Research Article
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Doğal Din Tasavvuru Üzerinden Hıristiyanlık Okuması: John Toland’ın Tanrı, Din ve Vahiy Anlayışı

Year 2019, Volume: 60 Issue: 2, 355 - 377, 30.11.2019


Bugün “Aydınlanma” olarak
nitelendirdiğimiz 18. yüzyıl Batı düşüncesine temel karakteristiğini veren
hususlardan biri doğa felsefesinden “bilime” doğru yaşanan sıçramadır. 17.
yüzyılda Newton’la özdeşleşen doğa felsefesinin matematiksel yasalarının
tespitine yönelik teşebbüsle Tanrı’ya, evrene ve insana yönelik bakış açısı da
değişmiştir. Bu süreçte Hıristiyanlığın akıl ve doğa ile uyumlu hale getirilme
çabalarının arttığı görülür. Doğa ve akıl ile uyumlu din arzusu Hıristiyanlık
içerisinde dinî rasyonalistler başlığı altında değerlendirilen çeşitli
yaklaşımlar doğurmuştur. Bu dönemde ayrıca ağırlıklı olarak deistler tarafından
dile getirilen “doğal din” söylemi ile karşılaşılır. Yaşadığı zaman diliminde
entelektüel kimliği ve çok sayıda eseriyle fikirleri takip edilmiş bir isim
olan John Toland da doğal din anlayışını savunanlardan biridir. Bu çalışmada
Tanrı, din ve vahiy hakkındaki görüşlerinden hareketle, Toland’ın sahip olduğu
doğal din perspektifi açısından Hıristiyanlığın geleneksel yapısına yönelik
değerlendirmeleri ele alınacaktır.


  • [Aquinas, Thomas]. The Summa Contra Gentiles of Saint Thomas Aquinas. İng. terc. The English Dominican Fathers. Londra: Burns Oates & Washburne Ltd., 1924.
  • Bradlaugh, Charles. Biographies of Ancient and Modern Celebrated Freethinkers. Boston: J. P. Mednum, 1858.
  • Bredin, Hugh. “No Man’s Follower: John Toland,” The Maynooth Review 12 (1985), ss.13-23.
  • Byrne, Peter. Natural Religion and the Nature of Religion: The Legacy of Deism. Londra: Routledge, 2013.
  • Champion, Justin. Republican Learning: John Toland and the Crisis of Christian Culture (1696-1722). Manchester & New York: Manchester University Press, 2003.
  • Daniel, Stephen H. John Toland: His Methods, Manners, and Mind. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1984.
  • Des Maizeaux. The Miscellaneous Works of Mr. John Toland. Londra, 1747.
  • Doko, Enis. Dahi ve Dindar Isaac Newton. İstanbul: İstanbul Yayınevi, 2011.
  • East, Katherine A. “Superstitionis Malleus: John Toland, Cicero, and the War on Priestcraft in Early Enlightenment England,” History of European Ideas 40:7 (2014), ss.965-983.
  • Gerrish, B. A. “Natural and Revealed Religion,” Knud Haakonssen (ed.), The Cambridge History of Eighteenth-Century Philosophy (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006) içinde, ss.641-665.
  • Gündüz, Şinasi. Din ve İnanç Sözlüğü. Ankara: Vadi Yayınları, 1998.
  • Hazard, Paul. Batı Düşüncesindeki Büyük Değişme. Terc. Erol Güngör. İstanbul: Ötüken, 1994.
  • Heinemann, F. H. “John Toland and the Age of Enlightenment,” The Review of English Studies 20:78 (1944), ss.125-146.
  • Hefelbower, S. G. “Deism Historically Defined,” The American Journal of Theology 24:2 (1920), ss.217-223.
  • Hefelbower, S. G. The Relation of John Locke to English Deism. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1918.
  • Howard, Sir Robert. The History of Religion. Londra, 1694.
  • Hudson, Wayne. The English Deists. Londra: Pickering & Chatto Publishing, 2009.
  • Jacob, Margaret Candee. “John Toland and the Newtonian Ideology,” Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 32 (1969), ss.307-331.
  • Kar, Sait. “John Toland’ın Din Felsefesi Üzerine Bir İnceleme,” Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi, Atatürk Üniversitesi, Erzurum, 2014.
  • Lange, Friedrich A. Materyalizmin Tarihi ve Günümüzdeki Anlamının Eleştirisi. Terc. Ahmet Arslan. İstanbul: Sosyal Yayınları, 1998.
  • Leland, John. A View of the Principle Deistical Writers that have Appeared in England in the Last and Present Century. Londra: W. Baynes, 1808.
  • Lucci, Diego ve Jeffrey R. Wigelsworth. “‘God Does Not Act Arbitrarily, or Interpose Unnecessarily’: Providential Deism and the Denial of Miracles in Wollaston, Tindal, Chubb, and Morgan,” Intellectual History Review 25:2 (2015), ss.167-189.
  • McGrath, Alister E. Christian Theology: An Introduction. Wiley Blackwell e-Book.
  • Myllykoski, Matti. “‘Christian Jews’ and ‘Jewish Christians’: The Jewish Origins of Christianity in English Literature from Elizabeth I to Toland’s Nazarenus,” F. Stanley Jones (ed.), The Rediscovery of Jewish Christianity: From Toland to Baur (Boston: Brill, 2012) içinde, ss.3-41.
  • Newton, Sir Isaac. Opticks or, a Treatise of the Reflections, Refractions, Inflections and Colours of Light. Londra, 1721.
  • Nicholl, H. F. “John Toland: Religion without Mystery,” Hermathena 100 (1965), ss.54-65.
  • Orr, John. English Deism: Its Roots and Its Fruits. Michigan: Eerdmans, 1934.
  • Pailin, David A. “The Confused and Confusing Story of Natural Religion,” Religion 24:3 (1994), ss.199-212.
  • Reedy, Gerard. “Socinians, John Toland, and the Anglican Rationalists,” The Harvard Theological Review 70:3-4 (1977), ss.285-304.
  • Sorley, W. R. A History of English Philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1920.
  • South, Robert. Twelve Sermons Preached upon Several Occasions. Londra, 1727.
  • Stephen, Leslie. History of English Thought in the Eighteenth Century. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Son’s, 1876.
  • Sullivan, Robert E. John Toland and Deist Controversy: A Study in Adaptations. Londra: Harvard University Press, 1982.
  • Suttle, Gary. “John Toland,” Bron R. Taylor (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature (Londra: Thoemmes Continuum, 2008) içinde, c.2, ss.1639-1640.
  • Tarakçı, Muhammet. “Hıristiyanlık’ta Vahiy ve Peygamberlik,” Yusuf Şevki Yavuz (ed.), Vahiy ve Peygamberlik (İstanbul: Kuramer Yayınları, 2018) içinde, ss.77-177.
  • Taylor, Charles. Seküler Çağ. Terc. Dost Körpe. İstanbul: İş Bankası Yayınları, 2007.
  • Toland, John. Christianity not Mysterious, or, a Treatise Shewing That There is Nothing in the Gospel Contrary to Reason, Nor Above It and That No Christian Doctrine Can Be Properly Call'd a Mystery. Londra, 1696.
  • Toland, John. A Critical History of the Celtic Religion and Learning. Edinburgh: Findlay, 1815.
  • Toland, John. Letters to Serena. Londra: Garland, 1704.
  • Toland, John. Nazarenus, or Jewish, Gentile, Mahometan Christianity. Londra, 1718.
  • Toland, John. Pantheisticon: or the Form of Celebrating the Socratic-Society. Londra: S. Paterson, 1751.
  • Toland, John. “The Primitive Constitution of the Christian Church,” A Collection of Several Pieces of Mr. John Toland (Londra, 1726) içinde, c.2, ss.195-196.
  • Toland, John. Vindicius Liberius or M. Toland’s Defence of Himself against the Late Lower of House of Convocation. Londra, 1702.
  • Wigelsworth, Jeffrey R. Deism in Enlightenment England, Londra: Manchester University Press, 2009.
  • Wigelsworth, Jeffrey R. “The Nominal Essence of Motion: John Toland’s Natural Philosophy (1696-1704),” Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi, Calgary Üniversitesi, Calgary, 2000.
  • Williams, George H. “Socinianism,” Donald M. Borcherdt (ed.), Encyclopedia of Philosophy (New York: Thomas & Gale, 2006) içinde, ss.99-100.

A Reading of Christianity through the Conception of Natural Religion: John Toland’s Understanding of God, Religion, and Revelation

Year 2019, Volume: 60 Issue: 2, 355 - 377, 30.11.2019


One of the critical issues in the philosophy of
Enlightenment was the leap from natural philosophy to science. As a result of
the quest to uncover the mathematical principles of natural philosophy, which
was identified with Newton in the 17th century, the view toward God, universe,
and mankind also changed.
In this process, attempts to
harmonize Christianity with reason and nature were increased. The wish to have
a religion in harmony with nature and reason gave way to different
interpretations within Christianity described as religious rationalists. In
this period, moreover, there emerged "natural religion" discourse,
mainly advocated by deists. John Toland, who distinguished himself with his
intellectual profile and many works and whose ideas were closely followed, also
defended the concept of natural religion. By surveying Toland's views on God, religion,
and revelation, this study will examine Toland's evaluation of the traditional
structure of Christianity through the prism of his notion of natural religion.


  • [Aquinas, Thomas]. The Summa Contra Gentiles of Saint Thomas Aquinas. İng. terc. The English Dominican Fathers. Londra: Burns Oates & Washburne Ltd., 1924.
  • Bradlaugh, Charles. Biographies of Ancient and Modern Celebrated Freethinkers. Boston: J. P. Mednum, 1858.
  • Bredin, Hugh. “No Man’s Follower: John Toland,” The Maynooth Review 12 (1985), ss.13-23.
  • Byrne, Peter. Natural Religion and the Nature of Religion: The Legacy of Deism. Londra: Routledge, 2013.
  • Champion, Justin. Republican Learning: John Toland and the Crisis of Christian Culture (1696-1722). Manchester & New York: Manchester University Press, 2003.
  • Daniel, Stephen H. John Toland: His Methods, Manners, and Mind. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1984.
  • Des Maizeaux. The Miscellaneous Works of Mr. John Toland. Londra, 1747.
  • Doko, Enis. Dahi ve Dindar Isaac Newton. İstanbul: İstanbul Yayınevi, 2011.
  • East, Katherine A. “Superstitionis Malleus: John Toland, Cicero, and the War on Priestcraft in Early Enlightenment England,” History of European Ideas 40:7 (2014), ss.965-983.
  • Gerrish, B. A. “Natural and Revealed Religion,” Knud Haakonssen (ed.), The Cambridge History of Eighteenth-Century Philosophy (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006) içinde, ss.641-665.
  • Gündüz, Şinasi. Din ve İnanç Sözlüğü. Ankara: Vadi Yayınları, 1998.
  • Hazard, Paul. Batı Düşüncesindeki Büyük Değişme. Terc. Erol Güngör. İstanbul: Ötüken, 1994.
  • Heinemann, F. H. “John Toland and the Age of Enlightenment,” The Review of English Studies 20:78 (1944), ss.125-146.
  • Hefelbower, S. G. “Deism Historically Defined,” The American Journal of Theology 24:2 (1920), ss.217-223.
  • Hefelbower, S. G. The Relation of John Locke to English Deism. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1918.
  • Howard, Sir Robert. The History of Religion. Londra, 1694.
  • Hudson, Wayne. The English Deists. Londra: Pickering & Chatto Publishing, 2009.
  • Jacob, Margaret Candee. “John Toland and the Newtonian Ideology,” Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 32 (1969), ss.307-331.
  • Kar, Sait. “John Toland’ın Din Felsefesi Üzerine Bir İnceleme,” Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi, Atatürk Üniversitesi, Erzurum, 2014.
  • Lange, Friedrich A. Materyalizmin Tarihi ve Günümüzdeki Anlamının Eleştirisi. Terc. Ahmet Arslan. İstanbul: Sosyal Yayınları, 1998.
  • Leland, John. A View of the Principle Deistical Writers that have Appeared in England in the Last and Present Century. Londra: W. Baynes, 1808.
  • Lucci, Diego ve Jeffrey R. Wigelsworth. “‘God Does Not Act Arbitrarily, or Interpose Unnecessarily’: Providential Deism and the Denial of Miracles in Wollaston, Tindal, Chubb, and Morgan,” Intellectual History Review 25:2 (2015), ss.167-189.
  • McGrath, Alister E. Christian Theology: An Introduction. Wiley Blackwell e-Book.
  • Myllykoski, Matti. “‘Christian Jews’ and ‘Jewish Christians’: The Jewish Origins of Christianity in English Literature from Elizabeth I to Toland’s Nazarenus,” F. Stanley Jones (ed.), The Rediscovery of Jewish Christianity: From Toland to Baur (Boston: Brill, 2012) içinde, ss.3-41.
  • Newton, Sir Isaac. Opticks or, a Treatise of the Reflections, Refractions, Inflections and Colours of Light. Londra, 1721.
  • Nicholl, H. F. “John Toland: Religion without Mystery,” Hermathena 100 (1965), ss.54-65.
  • Orr, John. English Deism: Its Roots and Its Fruits. Michigan: Eerdmans, 1934.
  • Pailin, David A. “The Confused and Confusing Story of Natural Religion,” Religion 24:3 (1994), ss.199-212.
  • Reedy, Gerard. “Socinians, John Toland, and the Anglican Rationalists,” The Harvard Theological Review 70:3-4 (1977), ss.285-304.
  • Sorley, W. R. A History of English Philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1920.
  • South, Robert. Twelve Sermons Preached upon Several Occasions. Londra, 1727.
  • Stephen, Leslie. History of English Thought in the Eighteenth Century. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Son’s, 1876.
  • Sullivan, Robert E. John Toland and Deist Controversy: A Study in Adaptations. Londra: Harvard University Press, 1982.
  • Suttle, Gary. “John Toland,” Bron R. Taylor (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature (Londra: Thoemmes Continuum, 2008) içinde, c.2, ss.1639-1640.
  • Tarakçı, Muhammet. “Hıristiyanlık’ta Vahiy ve Peygamberlik,” Yusuf Şevki Yavuz (ed.), Vahiy ve Peygamberlik (İstanbul: Kuramer Yayınları, 2018) içinde, ss.77-177.
  • Taylor, Charles. Seküler Çağ. Terc. Dost Körpe. İstanbul: İş Bankası Yayınları, 2007.
  • Toland, John. Christianity not Mysterious, or, a Treatise Shewing That There is Nothing in the Gospel Contrary to Reason, Nor Above It and That No Christian Doctrine Can Be Properly Call'd a Mystery. Londra, 1696.
  • Toland, John. A Critical History of the Celtic Religion and Learning. Edinburgh: Findlay, 1815.
  • Toland, John. Letters to Serena. Londra: Garland, 1704.
  • Toland, John. Nazarenus, or Jewish, Gentile, Mahometan Christianity. Londra, 1718.
  • Toland, John. Pantheisticon: or the Form of Celebrating the Socratic-Society. Londra: S. Paterson, 1751.
  • Toland, John. “The Primitive Constitution of the Christian Church,” A Collection of Several Pieces of Mr. John Toland (Londra, 1726) içinde, c.2, ss.195-196.
  • Toland, John. Vindicius Liberius or M. Toland’s Defence of Himself against the Late Lower of House of Convocation. Londra, 1702.
  • Wigelsworth, Jeffrey R. Deism in Enlightenment England, Londra: Manchester University Press, 2009.
  • Wigelsworth, Jeffrey R. “The Nominal Essence of Motion: John Toland’s Natural Philosophy (1696-1704),” Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi, Calgary Üniversitesi, Calgary, 2000.
  • Williams, George H. “Socinianism,” Donald M. Borcherdt (ed.), Encyclopedia of Philosophy (New York: Thomas & Gale, 2006) içinde, ss.99-100.
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Philosophy
Journal Section Research Articles

Meryem Kardaş 0000-0003-1493-3402

Publication Date November 30, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 60 Issue: 2


Chicago Kardaş, Meryem. “Doğal Din Tasavvuru Üzerinden Hıristiyanlık Okuması: John Toland’ın Tanrı, Din Ve Vahiy Anlayışı”. Ankara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 60, no. 2 (November 2019): 355-77.