Writing Rules

1. Manuscripts should be written in MS Word format, Calibri typeface and 1,5 line spacing. Type size should be 12 in the main text and 10 in the other parts (endnote, abstract, bibliography, table etc.). The endnote number and inverted comma should follow punctuation marks. Titles should be minuscule except their first letters and not be enumerated. Paragraph spacing should not be distinct from line spacing. 

2. Titles should be utmost quaternary levels. These titles should be written in accordance their levels as follows: 

First Level Sub-title: Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx (First letters are capital and bold)

Second Level Sub-title: Xxxxxx Xxxxxx (First letters are capital and italics)

Third Level Sub-title: i) Xxxxxx (Begins with the signs of i, ii, iii etc.)

Fourth Level Sub-title: - Xxxxxx (Begins with hyphen)

Sub-titles should be written in 12-type size and next to left. First paragraphs following these titles should also be next to left. There should be two-line spacing before titles and one-line spacing between title and paragraph. First paragraphs following the other level sub-titles should start with the same indentation. For these levels, there should be one-line spacing before the sub-title and between the title and the paragraph. 

3. Quotes should be in 12 and Calibri typeface. If the quote is less than 40 words you should use double quotation marks around the exact words and if it is more than 40 words it should be a block quote indented like a paragraph double spaced, with no quotation marks.

4. Notes should be endnotes and as short and as few as possible.

5. Centuries and digits should be written in words (twentieth century, three), numbers should be written in digits.

Reference Rules

Manuscripts should be ordered according to the APA 6th style.

Examples of In-text citation for APA 6th style

• When referring to an entire work 

Kuçuradi (2007)…

(Kuçuradi, 2007)

Two authors:

Charlesworth and Chinkin (2000)…

(Charlesworth and Chinkin, 2000)

• If the reference is a direct quote:

Single Author: 

(Kuçuradi, 2007, p. 14)

Two authors:

(Charlesworth and Chinkin, 2000, p. 213)

Three, four or five authors:

For the first cite, all names should be listed.

Kuçuradi, Leach, and Chinkin (2010) …

(Kuçuradi, Leach, & Chinkin, 2010).

Further cites can be shorted to the first author’s name followed by et al.:

Kuçuradi et al. (2020) … 

(Kuçuradi et al., 2020).

• Edited Books: 

(ed (s). Edwards, 2012)

• Secondary sources: 

(Foucault, as cited in Bernauer, 2005)

According to Foucault (1991) … (as cited in Bernauer, 2005)

• If you are referring more than one source at the end of the sentence, those sources should be in alphabetical order and in parenthesis.

... (Dalbert, 1997; Kleft & Dobson, 1990; Smith et al., 1980; Winson, George & Zeng, 1986).

• Citing authors with multiple works from one year:

(Mouffe, 2008a)

(Mouffe, 2008b)

• Reports, brochures and institutional publications:

According to the report dated 2013 (SPK, 2013) …

• If the author or editor is unknown, the title or the first three words of the title of the work should be used instead of author’s name. If it is the title of a book or periodical it should be italicized. 

(“Religion in Roman Empire”, 2001, p. 121)

(Gezi Parkı Olayları, 2013)

• If the date is unknown 

(Erdem, n.d., p. 67)

• Citing an unknown author from an online source should be in endnotes.

Title of the document (if there is not one then the date), webpage, date accessed: Day.Month.Year

• Citing a personal interview

(Personal interview, 13.07.2013)

• Tables should be started from a newpage and each table should be given in different pages. Rules for tables should also be in accordance with APA 6th Style. Number and title of the table should be above the table and the first letters of the title should be capital.

Reference List 

Reference list should also be ordered according to the APA 6th style. It should be ordered alphabetically by author and then chronologically by year of publication. If there are multiple sources with the same authors and years of publication, name of the author should be written for each of these sources and then ordered chronologically.

An example of a reference list for APA 6th style:

Estrich, S. (1987). Real rape: How the legal system victimizes women who says no. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 

Deleuze, G., & Guattari, F. (2004). A thousand plateaus: Capitalism and schizophrenia. London: Continuum.

Warshaw, J., Thomas, B., & Stock, M. (2016). Principles of ethics for sociology students. London: Routledge. 

Johnson, B., Castels, K., Brown, M., Scarce, T., Lane, J., & Marcel, T. (Eds.). (2007). Male Rape revisited. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 

Rubin, G. (1977). The traffic in women: Notes on the political economy of sex. In L. Nicholson (ed.), The second wave: A reader in feminist theory. London: Routledge.

McNay, L. (1999). Gender, habitus and the field: Pierre Bourdieu and the limits of reflexivity. Theory Culture Society, 16(1), 95 – 117.

Jameson, F. (2003). The end of temporality, Critical Inquiry, 29 (4), 695-719. Doi: 10.1086/377726

For more please check apastyle.apa.org.