Research Article
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Year 2022, , 1 - 1, 31.12.2022



  • Akman, A. (2018). A research on conflict management, job satisfaction, career satisfaction, job performance and turnover intention (Doctoral thesis). Osmaniye Korkut Ata University, Osmaniye, Turkey.
  • Alanya Touristic Hoteliers Association (ALTID]. (Turkısh) Antalya Zıyaretçı Sayıları. Retrieved May 15, 2020, from
  • Anafarta, A. & Yılmaz, Ö. (2019). The mediating role of job engagement in the relationship between career satisfaction and ıntention to quit, Journal of Business Research, 11(4), 2944-2959.
  • Arlı, E. (2012). The effect of reference groups on purchasing decisions depending on word of mouth communication of customers: a research on maritime tourism, International Journal of Management Economics & Business, 8(17), 155-170.
  • Asunakutlu, T. & Safran, B. (2004). A research towards conflicts originated from cultural differences (The example of Marmaris Tourism Sector). Education Sciences, 8(4), 441-459.
  • Avcı, U. & Turunç, Ö. (2012). The impact of transformational leadership and organizational trust on career satisfaction: Mediating role of leader-member exchange quality. Journal of Alanya Faculty of Business, 4(2), 45-55.
  • Bücker, J. J. L. E., Furrer, O., Poutsma, E. & Buyens, D. (2014). The impact of cultural intelligence on communication effectiveness, job satisfaction and anxiety for Chinese host country managers working for foreign multinationals, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 25(14), 2068-2087.
  • Caber, M., Ünal, C., Cengizci, A. D., & Güven, A. (2019). Conflict management styles of professional tour guides: A cluster analysis. Tourism Management Perspectives, 30, 89-97.
  • Cai, D., & Fink, E. (2002). Conflict style differences between individualists and collectivists. Communication Monographs, 69(1), 67-87.
  • Chien, P. M., & Ritchie, B. W. (2018). Understanding intergroup conflicts in tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 72, 177-179.
  • Cohen, R. (2001). Language and conflict resolution: The limits of English. International studies review, 3(1), 25-51.
  • Curcija, M., Breakey, N., & Driml, S. (2019). Development of a conflict management model as a tool for improved project outcomes in community based tourism. Tourism Management, 70, 341-354.
  • Çalışkan, S. C., Ünal, Z. M., Kalafatoğlu, Y., Akün, F. A. & Üçler, Ç. (2015). The relationship among leaders’ perceived cultural intelligence, employees’ diversity climate perception, employees’ openness to experience and organizational cynicism: A research in tourism sector. The Journal of Human and Work, 2(1), 1-11.
  • De Dreu, C. K., Evers, A., Beersma, B., Kluwer, E. S. & Nauta, A. (2001). A theory‐based measure of conflict management strategies in the workplace. Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial, Occupational and Organizational Psychology and Behavior, 22(6), 645-668
  • Demirdelen, D. & Ulama, Ş. (2013). Managers’ opinion and perceptions of career satisfaction: A study in five star hotels in Antalya, The Journal of Business Science, 1(2), 65-89.
  • Demirdelen, D. (2013). Managers’ Opinions And Perceptions Of Career Satisfaction: A Study In A Five Star Hotel In Antalya (Master’s Thesis). Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey.
  • Dogru, T., Işık, C., & Sirakaya-Turk, E. (2019). The balance of trade and exchange rates: Theory and contemporary evidence from tourism. Tourism Management, 74, 12-23.
  • Durak, A. (2010). Organizational conflict in primary schools and its effects on organizational performance: A resaarch on the primary schools in the Nigde city center (Master’s Thesis). Nüğde University, Niğde, Turkey.
  • Earley, P. C., & Ang, S. (2003). Cultural intelligence: Individual interactions across cultures. Stanford, CA: Stanford Business Books.
  • Elsayed‐EkJiouly, S. M., & Buda, R. (1996). Organizational conflict: A comparative analysis of conflict styles across cultures. International Journal of Conflict Management.7(1),71-81.
  • Frías-Jamilena, Dolores M.; Sabiote-Ortiz, Carmen M.; Martín-Santana, Josefa D.; Beerli-Palacio, Asunción (2018). The effect of Cultural Intelligence on consumer-based destination brand equity. Annals of Tourism Research, 72(), 22–36.
  • Fu, J. R. (2010). Is information technology career unique? Exploring differences in career commitment and its determinants among IT and non-IT employees. International Journal of Electronic Business Management, 8(4), 272-281.
  • Furenes, M. I., Øgaard, T., & Gjerald, O. (2017). How face-to-face feedback influences guest outcome evaluation of co-production: Changing or shaping guest experiences?. Tourism Management Perspectives, 21, 59-65.
  • Gattiker, U. E. & Larwood, L. (1988). Predictors for managers' career mobility, success, and satisfaction. Human Relations, 41(8), 569-591.
  • Gül, H. & Oktay, E. (2009). Relations Between Pay, Career, Job Satisfaction and Performance: An Application In Karaman Governorship. The journal of Institute of social Sciences, (21), 223-238.
  • Gümüş, S. E., & Belber, B. G. (2021). Covid-19 salgınının butik otel işgörenleri üzerindeki etkisi: Göreme örneği. Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli Üniversitesi SBE Dergisi, 11(4), 2175-2195.
  • Han, S., & Yoon, J. (2020). Cultural intelligence on perceived value and satisfaction of ethnic minority groups’ restaurant experiences in Korea. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, 18(3), 310-332.
  • Hon, A. H., & Chan, W. W. (2013). The effects of group conflict and work stress on employee performance. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 54(2), 174-184.
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  • Işık, C., Dogru, T., & Turk, E. S. (2018). A nexus of linear and non‐linear relationships between tourism demand, renewable energy consumption, and economic growth: Theory and evidence. International Journal of Tourism Research, 20(1), 38-49.
  • Işık Erol, S.(2020). Covid-19’un Turizm Sektöründe İstihdama Etkisi: İtalya, İspanya ve Türkiye Örnekleri. İşletme ve İktisat Çalışmaları Dergisi, 8(2), 38-49.
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  • Kalaycı, Ş. (2010). Spss uygulamalı çok değişkenli istatistik teknikleri. Ankara: Asil Yayın Dağıtım.
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  • Nauta, A., Van Vianen, A., Van der Heijden, B., Van Dam, K. & Willemsen, M. (2009). Understanding the factors that promote employability orientation: The impact of employability culture, career satisfaction, and role breadth self‐efficacy. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 82(2), 233-251.
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The relation between hotel employees' cultural intelligence levels, conflict management styles, and career satisfaction

Year 2022, , 1 - 1, 31.12.2022


The study's objective is to determine the effect of cultural intelligence levels of hotel employees on conflict management styles, correspondingly, to study the effects of cultural intelligence and conflict management styles on the career satisfaction of hotel employees. In the study, conflicts between employees and guests were examined. The study's target population is employees working in 5-star hotel businesses in Turkey. Findings showed that cultural knowledge affects problem-solving positively; forcing, avoiding and career satisfaction negatively; cultural ability affects avoiding positively; problem-solving negatively; cultural metacognition positively affects compromising, yielding, problem-solving, avoiding and career satisfaction positively. It was also found that compromising positively affects career satisfaction. It is thought that the results obtained from the study can provide important information concerning cultural intelligence, conflict management styles and career satisfaction to the owners, managers and employees of the hospitality industry and academicians working in this field. Since there are limited studies on these issues in the international tourism literature, it is considered that the study is important as it is possible that it can contribute to the literature and new studies.


  • Akman, A. (2018). A research on conflict management, job satisfaction, career satisfaction, job performance and turnover intention (Doctoral thesis). Osmaniye Korkut Ata University, Osmaniye, Turkey.
  • Alanya Touristic Hoteliers Association (ALTID]. (Turkısh) Antalya Zıyaretçı Sayıları. Retrieved May 15, 2020, from
  • Anafarta, A. & Yılmaz, Ö. (2019). The mediating role of job engagement in the relationship between career satisfaction and ıntention to quit, Journal of Business Research, 11(4), 2944-2959.
  • Arlı, E. (2012). The effect of reference groups on purchasing decisions depending on word of mouth communication of customers: a research on maritime tourism, International Journal of Management Economics & Business, 8(17), 155-170.
  • Asunakutlu, T. & Safran, B. (2004). A research towards conflicts originated from cultural differences (The example of Marmaris Tourism Sector). Education Sciences, 8(4), 441-459.
  • Avcı, U. & Turunç, Ö. (2012). The impact of transformational leadership and organizational trust on career satisfaction: Mediating role of leader-member exchange quality. Journal of Alanya Faculty of Business, 4(2), 45-55.
  • Bücker, J. J. L. E., Furrer, O., Poutsma, E. & Buyens, D. (2014). The impact of cultural intelligence on communication effectiveness, job satisfaction and anxiety for Chinese host country managers working for foreign multinationals, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 25(14), 2068-2087.
  • Caber, M., Ünal, C., Cengizci, A. D., & Güven, A. (2019). Conflict management styles of professional tour guides: A cluster analysis. Tourism Management Perspectives, 30, 89-97.
  • Cai, D., & Fink, E. (2002). Conflict style differences between individualists and collectivists. Communication Monographs, 69(1), 67-87.
  • Chien, P. M., & Ritchie, B. W. (2018). Understanding intergroup conflicts in tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 72, 177-179.
  • Cohen, R. (2001). Language and conflict resolution: The limits of English. International studies review, 3(1), 25-51.
  • Curcija, M., Breakey, N., & Driml, S. (2019). Development of a conflict management model as a tool for improved project outcomes in community based tourism. Tourism Management, 70, 341-354.
  • Çalışkan, S. C., Ünal, Z. M., Kalafatoğlu, Y., Akün, F. A. & Üçler, Ç. (2015). The relationship among leaders’ perceived cultural intelligence, employees’ diversity climate perception, employees’ openness to experience and organizational cynicism: A research in tourism sector. The Journal of Human and Work, 2(1), 1-11.
  • De Dreu, C. K., Evers, A., Beersma, B., Kluwer, E. S. & Nauta, A. (2001). A theory‐based measure of conflict management strategies in the workplace. Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial, Occupational and Organizational Psychology and Behavior, 22(6), 645-668
  • Demirdelen, D. & Ulama, Ş. (2013). Managers’ opinion and perceptions of career satisfaction: A study in five star hotels in Antalya, The Journal of Business Science, 1(2), 65-89.
  • Demirdelen, D. (2013). Managers’ Opinions And Perceptions Of Career Satisfaction: A Study In A Five Star Hotel In Antalya (Master’s Thesis). Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey.
  • Dogru, T., Işık, C., & Sirakaya-Turk, E. (2019). The balance of trade and exchange rates: Theory and contemporary evidence from tourism. Tourism Management, 74, 12-23.
  • Durak, A. (2010). Organizational conflict in primary schools and its effects on organizational performance: A resaarch on the primary schools in the Nigde city center (Master’s Thesis). Nüğde University, Niğde, Turkey.
  • Earley, P. C., & Ang, S. (2003). Cultural intelligence: Individual interactions across cultures. Stanford, CA: Stanford Business Books.
  • Elsayed‐EkJiouly, S. M., & Buda, R. (1996). Organizational conflict: A comparative analysis of conflict styles across cultures. International Journal of Conflict Management.7(1),71-81.
  • Frías-Jamilena, Dolores M.; Sabiote-Ortiz, Carmen M.; Martín-Santana, Josefa D.; Beerli-Palacio, Asunción (2018). The effect of Cultural Intelligence on consumer-based destination brand equity. Annals of Tourism Research, 72(), 22–36.
  • Fu, J. R. (2010). Is information technology career unique? Exploring differences in career commitment and its determinants among IT and non-IT employees. International Journal of Electronic Business Management, 8(4), 272-281.
  • Furenes, M. I., Øgaard, T., & Gjerald, O. (2017). How face-to-face feedback influences guest outcome evaluation of co-production: Changing or shaping guest experiences?. Tourism Management Perspectives, 21, 59-65.
  • Gattiker, U. E. & Larwood, L. (1988). Predictors for managers' career mobility, success, and satisfaction. Human Relations, 41(8), 569-591.
  • Gül, H. & Oktay, E. (2009). Relations Between Pay, Career, Job Satisfaction and Performance: An Application In Karaman Governorship. The journal of Institute of social Sciences, (21), 223-238.
  • Gümüş, S. E., & Belber, B. G. (2021). Covid-19 salgınının butik otel işgörenleri üzerindeki etkisi: Göreme örneği. Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli Üniversitesi SBE Dergisi, 11(4), 2175-2195.
  • Han, S., & Yoon, J. (2020). Cultural intelligence on perceived value and satisfaction of ethnic minority groups’ restaurant experiences in Korea. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, 18(3), 310-332.
  • Hon, A. H., & Chan, W. W. (2013). The effects of group conflict and work stress on employee performance. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 54(2), 174-184.
  • Hotel Association of Turkey [TÜROB] (2018) Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı Çevreye Duyarlı Konaklama Tesisi Belgeli Tesisler. Retrieved June 27, 2018 from
  • Hotel Association of Turkey [TÜROB] (2018). Statistics. Retrieved April, 7, 2021, from
  • Hotel Association of Turkey [TÜROB]. Turizm Belgeli Tesisler – İSTANBUL. Retrieved June 27, 2018 from
  • Işık, C., Sirakaya-Turk, E., & Ongan, S. (2020). Testing the efficacy of the economic policy uncertainty index on tourism demand in USMCA: Theory and evidence. Tourism Economics, 26(8), 1344-1357.
  • Işık, C., Dogru, T., & Turk, E. S. (2018). A nexus of linear and non‐linear relationships between tourism demand, renewable energy consumption, and economic growth: Theory and evidence. International Journal of Tourism Research, 20(1), 38-49.
  • Işık Erol, S.(2020). Covid-19’un Turizm Sektöründe İstihdama Etkisi: İtalya, İspanya ve Türkiye Örnekleri. İşletme ve İktisat Çalışmaları Dergisi, 8(2), 38-49.
  • Ismagilova, E., Slade, E. L., Rana, N. P., & Dwivedi, Y. K. (2019). The effect of electronic word of mouth communications on intention to buy: A meta-analysis. Information Systems Frontiers, 1-24.
  • Jin, S. A. A., & Phua, J. (2014). Following celebrities’ tweets about brands: The impact of twitter-based electronic word-of-mouth on consumers’ source credibility perception, buying intention, and social identification with celebrities. Journal of advertising, 43(2), 181-195.
  • Judge, T. A., Cable, D. M., Boudreau, J. W. & Bretz Jr, R. D. (1995). An empirical investigation of the predictors of executive career success. Personnel Psychology, 48(3), 485-519.
  • Jung, H., & Yoon, H. H. (2018). Improving frontline service employees' innovative behavior using conflict management in the hospitality industry: The mediating role of engagement. Tourism Management, 69(), 498–507.
  • Kalaycı, Ş. (2010). Spss uygulamalı çok değişkenli istatistik teknikleri. Ankara: Asil Yayın Dağıtım.
  • Karaçar, E. (2019). Otel çalışanlarının iş tatmini ve motivasyon düzey değişkenleri üzerine bir araştırma: Sinop örneği. A Research on Job Satifaction and Motivation Level Variables of Hotel Employees: Sinop Example. Sinop University Journal of Social Sciences, 3(1), 55-78.
  • Kazan, M. K. (1997). Culture and conflict management: A theoretical framework. International Journal of Conflict Management, 8 (4), 338-360.
  • Kenar, G. (2018). Impact of cultural intelligence on styles of handling organizational conflict of employees (Master’s Thesis) Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Burdur, Turkey.
  • Koçel, T. (2015). İşletme yöneticiliği. İstanbul: Beta Yayıncılık.
  • Kong, H., Cheung, C. & Song, H. (2012). From hotel career management to employees’ career satisfaction: The mediating effect of career competency. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31(1), 76-85.
  • Kozak, M. (2013). Turizm sektörünün ulusal ekonomiler üzerindeki etkileri. O. Bahar & M. Kozak (Eds.) Turizm Ekonomisi içinde (ss. 172-201). Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi.
  • Lickorish, L. J., & Jenkins, C. L. (2007). Introduction to tourism. Routledge.
  • Lynn, M., & Sturman, M. (2011). Is the customer always right? The potential for racial bias in customer evaluations of employee performance. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 41(9), 2312-2324.
  • Mayers, A. (2013). Introduction to statistics and SPSS in psychology. Pearson Higher Ed.
  • Moreo, A., Cain, L., & Chang, W. (2020). Antecedents and consequences of anger among restaurant employees. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 45, 37-47.
  • Nauta, A., Van Vianen, A., Van der Heijden, B., Van Dam, K. & Willemsen, M. (2009). Understanding the factors that promote employability orientation: The impact of employability culture, career satisfaction, and role breadth self‐efficacy. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 82(2), 233-251.
  • Özmen, F. & Aküzüm, C. (2013). Management Of Conflıcts Stemmed From Cultural Dıfferences In School Envıronment-The Sample Of Alipasha Elementary School. Education Sciences, 8(4), 441-459.
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There are 88 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Tourism (Other)
Journal Section Peer-reviewed Articles

Sabahat Ceylin Şanlı Kayran 0000-0001-7339-0538

Kamil Unur 0000-0003-2992-7427

Publication Date December 31, 2022
Submission Date April 25, 2022
Acceptance Date June 18, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Şanlı Kayran, S. C., & Unur, K. (2022). The relation between hotel employees’ cultural intelligence levels, conflict management styles, and career satisfaction. Journal of Tourism Leisure and Hospitality, 4(2), 1-1.

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