Peer-Review Process

Authors sould register on the journal's web page in order to submit a paper. If the author would like to become a referee in MJAVL, he/she should indicate this during the registration.

The word format of the article should not include personal information (name, position, institution,e-mail address) about authors. Authors should follow referees' requests and views via the system. Scholars who have uploaded a paper to the system or submitted it to the journal are monitored by the system administrator. Referees can easily review the articles in this way.

After sending the paper with the personal account (entering e-mail and password), the review process can be followed through the Article Tracking System at Referees should be expected to make the corrections.

Firstly, the received articles are examined by the field editors and checked for its consistency with the rules of writing. Articles not meeting the journal's standards may be rejected or some corrections will be required by the field editor before the review process. Manuscripts are sent to at least two referees for reviews. Referees are expected to complete their evaluation process and submit their reports within 15 days.

At each stage of the process, a double-blinded review (both the reviewer and authors identities are concealed) is used. Referees assess the originality, importance, methodology of the submitted papers Referees can directly accept, reject the paper or ask the authors to make required corrections. The article will be accepted for publication, if at least two referees provide positive feedback. If one of the referee's reports is positive and the other's is negative, the article should be sent to the third one.

The manuscript should receive "Acceptance Report" from two referees in order to be published in the journal. If the article receives "Rejection Report" from two referees, it will not be published and the authors should be informed. In the case of "Correction Report", required corrections should be notified to the authors. The author(s) will be asked to make corrections then upload the article back to the system. The corrected version of the article will be sent to the referees again. If the minor corrections were required, the field editor will check it and the article will be included in the publication archives. In the case of request for major corrections, the field editor sends the article to the same referees. The paper will be rejected if authors don't perform the required or expected corrections. 

Article withdrawal process in “dergipark”
The author has the right to withdraw the article while it is in new submission status. If the article is in lower roles or has at least 1 reviewer review, the author can request a withdraw with the approval of the editor. If the editor does not respond to the request within 15 days, the article will be automatically withdrawn.
During the production process, the author will only be able to send requests and the 15-day period will not apply. With this feature, a withdraw card has also been added to the editor panel. Withdraw requests can be viewed from this card.
click here for detailed information 

Last Update Time: 6/6/24, 12:11:34 PM