., Portas, M., Cobley, S. (2015). Soccer Player Characteristics in English Lower-League Development Programmes: The Relationships between Relative Age, Maturation, Anthtopometry and Physical Fitness. Plos ONE. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0137238
  • Malina, R.M., Eisenmann, J.C., Cumming S.P., Ribeiro, B., Aroso, J. (2004). Maturity associated variation in the growth and functional capacities of elite youth football (soccer) players 13–15 years. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 91, 555– 562.
  • Medic, N., Young, B. W., Starkes, J. L., Weir, P. L., Grove, J. R. (2009). Gender, age, and sport differences in relative age effects among US Masters swimming and track and field athletes. Journal of sports sciences, 27(14), 1535-1544.
  • Meredith, M.D., Welk, G.J. (Eds). (2010). Fitnessgram/Activitygram Test Administration Manual. 4th edition. The Cooper Institute, Dallas, Texas.
  • Musch, J., Grondin, S. (2001). Unequal competition as an impediment to personal development: A review of the relative age effect in sport. Developmental Review, 21, 147-167.
  • Penna, E. M., de Mello, M. T., Ferreira, R. M., Moraes, L. C. C. D. A., Costa, V. T. D. (2015). Relative age effect on the reaction time of soccer players under 13 years old. Motriz: Revista De Educação Física, 21(2), 194-199.
  • Reiman, R. P., Manske, R. C. (2009). Functional Testing in Human Performance. Human Kınetıcs.
  • Sargent, D.A. (1921). The Physical Test of a Man. American Physical Education Review, 26, 188-194. Stracciolini, A., Friedman, H. L., Casciano, R., Howell, D., Sugimoto, D., Micheli, L. J. (2016). The relative age effect on youth sports injuries. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 48(6), 1068-1074.
  • Şahin, M., Pınar, D. S. (2017). Türkiye’deki 7-14 Yaş Futbol Oynayan Çocukların Fiziksel Performans ve Beden Kompozisyonu Norm Çalışması. Yayınlanmış Doktora tezi, Marmara Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimler Enstitüsü, Hareket Antrenman Anabilim Dalı, İstanbul.
  • Şahin, L., Okan, İ. (2017). Futbol Milli Takım Seçmelerinde Bağıl Yaş Etkisi ve Fiziksel Performans. Yayınlanmış Doktora tezi, Gazi Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Anabilim Dalı, Ankara.
  • Unnithana, V., Whitea, J., Georgioua, A., Igab, J., Drustb, B. (2012). Talent identification in youth soccer. J Sport Sci, 30(15), 1, 719-1,726
  • Vaeyens, R., Philippaerts, R. M., Malina, R. M. (2005). The relative age effect in soccer: A match-related perspective. Journal of sports sciences, 23(7), 747-756.
  • Vestberg, T., Gustafson, R., Maurex, L., Ingvar, M., Petrovic, P. (2012). Executive Functions Predict the Success of Top-Soccer Players. PLoS ONE, 7, e34731.
  • Ward, P., Williams, A.M. (2003). Perceptual and cognitive skill development in soccer: The multidimensional nature of expert performance. J Sport Exercise Psy, 25, 93-111
  • Wong, P. L., Chamari, K., Dellal, A., Wisløff, U. (2009). Relationship between anthropometric and physiological characteristics in youth soccer players. The Journal of Strength Conditioning Research, 23(4), 1204-1210.
  • Yagüe, J. M., de la Rubia, A., Sánchez-Molina, J., Maroto-Izquierdo, S., Molinero, O. (2018). The Relative Age Effect in the 10 Best Leagues of Male Professional Football of the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA). Journal of sports science medicine, 17(3), 409.
  • Zorba, E., Saygın, Ö. (2009). Fiziksel aktivite ve fiziksel uygunluk. İstanbul.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Sports Medicine
Journal Section Research Article

Orkun Akkoç 0000-0003-0718-6883

Ömer Can Göksu 0000-0003-3504-5818

Publication Date December 30, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 18 Issue: 4


APA Akkoç, O., & Göksu, Ö. C. (2020). 15 YAŞ ALTI FUTBOLCULARIN YETENEK VE FİZİKSEL PERFORMANS SEVİYELERİNE BAĞIL YAŞ ETKİSİ. SPORMETRE Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 18(4), 203-212.

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