Ethical Principles and Publication Policy



Articles should include a statement that "Research and Publication Ethics" is complied with. 


In studies conducted on humans and animals directly or indirectly; The statement that approval has been obtained from the relevant ethics committees should be stated in the ETHICAL APPROVEMENT heading before the REFERENCES section and should be documented and attached during the application. In studies requiring ethics committee approval, information about approval (committee name, date and number) should be included.
In studies such as case reports, case series, etc., information regarding the signing of the informed consent/consent form should be included in the article and these documents should be submitted in the application.
Necessary information about ethics committee applications can be accessed from the flow chart on ethical principles prepared by ULAKBİM TR Directory.

For interventional clinical research studies, the (registration ID) number should be obtained from and included in the study.


Van Health Sciences Journal strictly complies with the recommendations of ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors) and flow charts of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics).

Our journal may request the output files of the analysis results from the authors according to the evaluations made by the editorial board and/or the referees. In case of detection of cases such as distorting, manipulating or using fabricated data used in the studies, this situation will be reported to the institution where the author of the article works, and the article will be rejected.

The plagiarism (similarity) report of the articles to be sent to the journal should be taken and attached to the application. The similarity rate should not be more than 20%. There should not be more than 5% similarity from the same source.

Plagiarism and Unethical Behaviors

According to the Turkish Interuniversity Board Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive, the actions against scientific research and publication ethics are as follows:
a) Plagiarism: To present the original ideas, methods, data or works of others as one's own work, in whole or in part, without attribution in accordance with scientific rules,

b) Fraud: Using data that do not actually exist or that has been falsified scientific research,

c) Distortion: To falsify research records or obtained data. Presenting devices or materials that were not used in the research as if they were used. To falsify or shape the research results in line with the interests of the people and organizations supported.

d) Republishing: To present the repetitive publications as separate publications in academic appointments and promotions,

e) Slicing: To present the results of a research as separate publications in academic appointments and promotions by dissecting the results of a research in a way that violates the integrity of the research and publishing them in more than one issue,

f) Unfair authorship: Including people who do not have an active contribution among the authors or not, including those who do, changing the order of authors unjustifiably and inappropriately, removing the names of those who contributed actively from the work in subsequent editions, using his influence to include his name among the authors, even though he has no active contribution,

g) Not specifying the people, institutions or organizations that support them and their contributions in the publications made as a result of research carried out with support,

h) To use thesis or studies that have not yet been presented or defended and accepted as a source without the permission of the owner,

i) Not complying with patient rights in their publications,

j) To act contrary to the provisions of the relevant legislation in biomedical researches or other clinical researches related to humans,

k) To share the information contained in a work assigned for review by others before it is published without the express permission of the owner of the work,

l) To misuse the resources, places, facilities and devices provided or allocated for scientific research,

m) To publish the results to be obtained from the survey and attitude research conducted within the scope of a scientific study, without the consent of the participants and institutions,

n) In research and experiments; to harm animals and the ecological balance, not to obtain the necessary permits, to carry out studies contrary to the provisions of the legislation or international conventions to which Turkiye is a party, regarding relevant research and experiments,

o) Failure to comply with the obligation of researchers or authorities to inform and warn the concerned about possible harmful practices related to scientific research,

p) Not to use the data and information obtained from other persons and institutions in scientific studies, to the extent and in the manner permitted, not to comply with the confidentiality of this information and not to ensure its protection.

Publisher Responsibilities

The Editors and Editorial Board of Van Health Sciences Journal are aware of their ethical responsibilities.

Editors of Van Health Sciences Journal are responsible for all processes of the studies submitted to the journal, regardless of economic and political gains. They undertake to create an independent editorial decision.

They undertake to keep a record of every published copy, protecting the property and copyright of every article published in Van Health Sciences Journal.

It has the responsibility to take precautions against all kinds of scientific abuse, citation fraud and plagiarism regarding the editors.

Editor's Responsibilities
The editor should keep the content of the submitted articles confidential to persons other than the relevant author, referees and publisher.

The editor should not disclose any information of the reviewers to a third party without the permission of the reviewers.

The editor has the right to make the final decision on whether or not to accept the article, regarding the importance, originality, clarity and scope of the journal.

The editor should not use any data or any part of the work reported in unpublished articles for his own research.

Considering only the public interest in the decisions made about the journal; decide independently.

To determine and implement journal policies such as publication, blind refereeing, evaluation process, ethical principles.
Referee Responsibilities

If the referee thinks that the article is not in his area of ​​expertise, should notify the editor of this situation.

If the referee thinks that he/she will not complete the evaluation process by the date requested by the editor, he/she should notify the editor of this situation.

If the referee thinks there is a conflict of interest, should notify the editor.

The referee should not inform others about the article, except with the authorization of the editor.

The referee should evaluate the article in a scientific and professional manner and avoid offending criticisms of the authors.

Evaluation should be done with impartiality and confidentiality.

In accordance with the principle of confidentiality, they should destroy the studies they have examined after the evaluation process.

Author's Responsibilities

All authors must have a direct scientific contribution to the submitted article. Names designated as authors must have all the roles and responsibilities of authors defined in the ICMJE Guidelines.

The author must guarantee the originality of the article.

Articles should include a statement that the Research and Publication Ethics are complied with.

The author(s) should have a document showing that they have the rights to use the data used, the necessary permissions for the research/analysis, or that the consent of the experimental subjects has been obtained.

If the author(s) benefit from or use other works, they must cite completely and accurately.

The author should not submit the article to more than one journal at the same time.

The author must clearly identify all sources supporting the research and also declare any conflict of interest(s).

The author should appropriately thank those who contributed to the research.

Publishers, editors, reviewers and readers; reserves the right to request raw data from the author for editorial review and public access. In such a case; authors should be prepared to present the expected data and information to the editorial board and scientific committee.

Persons who do not contribute to the content intellectually in the creation of the work should not be added as authors.

Publication Policy

1. Van Health Sciences Journal1is a peer-reviewed scientific and open access journal of Van Yüzüncü Yıl University Health Sciences Institute. The abbreviated name of the journal is “Van Health Sci J”.
2. Our journal accepts publications such as original research articles, reviews, case reports and letters to the editor in the fields of dentistry, pharmacy, medicine, veterinary and other health sciences.

3. The written language of the journal is Turkish and English. It is published 3 issues per year (April, August, December). If necessary, special or additional issues can also be published.

4. No fee is charged before and after the evaluation of the articles and during the publication phase. In addition, the authors of the articles do not pay royalties and a separate reprint copy is not given.

5. The articles are evaluated independently by at least 2 referees who are experts in their fields.

6. The article evaluation period is between 1-3 months, depending on the referral process.

7. Authors must include their ORCID numbers, author contributions and ethics committee information on the title page of the article.

8. Manuscripts submitted to our journal must not have been previously published elsewhere or sent to another journal for simultaneous publication, or should not be under review in another journal.

9. Authors should fill in the "Copyright Transfer Agreement" document, sign it and upload it to the system. However, he has the right to keep all versions of his work on his personal websites or in the open archive of his university provided that he indicates the work tag.

10. Van Journal of Health Sciences aims to meet the highest ethical and scientific standards in the articles it publishes. Scientific and legal responsibility of the articles belongs to the author and/or authors. Therefore, the authors are responsible for the accuracy of all data and results in the submitted articles and any responsibilities that may arise. The editorial board cannot be held responsible for scientific and ethical violations.

11. Personal information such as names and e-mail addresses entered in the Van Health Sciences Journal management system will only be used for the scientific purposes of this journal. This information will not be used for any other purpose and will not be shared with third parties.

Article Evaluation Processes

• In our journal, articles are evaluated by the editor after plagiarism screening.

• If the editor deems it suitable for the publication principles of the journal, he/she appoints the relevant field editor.

• If deemed appropriate by the editor and/or field editor, the article is sent to at least 2 referees who are experts in their fields and working in different institutions.

• Referees are given 15 days to evaluate, which may be extended by the editor and/or field editors.

• If the process is prolonged, the editor and/or field editors may appoint new referees.

• If the referees' evaluations are positive, the editor has the authority to accept or reject the referee's opinions (journal quality, publication policy, etc.).

• If it is recommended to be accepted with corrections at the end of the peer-review, the article is sent to the author(s) in order to make the necessary corrections in line with the referee's opinions.
In case of approval by the referee and the editor that the necessary corrections have been made, it is accepted for publication. If there is no opinion that the necessary corrections have been made, the article may be rejected.

• If the referees' evaluations are negative, the article is rejected.

• The author(s) may object to the negative opinions of the referees, provided that they show evidence. This objection is reviewed by the Editorial Board and if necessary, a different referee's opinion can be applied.

Withdrawal of Articles

• Author(s) who want to request to withdraw their work in the evaluation phase should send their petitions containing the request to withdraw the article signed with the signature of each author to our editorship via e-mail via

• The editorship examines the withdrawal request and informs the author(s) within one week at the latest.

• The authors cannot withdraw their work or send it to another journal for evaluation, unless the request for withdrawal of the studies whose copyrights have been transferred to the Van Health Sciences Journal at the time of submission is approved by the editorial office.

• If the author(s) notices an error or error in their published, early appearance or review work, they should cooperate with the journal editorial in retraction proceedings.

Complaint Policy

Journal management will make every effort to evaluate and resolve complaints about each issue. For this purpose, the relevant flow charts of COPE will be followed.
Complaints; It can be done by sending an e-mail to


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