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Bilgisayar Ekranlarının Yaydığı Manyetik Alanlar Üzerinde Kaktüs Bitkisinin Etkisi

Year 2019, , 70 - 79, 15.01.2019


hayatın büyük bir bölümünü bilgisayarlı ortamlarda veya laboratuvarlarda
geçiren insanlar, yüksek düzeylerde manyetik alana maruz kalmaktadırlar.
Özellikle, bilgisayar ekranlarının yaydığı zararlı ışınlar, insan sağlığını
olumsuz etkilemektedir. Bu çalışmada, öncelikle literatür taraması yapılarak manyetik
alanların insan sağlığı üzerindeki olumsuz etkileri incelenmiştir. Daha sonra,
bilgisayar ekranlarının yaydığı zararlı ışınların kaktüs bitkisi ile minimize
edilip edilmediği araştırılmış olup yapılan ölçümlerle sonuçlar ortaya
konmuştur. ELF (Çok düşük frekanslı) ölçümleri; kaktüs bitkileri ve bilgisayar
ekranları çeşitli şekillerde ve ortamlarda bulundurularak gerçekleştirilmiştir.
Sonuç olarak, farklı (LCD, Tüplü) ekranlar üzerinde defalarca yapılan ölçüm ve
testler ile yakın değerler elde edilmiş ve kaktüs bitkilerinin ortamda bulunan
manyetik alanı minimize etmediği ortaya çıkmıştır.


  • Aral, B. S., 2008. “Effect of 900 Mhz and 1800 Mhz Radio Frequency Radiation on Blood Brain Barrier, Gazi University Health Sciences Institute Biophysics Department, Ankara, 76-94.
  • Arnetz B. B, Berg, M. J., 1996. Melatonin and adrenocorticotropic hormone levels in video display ünit workers during work and leisure. Occup Environ Med. Nov. 38:11 1108-10.
  • Blehm, C., Vishnu, S., Khattak, A., Mitra, S., Yee, Rr. W., 2005. Computer Vision Syndrome: A Review, Survey of Ophthalmology Volume 50, Number 3, May–June.
  • Büyükbas Z., Gündüz M. K., Bozkurt B., Zengin N., 2012. Evaluation of ocular surface changes seen in computer users, Turkish Journal of Ophthalmology, 42(3): 190-196.
  • Cameron, I. W., Hardman, W. E., Winters, W. D., Zimmerman, S., Zimmerman, A. M., 1993. Enviromental Magnetic Fields: Influences on Early Embryogenesis, J.Cell. Biochem. 51; 417-425.
  • Karaoglu, B., 1996. Griftiths Elektromagnetic Theory, Arte Advertisement and Promotion, p.404.
  • Portelle J. K., Rosenfield, M., Bababekova, Y., Estrada, J. M., Leon, A., 2012. Computer-Related Visual Symptoms in Office Workers, Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics, 32, 375–382.
  • Sevgi, L., 2005. Electricity and Magnetic Fields in the Environment, Dogus University, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Industrial & Automation, February.
  • Seyhan, N., Kurşun, A.G.C., Öztürk, G.G., Sırav, B. ve Özgür, E., 2018. Elektromanyetik Radyasyondan Korunmak İçin Pratik Öneriler: Gazi Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Biyofizik Anabilim Dalı, Ankara.
  • Szeto G.P.Y., Chan C.C.Y., Chan S.K.M., Lai H.Y., Lau E.P.Y., 2014. The Effects Of Using A Single Display Screen Versus Dual Screens On Neck-Shoulder Muscle Activity During Computer Tasks, International Journal Of Industrial Ergonomics, 44, (2014), 460-465.
  • Tatak, F., Tiryakioglu, İ., Yılmaz, İ., 2005. Investigation of the effects of electromagnetic waves used in GPS on human health, Map Cadastre Engineers Chamber Engineering Surveys STB Commission, 2nd Engineering Measurements Symposium (23 -25 November 2005 İTÜ-İstanbul), 641-648.
  • Terciyanlı, A., 2000. Electromagnetic Pollution and GSM, Biltek, Decebmer 2000, TÜZÜNER S.2002. ÇED,
  • URL-1, 2017. TMMOB Chamber of Electrical Engineers,, Access Date: November 2017.
  • URL-2, 2018. Artun, T.,, Access Date: January 2018.

Effect of Cactus Plants on Magnetic Fields Bruited by Computer Screens

Year 2019, , 70 - 79, 15.01.2019


who spend most of their daily lives in environments or labs with computer are
exposed to magnetic fields in high levels. In particular, the harmful rays that
computer screens transmit are adversely affecting human health. In this study,
firstly the negative effects of magnetic fields on human health were examined
by literature review. Additionally, whether cactus plants could reduce harmful
rays of computer screens were examined and results of measurements done were
presented. ELF (very low frequency) measurements were performed by placing the
cactus plants and computer screens in various forms and environments. Similar
results were obtained with repeated measurements and tests on different (LCD,
Tubular) displays, and it was concluded that the cactus plants did not minimize
the magnetic field in the environment.


  • Aral, B. S., 2008. “Effect of 900 Mhz and 1800 Mhz Radio Frequency Radiation on Blood Brain Barrier, Gazi University Health Sciences Institute Biophysics Department, Ankara, 76-94.
  • Arnetz B. B, Berg, M. J., 1996. Melatonin and adrenocorticotropic hormone levels in video display ünit workers during work and leisure. Occup Environ Med. Nov. 38:11 1108-10.
  • Blehm, C., Vishnu, S., Khattak, A., Mitra, S., Yee, Rr. W., 2005. Computer Vision Syndrome: A Review, Survey of Ophthalmology Volume 50, Number 3, May–June.
  • Büyükbas Z., Gündüz M. K., Bozkurt B., Zengin N., 2012. Evaluation of ocular surface changes seen in computer users, Turkish Journal of Ophthalmology, 42(3): 190-196.
  • Cameron, I. W., Hardman, W. E., Winters, W. D., Zimmerman, S., Zimmerman, A. M., 1993. Enviromental Magnetic Fields: Influences on Early Embryogenesis, J.Cell. Biochem. 51; 417-425.
  • Karaoglu, B., 1996. Griftiths Elektromagnetic Theory, Arte Advertisement and Promotion, p.404.
  • Portelle J. K., Rosenfield, M., Bababekova, Y., Estrada, J. M., Leon, A., 2012. Computer-Related Visual Symptoms in Office Workers, Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics, 32, 375–382.
  • Sevgi, L., 2005. Electricity and Magnetic Fields in the Environment, Dogus University, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Industrial & Automation, February.
  • Seyhan, N., Kurşun, A.G.C., Öztürk, G.G., Sırav, B. ve Özgür, E., 2018. Elektromanyetik Radyasyondan Korunmak İçin Pratik Öneriler: Gazi Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Biyofizik Anabilim Dalı, Ankara.
  • Szeto G.P.Y., Chan C.C.Y., Chan S.K.M., Lai H.Y., Lau E.P.Y., 2014. The Effects Of Using A Single Display Screen Versus Dual Screens On Neck-Shoulder Muscle Activity During Computer Tasks, International Journal Of Industrial Ergonomics, 44, (2014), 460-465.
  • Tatak, F., Tiryakioglu, İ., Yılmaz, İ., 2005. Investigation of the effects of electromagnetic waves used in GPS on human health, Map Cadastre Engineers Chamber Engineering Surveys STB Commission, 2nd Engineering Measurements Symposium (23 -25 November 2005 İTÜ-İstanbul), 641-648.
  • Terciyanlı, A., 2000. Electromagnetic Pollution and GSM, Biltek, Decebmer 2000, TÜZÜNER S.2002. ÇED,
  • URL-1, 2017. TMMOB Chamber of Electrical Engineers,, Access Date: November 2017.
  • URL-2, 2018. Artun, T.,, Access Date: January 2018.
There are 14 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Eren Erensayın This is me 0000-0001-7991-438X

Nurettin Topaloğlu This is me

M. Hanefi Calp 0000-0001-7991-438X

Serkan Savaş

Publication Date January 15, 2019
Submission Date February 10, 2018
Acceptance Date June 20, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Erensayın, E., Topaloğlu, N., Calp, M. H., Savaş, S. (2019). Bilgisayar Ekranlarının Yaydığı Manyetik Alanlar Üzerinde Kaktüs Bitkisinin Etkisi. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 9(1), 70-79.