Research Article
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W locus alleles of the KIT Gene in Turkish Van Cats and Their Association with Certain Phenotypes

Year 2022, , 206 - 214, 30.11.2022


Objective: Turkish Van cat is special cat breed in the world. The most important characteristics of the Turkish Van cats are the white and silky fur, and different eyes color. W locus of KIT gene was found to be an important gene for the white fur. However, there is not enough information about W locus of Turkish Van cats. The aim of this study was to determine the genotypic distribution of W locus alleles in Turkish Van cats and association between alelles and certain phenotypes.
Material and Method: 48 Turkish Van cats bred in Van Yüzüncü Yıl University Van Cat Research and Application Center were selected for this study. DNA isolations were carried out from oral swaps and W locus genotyping of these cats was done by PCR. The Chi-square test was used to determine the association between the alleles and certain phenotypes.
Results: It was shown that 41.67%, 22.92%, 18.75% and 16.67% of cats carried W/W, W/w+, w+/w+and W/ws, respectively. Frequencies of W locus alleles were found to be 61.45%, 30.21%, 8.33% for W, w+, ws, respectively. An association between detected genotypes and the phenotypic characters including eye color, head spotting, and hair length, could not be established.
Conclusion: Turkish Van cats can carry white (W), white spotting (ws), and wild-type (w+) alleles in the W locus. No association between W locus alleles and eye color, head spotting, and fur length indicates other genetic variations should be addressed to understand genetical backround of the cats.


  • Arslan M (2020). A new primer designing for PCR-RFLP analysis of A and B genetic variants of bovine kappa-casein. Harran University Journal of The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 9(1), 6-11.
  • Arslan M, Tezcan E, Camci H, Avci MK (2021). Effect of DNA concentration on band intensity and resolution in agarose gel electrophoresis. Van Health Science Journal, 14(3), 326-333.
  • Bamber RC (1933). Correlation between white coat colour, blue eyes and deafness in cats. Journal of Genetics. 27, 407.
  • Bergsma DR, Brown KS (1971). White fur, blue eyes, and deafness in the domestic cat. Journal of Heredity, 62(3), 171-183.
  • Bodemer C, Hermine O, Palmérini F, Yang Y, Grandpeix-Guyodo C, Leventhal PS, et al. (2010). Pediatric mastocytosis is a clonal disease associated with D816V and other activating c-<em>KIT</em> mutations. The Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 130, 804–815.
  • Cooper MP, Fretwell N, Bailey SJ, Lyons LA (2006). White spotting in the domestic cat (Felis catus) maps near KIT on feline chromosome B1. Animal Genetics, 37(2), 163-165.
  • Çelik AF (2019). Van Kedisinde Görülen Sağırlığın İnsidansı ve Göz Renklerine Göre Dağılımı Üzerine Araştırmalar. Doktora Tezi. Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi. Sağlık Bilimler Enstitüsü. Van.
  • Darwin C (1894). The variation of animals and plants under domestication. D. Appleton. London.
  • David VA, Menotti-Raymond M, Wallace AC, Roelke M, Kehler J, Leighty R, et al. (2014). Endogenous retrovirus insertion in the KIT oncogene determines white and white spotting in domestic cats. G3 (Bethesda), 4, 1881–1891.
  • Eizirik E, David VA, Buckley-Beason V, Roelke ME, Schäffer AA, Hannah SS, et al. (2010). Defining and mapping mammaliancoat pattern genes: multiple genomic regions implicated in domestic cat stripes and spots. Genetics, 184, 267–275.
  • Frischknecht M, Jagannathan V, Leeb T (2015). Whole genome sequencing confirms KIT insertions in a white cat. Animal Genetics, 46(1), 98.
  • Gibson PC, Cooper K (2002). CD117 (KIT): a diverse protein with selective applications in surgical pathology. Advances in Anatomic Pathology, 9, 65–69.
  • Ishida Y, David VA, Eizirik E, Schäffer AA, Neelam BA, Roelke ME, et al. (2006). A homozygous single-base deletion in MLPH causes the dilute coat color phenotype in the domestic cat. Genomics, 88, 698–705.
  • Kambe N, Longley BJ, Miyachi Y, Kabashima K (2010). KIT masters mast cells in kids, too. The Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 130, 648–650.
  • Lammie A, Drobnjak M, Gerald W, Saad A, Cote R, Cordon-Cardo C (1994). Expression of c-kit and kit ligand proteins in normal human tissues. The journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry: Official Journal of the Histochemistry Society, 42, 1417–1425.
  • Montague MJ, Li G, Gandolfi B, Khan R, Aken BL, Searle SMJ, et al. (2014). Comparative analysis of the domestic cat genome reveals genetic signatures underlying feline biology and domestication. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111, 17230–17235.
  • Morini M, Bettini G, Preziosi R, Mandrioli L (2004). C-kit gene product (CD117) immunoreactivity in canine and feline paraffin Sections. The journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry: Official Journal of the Histochemistry Society, 52, 705–708.
  • O’Brien SJ, Johnson W, Driscoll C, Pontius J, Pecon-Slattery J, Menotti-Raymond M (2008). State of cat genomics. Trends in Genetics, 24, 268–279.
  • Odabaşıoğlu F, Ateş CT (2000). Van Kedisi 1. Baskı. Selçuk Üniversitesi Basım evi. Konya.
  • Pingault V, Ente D, Dastot-Le Moal F, Goossens M, Marlin S, Bondurand N (2010). Review and update of mutations causing Waardenburg syndrome. Human Mutation, 31, 391–406.
  • Read AP, Newton VE (1997). Waardenburg syndrome. Journal of Medical Genetics, 34, 656-665.
  • Robinson R (1983). Genetics for Cat Breeders. Pergamon Press. Oxford.
  • Ryugo DK, Raymond MM (2012): Feline Deafness. The Veterinary Clinics of North America. Small Animal Practice, 42, 1179–1207.
  • Şenler N (1986). Van Kedisinin Biyolojisi ve Davranış Özellikleri. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. VAN.
  • Shaffer GD, Ballif BC, Meurs K, Shaffer LG, Flores-Smith H (2021). Identification of a novel missense mutation in the fibroblast growth factor 5 gene associated with longhair in the Maine Coon Cat. Human Genetics, 140(11), 1517–1523.
  • Song N, Jo H, Choi M, Kim J-H, Seo HG, Cha SY, et al. (2013). Identification and classification of feline endogenous retroviruses in the cat genome using degenerate PCR and in silico data analysis. The Journal of General Virology, 94, 1587–1596.
  • Stelow EA, Bain MJ, Kass PH (2016). The Relationship Between Coat Color and Aggressive Behaviors in the Domestic Cat. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science: JAAWS, 19, 1–15.
  • Strain GM (2015). The genetics of deafness in domestic animals. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 2, 29.
  • Strain GM (2017). Hearing disorders in cats: classification, pathology and diagnosis. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 19(3), 276-287.
  • Thomas I, Kihiczak GG, Fox MD, Janniger CK, Schwartz RA (2004). Piebaldism: an update. International Journal of Dermatology, 43, 716–719.
  • Webb AA, Cullen CL (2010). Coat color and coat color pattern-related neurologic and neuro-ophthalmic diseases. The Canadian Veterinary Journal = La revue Veterinaire Canadienne, 51, 653–657.

Van Kedilerinde KIT Geninin W locus Allelleri ve Bazı Fenotiplerle İlişkileri

Year 2022, , 206 - 214, 30.11.2022


Amaç: Van kedisi dünyada özel kedi ırkları arasıdadır. Van kedilerinin en önemli karakteristik özellikleri beyaz ve ipeksi tüyleri ve farklı göz renkleridir. KIT geninin W lokusu beyaz tüy için önemli bir gen olarak bulundu. Fakat, Van kedilerinin W lokusu hakkında yeterli bir bilgi bulunmamaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı Van kedilerinde W lokus allelerinin genotipik dağılımını ve belirli fenotipik özellikler ve alleller arasındaki ilişkiyi belirlemekti.
Materyal ve Metot: Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Van Kedisi Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezinde Yetiştirilen 48 Van kedisi bu çalışma için seçildi. DNA izolasyonları ağız sürüntülerinden gerçekleştirildi ve bu kedilerin W lokus genotiplemesi PCR ile yapıldı. Ki-kare testi, alleller ve bellirli fenotipler arasında ilişkiyi belirlemek için yapıldı.
Bulgular: Kedilerin %41.67, %22.92, %18.75 ve %16.67’sinin sırasıyla W/W, W/w+, w+/w+ ve W/ws taşıdığıdı görüldü. W lokus allellerinin frenkansları W, w+, ws için sırasıyla %61.45%, 30.21 ve %8.33 olarak bulundu. Göz rengi, baş beneği ve tüy uzunluğunu içeren fenotipler ile belirlenen genotipler arasında bir ilişki saptanamadı.
Sonuç: Van kedileri W lokusda beyaz (W), beyaz beneklenme (ws) ve yabanıl tip (w+) alleleri taşıyabilir. W lokus allelleri ile göz rengi, baş beneği ve tüy uzunluğu arasında iliştkinin olmaması bu kedilerin genetik temelini anlamak için diğer genetik varyasyonlara yönlenilmesi gerektiğini işaret etmektedir.


  • Arslan M (2020). A new primer designing for PCR-RFLP analysis of A and B genetic variants of bovine kappa-casein. Harran University Journal of The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 9(1), 6-11.
  • Arslan M, Tezcan E, Camci H, Avci MK (2021). Effect of DNA concentration on band intensity and resolution in agarose gel electrophoresis. Van Health Science Journal, 14(3), 326-333.
  • Bamber RC (1933). Correlation between white coat colour, blue eyes and deafness in cats. Journal of Genetics. 27, 407.
  • Bergsma DR, Brown KS (1971). White fur, blue eyes, and deafness in the domestic cat. Journal of Heredity, 62(3), 171-183.
  • Bodemer C, Hermine O, Palmérini F, Yang Y, Grandpeix-Guyodo C, Leventhal PS, et al. (2010). Pediatric mastocytosis is a clonal disease associated with D816V and other activating c-<em>KIT</em> mutations. The Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 130, 804–815.
  • Cooper MP, Fretwell N, Bailey SJ, Lyons LA (2006). White spotting in the domestic cat (Felis catus) maps near KIT on feline chromosome B1. Animal Genetics, 37(2), 163-165.
  • Çelik AF (2019). Van Kedisinde Görülen Sağırlığın İnsidansı ve Göz Renklerine Göre Dağılımı Üzerine Araştırmalar. Doktora Tezi. Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi. Sağlık Bilimler Enstitüsü. Van.
  • Darwin C (1894). The variation of animals and plants under domestication. D. Appleton. London.
  • David VA, Menotti-Raymond M, Wallace AC, Roelke M, Kehler J, Leighty R, et al. (2014). Endogenous retrovirus insertion in the KIT oncogene determines white and white spotting in domestic cats. G3 (Bethesda), 4, 1881–1891.
  • Eizirik E, David VA, Buckley-Beason V, Roelke ME, Schäffer AA, Hannah SS, et al. (2010). Defining and mapping mammaliancoat pattern genes: multiple genomic regions implicated in domestic cat stripes and spots. Genetics, 184, 267–275.
  • Frischknecht M, Jagannathan V, Leeb T (2015). Whole genome sequencing confirms KIT insertions in a white cat. Animal Genetics, 46(1), 98.
  • Gibson PC, Cooper K (2002). CD117 (KIT): a diverse protein with selective applications in surgical pathology. Advances in Anatomic Pathology, 9, 65–69.
  • Ishida Y, David VA, Eizirik E, Schäffer AA, Neelam BA, Roelke ME, et al. (2006). A homozygous single-base deletion in MLPH causes the dilute coat color phenotype in the domestic cat. Genomics, 88, 698–705.
  • Kambe N, Longley BJ, Miyachi Y, Kabashima K (2010). KIT masters mast cells in kids, too. The Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 130, 648–650.
  • Lammie A, Drobnjak M, Gerald W, Saad A, Cote R, Cordon-Cardo C (1994). Expression of c-kit and kit ligand proteins in normal human tissues. The journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry: Official Journal of the Histochemistry Society, 42, 1417–1425.
  • Montague MJ, Li G, Gandolfi B, Khan R, Aken BL, Searle SMJ, et al. (2014). Comparative analysis of the domestic cat genome reveals genetic signatures underlying feline biology and domestication. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111, 17230–17235.
  • Morini M, Bettini G, Preziosi R, Mandrioli L (2004). C-kit gene product (CD117) immunoreactivity in canine and feline paraffin Sections. The journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry: Official Journal of the Histochemistry Society, 52, 705–708.
  • O’Brien SJ, Johnson W, Driscoll C, Pontius J, Pecon-Slattery J, Menotti-Raymond M (2008). State of cat genomics. Trends in Genetics, 24, 268–279.
  • Odabaşıoğlu F, Ateş CT (2000). Van Kedisi 1. Baskı. Selçuk Üniversitesi Basım evi. Konya.
  • Pingault V, Ente D, Dastot-Le Moal F, Goossens M, Marlin S, Bondurand N (2010). Review and update of mutations causing Waardenburg syndrome. Human Mutation, 31, 391–406.
  • Read AP, Newton VE (1997). Waardenburg syndrome. Journal of Medical Genetics, 34, 656-665.
  • Robinson R (1983). Genetics for Cat Breeders. Pergamon Press. Oxford.
  • Ryugo DK, Raymond MM (2012): Feline Deafness. The Veterinary Clinics of North America. Small Animal Practice, 42, 1179–1207.
  • Şenler N (1986). Van Kedisinin Biyolojisi ve Davranış Özellikleri. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. VAN.
  • Shaffer GD, Ballif BC, Meurs K, Shaffer LG, Flores-Smith H (2021). Identification of a novel missense mutation in the fibroblast growth factor 5 gene associated with longhair in the Maine Coon Cat. Human Genetics, 140(11), 1517–1523.
  • Song N, Jo H, Choi M, Kim J-H, Seo HG, Cha SY, et al. (2013). Identification and classification of feline endogenous retroviruses in the cat genome using degenerate PCR and in silico data analysis. The Journal of General Virology, 94, 1587–1596.
  • Stelow EA, Bain MJ, Kass PH (2016). The Relationship Between Coat Color and Aggressive Behaviors in the Domestic Cat. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science: JAAWS, 19, 1–15.
  • Strain GM (2015). The genetics of deafness in domestic animals. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 2, 29.
  • Strain GM (2017). Hearing disorders in cats: classification, pathology and diagnosis. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 19(3), 276-287.
  • Thomas I, Kihiczak GG, Fox MD, Janniger CK, Schwartz RA (2004). Piebaldism: an update. International Journal of Dermatology, 43, 716–719.
  • Webb AA, Cullen CL (2010). Coat color and coat color pattern-related neurologic and neuro-ophthalmic diseases. The Canadian Veterinary Journal = La revue Veterinaire Canadienne, 51, 653–657.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Journal Section Original Research Articles

Mevlut Arslan 0000-0003-4883-4736

Nazlı Kocaefe-özşen This is me 0000-0002-5566-4176

Mustafa İleri This is me 0000-0002-1727-8901

Publication Date November 30, 2022
Submission Date July 7, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Arslan, M., Kocaefe-özşen, N., & İleri, M. (2022). W locus alleles of the KIT Gene in Turkish Van Cats and Their Association with Certain Phenotypes. Van Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 15(Özel Sayı), 206-214.


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