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Gruplar Arası Temas Kuramı Açısından COVID-19 Pandemisinde Önyargıları Azaltma Yolları

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 17 Sayı: Pandemi Özel Sayısı, 3336 - 3366, 30.04.2021


Tüm dünyada yaşam pratiklerini ciddi şekilde değiştiren COVID-19 pandemisinin, gruplar arasındaki ilişkileri de önemli ölçüde etkilediği görülür. Mevcut çalışmanın başat amaçları, COVID-19 salgınının gruplar arasındaki ayrımcı tutum ve davranışlar üzerindeki yansımalarını incelemek ve bu süreçte dış gruplara yönlendirilen önyargıları azaltmak adına neler yapılabileceğine gruplar arası temas çerçevesi üzerinden çözüm önerileri getirmektir. Gruplar arasında gerçekleşen temas deneyimlerinin çeşitli psikolojik mekanizmalar aracılığıyla dış gruplara yönelik olumsuz tutum ve davranışları azalttığının ileri sürüldüğü Gruplar Arası Temas Kuramı, sosyal psikoloji literatüründe bugüne dek önyargıların azaltılması konusunda geliştirilen en önemli yaklaşımlardan biridir. Sosyal etkileşimler yoluyla yayılım hızı artan COVID-19 pandemisi döneminde ise insanların diğerleri ile girdiği yüz yüze etkileşimlerin önemli ölçüde azaldığı görülür. Bu makale kapsamında, gruplar arası etkileşimlerin pandemi sürecinde nasıl korunabileceği sorusuna yanıt aranmış ve dolaylı temas kuramları olarak tanımlanan yayılmacı, hayali ve temsili temas yaklaşımlarından ve çevrimiçi temas yaklaşımından yola çıkılarak gruplar arası temasın COVID-19 sürecinde arttırılması adına neler yapılabileceğine yönelik çeşitli öneriler sunulmuştur.


  • Adachi, P. J., Hodson, G. ve Hoffarth, M. R. (2015). Video game play and intergroup relations: Real world implications for prejudice and discrimination. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 25, 227-236.
  • Adachi, P. J., Hodson, G., Willoughby, T. ve Zanette, S. (2015). Brothers and sisters in arms: Intergroup cooperation in a violent shooter game can reduce intergroup bias. Psychology of Violence, 5(4), 455.
  • Allam, Z. (2020). Oil, health equipment, and trade: Revisiting political economy and international relations during the COVID-19 pandemic. Surveying the Covid-19 Pandemic and its Implications, 119-127.
  • Allport, G. W. (1954). The nature of prejudice. Addison-Wesley.
  • Alston, L., Meleady, R. ve Seger, C. R. (2020). Can past intergroup contact shape support for policies in a pandemic? Processes predicting endorsement of discriminatory Chinese restrictions during the COVID-19 crisis. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 1-11.
  • Amichai-Hamburger, Y. ve McKenna, K. Y. (2006). The contact hypothesis reconsidered: Interacting via the Internet. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 11(3), 825-843.
  • Banerjee, D., Kallivayalil, R. A. ve Rao, T. S. (2020). The 'othering' in pandemics: Prejudice and orientalism in COVID-19. Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry, 36(5), 102-106.
  • Barlow, F. K., Paolini, S., Pedersen, A., Hornsey, M. J., Radke, H. R., Harwood, J. ve Sibley, C. G. (2012). The contact caveat: Negative contact predicts increased prejudice more than positive contact predicts reduced prejudice. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 38(12), 1629-1643.
  • Bradbury‐Jones, C. ve Isham, L. (2020). The pandemic paradox: The consequences of COVID‐19 on domestic violence. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2047-2049.
  • Brown, R., Eller, A., Leeds, S. ve Stace, K. (2007). Intergroup contact and intergroup attitudes: A longitudinal study. European Journal of Social Psychology, 37(4), 692-703.
  • Budhwani, H. ve Sun, R. (2020). Creating COVID-19 stigma by referencing the novel coronavirus as the “Chinese virus” on Twitter: quantitative analysis of social media data. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(5), e19301
  • Cameron, L. ve Rutland, A. (2006). Extended contact through story reading in school: Reducing children's prejudice toward the disabled. Journal of Social Issues, 62(3), 469-488.
  • Cameron, L., Rutland, A. ve Brown, R. (2007). Promoting children's positive intergroup attitudes towards stigmatized groups: Extended contact and multiple classification skills training. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 31(5), 454-466.
  • Christ, O., Hewstone, M., Tausch, N., Wagner, U., Voci, A., Hughes, J. ve Cairns, E. (2010). Direct contact as a moderator of extended contact effects: Cross-sectional and longitudinal impact on outgroup attitudes, behavioral intentions, and attitude certainty. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 36(12), 1662-1674.
  • Demirtaş-Madran, H. A. (2020). Exploring the motivation behind discrimination and stigmatization related to COVID-19: A social psychological discussion based on the main theoretical explanations. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 1-17.
  • Dionne, K. Y. ve Turkmen, F. F (2020). The politics of pandemic othering: Putting covid-19 in global and historical context. International Organization, 1-18.
  • Eichelberger, L. (2007). SARS and New York's Chinatown: The politics of risk and blame during an epidemic of fear. Social Science & Medicine, 65(6), 1284-1295.
  • Eller, A., Abrams, D. ve Gomez, A. (2012). When the direct route is blocked: The extended contact pathway to improving intergroup relations. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 36(5), 637-646.
  • Eniç, D. (2020). Çevrimiçi ortamda gruplar arası temas kurmanın dış gruba yönelik tutumlara ve kolektif eyleme etkileri. Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi, Bursa.
  • Facing 'Social Boycott', Himachal Man Hangs Self Day After Testing Negative for Coronavirus. News18 (2020, 5 Nisan). News18. to-death-day-after-testing-negative-for-coronavirus-2565349.html
  • Gomez, A. ve Huici, C. (2008). Vicarious intergroup contact and the role of authorities in prejudice reduction. Spanish Journal of Psychology, 11(1), 103-114.
  • Greenberg, J., Pyszczynski, T., Solomon, S., Simon, L. ve Breus, M. (1994). Role of consciousness and accessibility of death-related thoughts in mortality salience effects. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 67(4), 627-637.
  • Guo, T., Shen, Q., Guo, W., He, W., Li, J., Zhang, Y., ... ve Peng, H. (2020). Clinical characteristics of elderly patients with COVID-19 in Hunan Province, China: a multicenter, retrospective study. Gerontology, 66(5), 467-475.
  • He, J., He, L., Zhou, W., Nie, X. ve He, M. (2020). Discrimination and social exclusion in the outbreak of COVID-19. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(8), 2933-2936.
  • Herek, G. M. ve Capitanio, J. P. (1999). AIDS stigma and sexual prejudice. American Behavioral Scientist, 42(7), 1130-1147.
  • Hogg, M. A. (2007). Uncertainty–identity theory. M. P. Zanna (Ed.), Advances in experimental social psychology içinde, Vol. 39. (s. 69−126). San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
  • Hogg, M. A. (2010). Influence and leadership. S. T. Fiske, D. T. Gilbert ve G. Lindzey (Der.), Handbook of social psychology içinde (s. 1166–1207). John Wiley & Sons, Inc..
  • Hogg, M. A. (2015). Constructive leadership across groups: How leaders can combat prejudice and conflict between subgroups. Advances in Group Processes içinde. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
  • Huo, Y. (2020). Prejudice and discrimination. J. Jetten, S. D. Reicher, S. A. Haslam ve T. Cruwys (Der.), Together apart: The psychology of COVID-19 içinde (s.113-118). Sage.
  • Jimenez‐Sotomayor, M. R., Gomez‐Moreno, C. ve Soto‐Perez‐de‐Celis, E. (2020). Coronavirus, ageism, and Twitter: An evaluation of tweets about older adults and COVID‐19. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 68(8), 1661-1665.
  • Kilbourne, E. D. (1977). Influenza pandemics in perspective. Jama, 237(12), 1225-1228.
  • Kim, N. ve Wojcieszak, M. (2018). Intergroup contact through online comments: Effects of direct and extended contact on outgroup attitudes. Computers in Human Behavior, 81, 63-72.
  • Lambert, A. J., Payne, B. K., Jacoby, L. L., Shaffer, L. M., Chasteen, A. L. ve Khan, S. R. (2003). Stereotypes as dominant responses: On the "social facilitation" of prejudice in anticipated public contexts. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84(2), 277–295.
  • Lenzen, M., Li, M., Malik, A., Pomponi, F., Sun, Y. Y., Wiedmann, T, … ,Yousefzadeh, M. (2020). Global socio- economic losses and environmental gains from the Coronavirus pandemic. PLoS One, 15(7), 1-13.
  • Liebkind, K. ve McAlister, A. L. (1999). Extended contact through peer modelling to promote tolerance in Finland. European Journal of Social Psychology, 29(5‐6), 765-780.;2-J
  • Mandalaywala, T. M., Gonzalez, G. ve Tropp, L. (2020). How intergroup contact and exposure predict anti- Asian prejudice in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic. PsyArXiv.
  • Marks, D. F. (1999). Consciousness, mental imagery and action. British Journal of Psychology, 90(4), 567-585.
  • Mazziotta, A., Mummendey, A. ve Wright, S. C. (2011). Vicarious intergroup contact effects: Applying social- cognitive theory to intergroup contact research. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 14(2), 255-274.
  • Miles, E. ve Crisp, R. J. (2014). A meta-analytic test of the imagined contact hypothesis. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 17(1), 3-26.
  • Paolini, S., Harwood, J. ve Rubin, M. (2010). Negative intergroup contact makes group memberships salient: Explaining why intergroup conflict endures. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 36(12), 1723-1738.
  • Perry, P. ve Donini-Lenhoff, F. (2010). Stigmatization complicates infectious disease management. AMA Journal of Ethics, 12(3), 225-230. 10.1001/virtualmentor.2010.12.3.mhst1-1003.
  • Person, B., Sy, F., Holton, K., Govert, B. ve Liang, A. (2004). Fear and stigma: the epidemic within the SARS outbreak. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 10(2), 358.
  • Pettigrew, T. F. (1998). Intergroup contact theory. Annual Review of Psychology, 49(1), 65-85.
  • Pettigrew, T. F. ve Tropp, L. R. (2006). A meta-analytic test of intergroup contact theory. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 90(5), 751-783.
  • Porta, M. (2014). A dictionary of epidemiology. Oxford University Press.
  • Power, K. (2020). The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the care burden of women and families. Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy, 16(1), 67-73.
  • Reichelt, M., Makovi, K. ve Sargsyan, A. (2020). The impact of COVID-19 on gender inequality in the labor market and gender-role attitudes. European Societies, 1-18.
  • Prati, G. ve Pietrantoni, L. (2016). Knowledge, risk perceptions, and xenophobic attitudes: Evidence from Italy during the Ebola outbreak. Risk Analysis, 36(10), 2000-2010.
  • Pyszczynski, T., Solomon, S. ve Greenberg, J. (2003). In the wake of 9/11: The psychology of terror. Washington: American Psychological Association Press.
  • Rzymski, P. ve Nowicki, M. (2020). COVID-19-related prejudice toward Asian medical students: a consequence of SARS-CoV-2 fears in Poland. Journal of Infection and Public Health, 13(6), 873-876.
  • Ruel, E. ve Campbell, R. T. (2006). Homophobia and HIV/AIDS: Attitude change in the face of an epidemic. Social Forces, 84(4), 2167-2178.
  • Schiappa, E., Gregg, P. B. ve Hewes, D. E. (2005). The parasocial contact hypothesis. Communication Monographs, 72(1), 92-115.
  • Schwab, A. K. ve Greitemeyer, T. (2015). The world's biggest salad bowl: Facebook connecting cultures. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 45(4), 243-252.
  • Schwab, A. K., Sagioglou, C. ve Greitemeyer, T. (2018). Getting connected: Intergroup contact on Facebook. The Journal of Social Psychology, 159(3), 344-348.
  • Signorelli, C. ve Odone, A. (2020). Age-specific COVID-19 case-fatality rate: no evidence of changes over time. International Journal of Public Health, 65(8), 1435-1436.
  • Sood, S. (2020). Psychological effects of the Coronavirus disease-2019 pandemic. Research & Humanities in Medical Education, 7(11), 23-26.
  • Soto-Perez-de-Celis, E. (2020). Social media, ageism, and older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. E Clinical Medicine, 29-30, 1-3.
  • Taylor, S. (2019). The psychology of pandemics: Preparing for the next global outbreak of infectious disease. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Turner, R. N., Crisp, R. J. ve Lambert, E. (2007). Imagining intergroup contact can improve intergroup attitudes. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 10(4), 427-441.
  • Turner, R. N., West, K. ve Christie, Z. (2013). Out‐group trust, intergroup anxiety, and out‐group attitude as mediators of the effect of imagined intergroup contact on intergroup behavioral tendencies. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 43, E196-E205.
  • Two Muslim men attacked in Karnataka's Bagalkot, accused of 'spreading COVID-19' (2020, 7 Nisan 2020). Timesnow. in-karnatakas-bagalkot-accused-of-spreading-covid/57846
  • Ünal, S. (2020). Dehşet yönetimi kuramı bağlamında COVID-19 salgını hakkında psikososyal bir değerlendirme. Klinik Psikiyatri Dergisi, 23, 67-71. REVIEW-UNAL.pdf
  • Verity, R., Okell, L. C., Dorigatti, I., Winskill, P., Whittaker, C., Imai, N., ... ve Ferguson, N. M. (2020). Estimates of the severity of coronavirus disease 2019: a model-based analysis. The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 20(6), 669- 677.
  • Vezzali, L., Stathi, S. ve Giovannini, D. (2012). Indirect contact through book reading: Improving adolescents' attitudes and behavioral intentions toward immigrants. Psychology in the Schools, 49(2), 148-162.
  • West, K., Holmes, E. ve Hewstone, M. (2011). Enhancing imagined contact to reduce prejudice against people with schizophrenia. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 14(3), 407-428.
  • White, F. A. ve Abu-Rayya, H. M. (2012). A dual identity-electronic contact (DIEC) experiment promoting short-and long-term intergroup harmony. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 48(3), 597-608.
  • Wright, S. C., Aron, A., McLaughlin-Volpe, T. ve Ropp, S. A. (1997). The extended contact effect: Knowledge of cross-group friendships and prejudice. Journal of Personality and Social psychology, 73(1), 73-90.
  • Zhou, S., Page-Gould, E., Aron, A., Moyer, A. ve Hewstone, M. (2018). The extended contact hypothesis: A meta- analysis on 20 years of research. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 23(2), 132-160.

The Ways of Prejudice Reduction in COVID-19 Pandemic in Terms of Intergroup Contact Theory

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 17 Sayı: Pandemi Özel Sayısı, 3336 - 3366, 30.04.2021


It is seen that the COVID-19 pandemic, which has seriously changed living practices all over the world, significantly affects the relationships between groups. The main objectives of the present study are to examine the reflections of the COVID-19 pandemic on discriminatory attitudes and behaviors between groups and to offer solutions through the intergroup contact framework for what can be done to reduce prejudices directed to outgroups during pandemic. Intergroup Contact Theory, in which it is claimed that the contact experiences between groups reduce negative attitudes and behaviors towards the outgroups through various psychological mechanisms, is one of the most important approaches developed in the social psychology literature to reduce prejudices. In the COVID-19 pandemic, whose spread rate increases through social interactions, it is seen that face-to-face interactions with others decrease significantly. Within the scope of this article, an answer to the question of how intergroup interactions can be preserved during the pandemic was sought and various suggestions were presented regarding what can be done to increase intergroup contact during COVID-19, based on the expended, imagined and vicarious contact approaches defined as indirect contact theories and the online contact approach.


  • Adachi, P. J., Hodson, G. ve Hoffarth, M. R. (2015). Video game play and intergroup relations: Real world implications for prejudice and discrimination. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 25, 227-236.
  • Adachi, P. J., Hodson, G., Willoughby, T. ve Zanette, S. (2015). Brothers and sisters in arms: Intergroup cooperation in a violent shooter game can reduce intergroup bias. Psychology of Violence, 5(4), 455.
  • Allam, Z. (2020). Oil, health equipment, and trade: Revisiting political economy and international relations during the COVID-19 pandemic. Surveying the Covid-19 Pandemic and its Implications, 119-127.
  • Allport, G. W. (1954). The nature of prejudice. Addison-Wesley.
  • Alston, L., Meleady, R. ve Seger, C. R. (2020). Can past intergroup contact shape support for policies in a pandemic? Processes predicting endorsement of discriminatory Chinese restrictions during the COVID-19 crisis. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 1-11.
  • Amichai-Hamburger, Y. ve McKenna, K. Y. (2006). The contact hypothesis reconsidered: Interacting via the Internet. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 11(3), 825-843.
  • Banerjee, D., Kallivayalil, R. A. ve Rao, T. S. (2020). The 'othering' in pandemics: Prejudice and orientalism in COVID-19. Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry, 36(5), 102-106.
  • Barlow, F. K., Paolini, S., Pedersen, A., Hornsey, M. J., Radke, H. R., Harwood, J. ve Sibley, C. G. (2012). The contact caveat: Negative contact predicts increased prejudice more than positive contact predicts reduced prejudice. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 38(12), 1629-1643.
  • Bradbury‐Jones, C. ve Isham, L. (2020). The pandemic paradox: The consequences of COVID‐19 on domestic violence. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2047-2049.
  • Brown, R., Eller, A., Leeds, S. ve Stace, K. (2007). Intergroup contact and intergroup attitudes: A longitudinal study. European Journal of Social Psychology, 37(4), 692-703.
  • Budhwani, H. ve Sun, R. (2020). Creating COVID-19 stigma by referencing the novel coronavirus as the “Chinese virus” on Twitter: quantitative analysis of social media data. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(5), e19301
  • Cameron, L. ve Rutland, A. (2006). Extended contact through story reading in school: Reducing children's prejudice toward the disabled. Journal of Social Issues, 62(3), 469-488.
  • Cameron, L., Rutland, A. ve Brown, R. (2007). Promoting children's positive intergroup attitudes towards stigmatized groups: Extended contact and multiple classification skills training. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 31(5), 454-466.
  • Christ, O., Hewstone, M., Tausch, N., Wagner, U., Voci, A., Hughes, J. ve Cairns, E. (2010). Direct contact as a moderator of extended contact effects: Cross-sectional and longitudinal impact on outgroup attitudes, behavioral intentions, and attitude certainty. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 36(12), 1662-1674.
  • Demirtaş-Madran, H. A. (2020). Exploring the motivation behind discrimination and stigmatization related to COVID-19: A social psychological discussion based on the main theoretical explanations. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 1-17.
  • Dionne, K. Y. ve Turkmen, F. F (2020). The politics of pandemic othering: Putting covid-19 in global and historical context. International Organization, 1-18.
  • Eichelberger, L. (2007). SARS and New York's Chinatown: The politics of risk and blame during an epidemic of fear. Social Science & Medicine, 65(6), 1284-1295.
  • Eller, A., Abrams, D. ve Gomez, A. (2012). When the direct route is blocked: The extended contact pathway to improving intergroup relations. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 36(5), 637-646.
  • Eniç, D. (2020). Çevrimiçi ortamda gruplar arası temas kurmanın dış gruba yönelik tutumlara ve kolektif eyleme etkileri. Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi, Bursa.
  • Facing 'Social Boycott', Himachal Man Hangs Self Day After Testing Negative for Coronavirus. News18 (2020, 5 Nisan). News18. to-death-day-after-testing-negative-for-coronavirus-2565349.html
  • Gomez, A. ve Huici, C. (2008). Vicarious intergroup contact and the role of authorities in prejudice reduction. Spanish Journal of Psychology, 11(1), 103-114.
  • Greenberg, J., Pyszczynski, T., Solomon, S., Simon, L. ve Breus, M. (1994). Role of consciousness and accessibility of death-related thoughts in mortality salience effects. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 67(4), 627-637.
  • Guo, T., Shen, Q., Guo, W., He, W., Li, J., Zhang, Y., ... ve Peng, H. (2020). Clinical characteristics of elderly patients with COVID-19 in Hunan Province, China: a multicenter, retrospective study. Gerontology, 66(5), 467-475.
  • He, J., He, L., Zhou, W., Nie, X. ve He, M. (2020). Discrimination and social exclusion in the outbreak of COVID-19. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(8), 2933-2936.
  • Herek, G. M. ve Capitanio, J. P. (1999). AIDS stigma and sexual prejudice. American Behavioral Scientist, 42(7), 1130-1147.
  • Hogg, M. A. (2007). Uncertainty–identity theory. M. P. Zanna (Ed.), Advances in experimental social psychology içinde, Vol. 39. (s. 69−126). San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
  • Hogg, M. A. (2010). Influence and leadership. S. T. Fiske, D. T. Gilbert ve G. Lindzey (Der.), Handbook of social psychology içinde (s. 1166–1207). John Wiley & Sons, Inc..
  • Hogg, M. A. (2015). Constructive leadership across groups: How leaders can combat prejudice and conflict between subgroups. Advances in Group Processes içinde. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
  • Huo, Y. (2020). Prejudice and discrimination. J. Jetten, S. D. Reicher, S. A. Haslam ve T. Cruwys (Der.), Together apart: The psychology of COVID-19 içinde (s.113-118). Sage.
  • Jimenez‐Sotomayor, M. R., Gomez‐Moreno, C. ve Soto‐Perez‐de‐Celis, E. (2020). Coronavirus, ageism, and Twitter: An evaluation of tweets about older adults and COVID‐19. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 68(8), 1661-1665.
  • Kilbourne, E. D. (1977). Influenza pandemics in perspective. Jama, 237(12), 1225-1228.
  • Kim, N. ve Wojcieszak, M. (2018). Intergroup contact through online comments: Effects of direct and extended contact on outgroup attitudes. Computers in Human Behavior, 81, 63-72.
  • Lambert, A. J., Payne, B. K., Jacoby, L. L., Shaffer, L. M., Chasteen, A. L. ve Khan, S. R. (2003). Stereotypes as dominant responses: On the "social facilitation" of prejudice in anticipated public contexts. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84(2), 277–295.
  • Lenzen, M., Li, M., Malik, A., Pomponi, F., Sun, Y. Y., Wiedmann, T, … ,Yousefzadeh, M. (2020). Global socio- economic losses and environmental gains from the Coronavirus pandemic. PLoS One, 15(7), 1-13.
  • Liebkind, K. ve McAlister, A. L. (1999). Extended contact through peer modelling to promote tolerance in Finland. European Journal of Social Psychology, 29(5‐6), 765-780.;2-J
  • Mandalaywala, T. M., Gonzalez, G. ve Tropp, L. (2020). How intergroup contact and exposure predict anti- Asian prejudice in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic. PsyArXiv.
  • Marks, D. F. (1999). Consciousness, mental imagery and action. British Journal of Psychology, 90(4), 567-585.
  • Mazziotta, A., Mummendey, A. ve Wright, S. C. (2011). Vicarious intergroup contact effects: Applying social- cognitive theory to intergroup contact research. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 14(2), 255-274.
  • Miles, E. ve Crisp, R. J. (2014). A meta-analytic test of the imagined contact hypothesis. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 17(1), 3-26.
  • Paolini, S., Harwood, J. ve Rubin, M. (2010). Negative intergroup contact makes group memberships salient: Explaining why intergroup conflict endures. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 36(12), 1723-1738.
  • Perry, P. ve Donini-Lenhoff, F. (2010). Stigmatization complicates infectious disease management. AMA Journal of Ethics, 12(3), 225-230. 10.1001/virtualmentor.2010.12.3.mhst1-1003.
  • Person, B., Sy, F., Holton, K., Govert, B. ve Liang, A. (2004). Fear and stigma: the epidemic within the SARS outbreak. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 10(2), 358.
  • Pettigrew, T. F. (1998). Intergroup contact theory. Annual Review of Psychology, 49(1), 65-85.
  • Pettigrew, T. F. ve Tropp, L. R. (2006). A meta-analytic test of intergroup contact theory. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 90(5), 751-783.
  • Porta, M. (2014). A dictionary of epidemiology. Oxford University Press.
  • Power, K. (2020). The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the care burden of women and families. Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy, 16(1), 67-73.
  • Reichelt, M., Makovi, K. ve Sargsyan, A. (2020). The impact of COVID-19 on gender inequality in the labor market and gender-role attitudes. European Societies, 1-18.
  • Prati, G. ve Pietrantoni, L. (2016). Knowledge, risk perceptions, and xenophobic attitudes: Evidence from Italy during the Ebola outbreak. Risk Analysis, 36(10), 2000-2010.
  • Pyszczynski, T., Solomon, S. ve Greenberg, J. (2003). In the wake of 9/11: The psychology of terror. Washington: American Psychological Association Press.
  • Rzymski, P. ve Nowicki, M. (2020). COVID-19-related prejudice toward Asian medical students: a consequence of SARS-CoV-2 fears in Poland. Journal of Infection and Public Health, 13(6), 873-876.
  • Ruel, E. ve Campbell, R. T. (2006). Homophobia and HIV/AIDS: Attitude change in the face of an epidemic. Social Forces, 84(4), 2167-2178.
  • Schiappa, E., Gregg, P. B. ve Hewes, D. E. (2005). The parasocial contact hypothesis. Communication Monographs, 72(1), 92-115.
  • Schwab, A. K. ve Greitemeyer, T. (2015). The world's biggest salad bowl: Facebook connecting cultures. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 45(4), 243-252.
  • Schwab, A. K., Sagioglou, C. ve Greitemeyer, T. (2018). Getting connected: Intergroup contact on Facebook. The Journal of Social Psychology, 159(3), 344-348.
  • Signorelli, C. ve Odone, A. (2020). Age-specific COVID-19 case-fatality rate: no evidence of changes over time. International Journal of Public Health, 65(8), 1435-1436.
  • Sood, S. (2020). Psychological effects of the Coronavirus disease-2019 pandemic. Research & Humanities in Medical Education, 7(11), 23-26.
  • Soto-Perez-de-Celis, E. (2020). Social media, ageism, and older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. E Clinical Medicine, 29-30, 1-3.
  • Taylor, S. (2019). The psychology of pandemics: Preparing for the next global outbreak of infectious disease. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Turner, R. N., Crisp, R. J. ve Lambert, E. (2007). Imagining intergroup contact can improve intergroup attitudes. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 10(4), 427-441.
  • Turner, R. N., West, K. ve Christie, Z. (2013). Out‐group trust, intergroup anxiety, and out‐group attitude as mediators of the effect of imagined intergroup contact on intergroup behavioral tendencies. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 43, E196-E205.
  • Two Muslim men attacked in Karnataka's Bagalkot, accused of 'spreading COVID-19' (2020, 7 Nisan 2020). Timesnow. in-karnatakas-bagalkot-accused-of-spreading-covid/57846
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Toplam 68 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Psikoloji
Bölüm Makaleler

Deniz Eniç 0000-0002-5737-9520

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Nisan 2021
Kabul Tarihi 16 Mart 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 17 Sayı: Pandemi Özel Sayısı

Kaynak Göster

APA Eniç, D. (2021). Gruplar Arası Temas Kuramı Açısından COVID-19 Pandemisinde Önyargıları Azaltma Yolları. OPUS International Journal of Society Researches, 17(Pandemi Özel Sayısı), 3336-3366.