Guide for Authors

There are guidelines in the article submission to the Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology (JIST), and you must comply with the standards of the journal to ensure a smooth reviewing and publication process. Thank you for your interest.

Submissions must consist of four separate files: "Cover Page", "Blind Article", "Plagiarism Report" and "Copyright Transfer Form ".

1. The article must be uploaded to the Dergipark system in a Microsoft Word file by the responsible author.
2. The article should contain the following sections:

  • If the work is an original research article or a technical note and written in Turkish, it should consist of the following sections: Turkish Title, Turkish ABSTRACT, Turkish Keywords, English Title, ABSTRACT, Keywords, Öne Çıkanlar, GİRİŞ, MATERYAL VE METOT, BULGULAR VE TARTIŞMA, SONUÇ, TEŞEKKÜR (var ise), Çatışma Beyanı, Yazar Katkısı and KAYNAKÇA.
  • If the work is an original research article or a technical note and written in English, it should consist of the following main sections: English Title, English ABSTRACT, English Keywords, Turkish Title (optional), Turkish ABSTRACT (optional), Turkish Keywords (optional), Highlights INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS AND METHODS, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, CONCLUSION, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (If any), Conflict of Interest, Author's Contributions, REFERENCES.
  • In review articles, material, method and findings sections should not be taken into consideration.

Second-level and third-level subheadings can be added under the first-level headings.

3. Main section (First level) headings should be written in bold and all capital letters, second-level headings should be bold and the first letters of the words should be capitalized, the others should be lowercase. Third-level headings should be written in bold and only the first letter of the first word should be written in capital letters and all other words should be written in lowercase letters.
4. A 6 pt space should be left before and after first-level headings. For subheadings, there should only be a 6 pt space before the line. There should be no spaces after the subheading.
5. Main headings and subheadings should not be numbered.
6. The Turkish and English titles of the article should be short, descriptive; the first letters of the words should be capitalized; other words should be lowercase, and should not exceed fourteen words (excluding prepositions). Mathematical formulas should not be in the article title.
7. Cover Page: Author names and addresses should never be given in the main text of the work uploaded to the system due to blind review. Only information about the author(s) should be written on the cover page. Therefore, a cover page should be prepared for the article and include the following items:
• Research field, article type, section of the article prepared for citation, Turkish and English title, Turkish and English abstract, Turkish and English keywords, Turkish and English Highlights, author address information, author ORCID ID numbers, responsible author information, author contributions, conflicts of interest and acknowledgments and disclosure (optional) sections. (The cover letter must also include Congress Declaration or Thesis Citation and Ethics Committee Approval, if any.)
• The article type (research article, review or technical note) must be stated on the cover page.
• The article title should be as short and descriptive as possible. All words in the title should start with capital letters (except conjunctions), written in bold and placed in the middle of the page. Abbreviations should never be used in the article title.
• Abstract length should be limited to 100-250 words, including spaces.
• All authors' full names should be written clearly and no academic titles should be used.
• The cover page must include institutional information (name of the institution, address, postal code, city and country) of all authors.
• ORCID ID number and e-mail information of all authors should be given on the cover page.
• Authors should be marked with the markers "1" "2" "3" in the upper right corner of the author's name and before institution information.
• Additionally, the corresponding author should be stated in the article, marked with "*" and contact information (phone, fax and e-mail) should be given.
• Titles should not be used in author names.


1. The article should be written on an A4 size page, in 12 point Times New Roman font, with 1.15 cm line spacing and in a single column. The text size can be reduced so that the summary and abstract on the first page of the article do not overflow onto the second page.
2. There should be a space of 1.5 cm at the top of the page, 1.5 cm at the bottom, 1.9 cm on the left and 1.6 cm on the right.
3. Lines on all pages, including references, figures, and tables, should be numbered consecutively in the left margin, starting from the first page.
4. The Turkish and English titles of the work should be centered on the page, the rest should be written justified, and a 1 cm indent should be left at the beginning of the paragraphs.
5. Original research articles should not exceed a maximum of 13 pages in total, including tables, figures and references, review articles should not exceed a maximum of 15 pages, and technical notes should not exceed a maximum of 5 pages. Articles exceeding these page limits will not be taken into account.
6. CLICK for a sample article written according to our spelling rules.


Abstract and Keywords

1. An abstract must be provided for all article types (original research articles, review or technical notes).
2. Turkish "ÖZET" and English "ABSTRACT" should be in the form of one single paragraph and should not exceed 250 words and be at least 100 words. The abstract should present the relevant results in a concise and understandable form and include the purpose of the study, method, results obtained and recommendations. No references should be included in the abstract.
3. After the abstract, 3-6 keywords that best describe the study (preferably those not used in the title) should be given and. Keywords: Only the first letter of the first keyword should be capitalized and the other keywords should be in lowercase. The keywords should be separated by a comma (,) and should be written in order of importance, leaving a space of one character. The authors are recommended to choose keywords from "Turkish Science Terms" (


“Highlights” refers to writing three-to-five important features of the article in order to help increase its accessibility through search engines. It should also cover new results of the research and new methods used in the study (if any). Terms that readers are known to search for online should be included in highlights. There should be no attempt to capture all the ideas, concepts, or results of the research, as highlights should be brief. It should be compatible with Turkish highlights.


In this chapter, the topic of the study should be provided, the rationale for the study should be stated, the reason for the study should be explained, the hypotheses to be tested should be introduced, and the purpose of the study should be given. Extensive discussion of relevant literature should be included in the discussion of results, not in the introduction. The purpose of the study should be clearly stated in the last paragraph of the introduction section.

Material and Method

The materials used in the study, basic details of the methods used, experimental design and statistical analysis should be presented in this section. A clear description or specific reference should be given for all biological, analytical and statistical analyses used in the study. If any changes have been made to analyses previously introduced or used by other researchers, the changes should be explained. The treatments and measurements made should be clearly described. The methods used should be supported by previously published references. Statistical models and analysis methods should be stated clearly and completely.

Findings and Discussion

The findings and discussion sections of research articles should be written under the same title. In this section, the findings obtained from the study should be given, supported with figures and tables. The discussion should clearly and concisely evaluate the results in terms of biological mechanisms. The findings should not be repeated in the discussion; the findings should be discussed using the results of other research. The discussion should be integrated with the research findings of other relevant studies to reveal whether the tested hypotheses are accepted or rejected. The contribution and importance of the results to science should be emphasized. Results should be interpreted avoiding unnecessary repetition.


In order to avoid repetition, the numerical results of the study should be rather given in tables or graphs in the findings section. In this section, the prominent results of the study should be briefly given in a concrete way. Conclusions should be separate from the discussion and written in the past tense. Additionally, further suggestions and opinions related to the study results can be stated.

Author Contributions

In this section, the authors' contributions to the article should be stated for each author.
Author A: Planned and designed the study.
Author B: Collected and analyzed data.
Author C: Conducted the statistical analysis of the study and wrote the article.

Conflicts of Interest Statement

The corresponding author(s) must inform the editor of any possible conflicts of interest that may affect the interpretation of the data. Authors must declare whether there is any financial support or relationship that could create a conflict of interest. (The authors declare no conflict of interest.)

Acknowledgements and Information (optional)

In this section, the projects supporting the study, if any, should be stated. For example, “This study was supported by Iğdır University Scientific Research Projects Coordination Office. Grant number: SHY1121A05”. Additionally, individuals and organizations that indirectly contributed to the study should also be stated. If permission has been received from companies or other institutions to carry out the study, it should be stated in this section. Acknowledgments should be as short and comprehensive as possible.


References should be arranged according to APA (6.0) style. All articles cited in the text should be included in the references list. The list of references should be arranged alphabetically, taking into account the author's surnames. References in the text should be written on an author-year basis and in year order (Gülçin et al., 2018; Türkan, 2019; Türkan and Atalar, 2021). Literature from the same year but by different authors should be listed alphabetically (Aras et al., 2021; Türkan & Atalar, 2021; Xu, 2021). If more than one source published by the same author in the same year is used, the source should be indicated with letters such as a, b, c after the year of publication. It is recommended not to use web-based resources. Authors should not cite unpublished results or personal communications. Footnotes should be avoided, and if they are very necessary, they should be written briefly on the page where they are used, and should be separated by a line and asterisked.

1. If the manuscript sent to our journal is written in Turkish, (Surname, year) for one author, (Surname and Surname, year) for two authors, and (Surname et al., year) for three or more authors;
2. If the article is written in English, it should be written as (Surname, year) for one author, (Surname & Surname, year) for two authors, and (Surname et al., year) for three or more authors.
3. If more than one source is to be cited, the citations should be separated by (;) and listed from the earliest to the newest (Surname, 1977; Surname et al., 2013).
4. The sources whose author is unknown should be given as (Anonymous, Year) in articles written in Turkish and as (Anonymous, Year) in articles written in English.

1. The References section should have a font size between 10 and 12 points, and one cm hanging indent should be left on the second line and subsequent lines of each reference. Journal names should not be abbreviated. All references should be given in alphabetical order.
2. The names of the journals, congresses and the names of the units in which the theses are published should be written clearly (without abbreviations) and references should be as follows:
In the references section, references should be listed alphabetically. Sample references are given below.
Şencan, I. & Dogan, G. (2017). APA 6 rules (2nd ed.), a guide to citing references and creating tables and figures in scientific publications. Ankara: Turkish Librarians Association Publications.

Journal Articles

Surname, A. A., Surname, B. B., & Surname, C. C. (Year). Title of the article. Title of the Journal, Volume (Issue), pp. doi:xx.xxxxxxxxxx
Surname, N. N., & Surname, N. (Year). The full title of the article. Journal Name, Volume(Issue), first and last page.
Tırınk, S. (2022). Calculation of Biogas Production Potential of Animal Waste: Example of Iğdır Province. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 12(1), 152-163.

Atalar, M. N. & Türkan, F. (2018). Identification of chemical components from the Rhizomes of Acorus calamus L. with gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS\MS). Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 8(4), 181-187.

Tırınk, S., Nuhoğlu, A., & Kul, S. (2022). Investigation of the biological treatability of pistachio processing industry wastewaters in a batch-operated aerobic bioreactor. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 38(6), 1-13.

Books and Book Chapters

Surname, N., & Surname, N. (Year). Title of the book or proceeding. City: Publisher.


Surname, A. A. (Year). Title of the work. Location: Publisher.

Surname, A. A. (Year). Title of the work. Access address: http://www.xxxxxxxxxx

Surname, A. A. (Year). Title of the work. doi:xxxxxxxxxxx

Editor, A. A. (Ed.). (Year). Title of the work. Location: Publisher.

Book Chapter

Surname, A. A. & Surname, B. B. (Year). Chapter or introduction title. In A. Editor, B. Editor and C. Editor (Ed.), Book title (pp. xxx-xxx). Location: Publisher.

Surname, A. A. & Surname, B. B. (Year). Chapter or introduction title. In A. Editor and B. Editor (Ed.), Book title (pp. xxx-xxx). Access address: http://www.xxxxxxxxxxxx

Surname, A. A. & Surname, B. B. (Year). Chapter or introduction title. In A. Editor, B. Editor and C. Editor (Ed.), Book title (pp. xxx-xxx). doi:xxxxxxxxxxxx

Türkan, F., & Atalar, M. N. (2021). The toxicological impact of some agents on glutathione S-transferase and cholinesterase enzymes. In Toxicology (pp. 281-290). Academic Press.

Congress or Symposium Papers

Surname, A. A. (Year). Paper or poster title. In: Title of the book in which it was published. A. Surad, A. A. Surad, and A. Surad (Eds.), Congress/Symposium name, (pp. xxx-xxx). City Country. Access address:XXXXXX

Surname, N., & Surname, N. (Year). The full title of the conference paper. In: Title of proceeding book. N., Surname, & N., Surname, (Ed.), Congress/Symposium name, (p. xxx-xxx). City, Country. Access address: XXXXXX

Gulçin, İ., Taslimi, P., Aygün, A., Sadeghian, N., Bastem, E., Kufrevioglu, O. I., ... & Şen, F. (2018). Antidiabetic and antiparasitic potentials: Inhibition effects of some natural antioxidant compounds on α-glycosidase, α-amylase and human glutathione S-transferase enzymes. International journal of biological macromolecules, 119, 741-746.
Surname, A. A. (Year). Title of the doctoral dissertation or master's thesis (Master's thesis/Doctoral thesis). Retrieved from database (Accession or Order No.).

Surname, A. A. (Year). Title of the doctoral dissertation or master's thesis (Unpublished doctoral thesis/master's thesis). Institution name, Location information.

Türkan, F. (2015). Purification, Characterization and Investigation of Kinetic Properties of Glutathione S-Transferase Enzyme from Blackberry Fruit (Prunus Laurocerasus L.) (Doctoral thesis). Access address:

Articles or Reports with Internet Address

Surname N. (Year). The full title of internet addressed article. Access address: http://www.xxxxxxxxxxxx (Access address: day month, year).
Surname N. (Year). The full title of internet addressed article. Access address:: http://www.xxxxxxxxxxxx (Accessed date: month day, year).
Smith J. (2001). Emergence of infectious diseases. Access address: (Access address: September 24, 2002).
Anonymous. (2012). US Department of agriculture nutrient database for standard reference, Release 14. URL: (accessed date: March 23, 2012).



1. All Figures and Tables should be given on a vertical page. If the table does not fit on a vertical page, the table can be divided into 2 parts and shown as a continuation of the table. Horizontal page structure should not be used.
2. For Figures and Tables the expressions should be “Şekil”, “Çizelge” in the Turkish article and, “Figure” and “Table” In the English article (Çizelge 1./Table 1., Şekil 1./Figure 1.). Additionally, the words Figure 1., Table 1. should be written in bold. Explanations and footnotes of Tables and Figures should be given below the Table and should be written in between 8 and 10 font size, and there should be no dot (.) at the end. Font size can be changed according to the size of the Chart/s.
3. Figure should be placed centered on the page, Chart should be placed flush to the right of the page or justified. There should be no vertical lines in Charts/Tables.
4. Table headings should be between 9 and 12 type size and above the Table, and the content of the Table should be given in at least 8 points. The first letters of figure and table titles should be uppercase and the other letters should be lowercase. Figures, graphics, photographs and the like should be written under the title "Figure", should be short and descriptive, continue on the same line, only the first letter should be capitalized and should be in 8 to 10 point font size. Figures and Tables should be given in the relevant places within the main document and should not be uploaded as separate files or added to the end of the text.
5. The presented tables, figures and equations must be cited before their place in the text, and the references must be given together with the table/figure/equation numbers.


1. Vertical lines should not be used in tables and creating cages should be avoided.
2. Each table should be numbered and cited in the text.
3. Any abbreviations used in a table must be defined in that table.
4. For numbers less than 1 in the table, a zero should be added to the left of the decimal point and the columns should be center aligned. If there is no data for any parameter, that section should not be left blank and a hyphen should be added. If an explanation is required, an abbreviation may be used in the body of the chart (e.g., ND) and should be clearly explained in the footnotes.
5. Each axis in the charts should have a description and a unit. Different fill colors or patterns should be used for bar charts (black, white, gray or stripes, etc.).

Figures, Graphics, Photographs and the like

1. The width and height of figures, graphics, photographs and the like should be maximum 16x20 cm in a single-column page layout, and a maximum of 8 cm in width in a double-column page layout. Graphics should not be copied in photo format, but should be in an editable format in Word.
2 For photos and the like, the preferred file type is JPEG, TIFF, or PNG. Minimum resolution should be between 300-600 dpi for color and grayscale images.

Equations used in the article should be cited in the text, the equations should be numbered, and the equation number should be shown in parentheses next to the equation, aligned to the right. Formulas should be written in 12-point font, main characters and variables should be italicized, and numbers and mathematical expressions should be written plain. The citation representation of the equation in the article is “Equation 1.” It should be given as (…the relevant model is given in Equation 1). The Word program math processor should be used to write equations.

1. When writing numbers, only a period (.) should be used as a decimal separator (e.g. 20.23 instead of 20.23).
2. The SI system (Système International d'Unités) should be used in all scientific data. A single space must be left between the number and the unit (4 kg/ha, 20 Nm, 100 kPa, 22 °C). The only exceptions are for angular definitions, minutes, seconds, and percent; does not contain gaps (10°, 45', 60'', 29%). In Turkish texts, the percent (%) sign is used before the number (e.g. 18%). The abbreviation for liter is "L".
3. Numbers should not be separated when writing very large numbers (e.g. 100000.85).

File Format

You must submit your articles in Microsoft Word format (.DOC). PDF or other text files are not accepted for articles and are returned to the author(s) for correction.

Copyright Transfer Agreement

Author(s) in all articles sent to JIST are required to sign the "Copyright Transfer Agreement." This contract text should be downloaded on the article submission page, signed by all Author(s), scanned in PDF format and uploaded to the system.

Last Update Time: 12/11/22, 1:16:50 AM